Small Quakecon changes

Quakecon have announced some small last minute changes to the rules for the Quakewars tournament this weekend in Dallas;

After a week of moderate testing with the closed beta, the following map specific changes will be made to the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars 6v6 Tournament:

On the map "Valley":
The defending team, Strogg, may not use either the Tormentor or
Cyclops during map stages 1 (bridge) and 2 (MCP)

On the map "Ark":
The defending team, GDF, may not use the GDF base Titan during
map stage 1 (generator)

On the map "Area22":
No changes.

As the game does not currently allow these changes to be enforced directly, teams will be required to honour them and report if opposing teams are in violation. Any team found in violation will forfeit the entire match.
GDF defending?
It will be impossible for stroggs to get offense revives :?

gl @ spamcon
start reviving, wait, revive complete. Easy.
while being a sitting duck if the fops doesn't throw a shield
area22 needs the most work with strogg attacking and no changes :x

atleast the rest of the changes are good, but far from enough - its going to be lots of fullholds :(
quakewars out, et in?
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