team VagrantS is back

After 2 months of inactivity dued to christmas vacation and the decision by Clanbase crew to dont let our clan play in last season, team VagrantS is finally back. We made two main changes after the departure, dued to real life, of one of our best players Italy H4nS.

The first news is Italy bLiz, that is back after his russian experience, and the second is Italy XyLoS. Him, after the departure from idkfa, decided to join us and make a great season. He is gonna play with smg this time and i'm sure he will show us some great shots!

Our lineup for the following season will be:

Main Players
Italy SuPrEmO (CL)
Italy dio (WA)
Italy XyLoS
Italy bLiz
Italy clone
Italy Ryu
Italy f3n!x

Italy Lothar

Webservers: Xrent
Hardware: EasyFix

Irc channel: #vagrants @ quakenet
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