Quakecon 2007 - Dignitas & Toxic Win

Quakecon is underway, the crowds are bigger, the venue is bigger and of course the tournaments are bigger! This weekend in Dallas, Texas, Crossfire is live on location for Quakecon 2007. ET:QW debuts on the big stage alongside the Quad Damage tournament for Quake, let us not forget the promised news from ID Software about the next Wolfenstein installment and ID's next engine release. Keep it here on Crossfire for all the latest!

Enemy Teritory: Quakewars 6vs6 - All times are local times to Dallas (CET -7)
Dignitas: http://www.team-dignitas.org/gallery.php?gid=213&fid=4
Qcon: http://gallery.quakecon.org/v/2007 [/hide]
1 - United States of America Team HOT
2 - Europe Team Dignitas
3 - United States of America 20ID
4 - United States of America Demis
5 - United States of America Check-six
6 - United States of America 20ID Garbage Day
7 - United States of America 50 Cal
8 - United States of America c5
9 - United States of America Team HOT-5
10 - United States of America Check Six Deceptions[/hide]
:: Tournament Preview
Fourth Place: $4,000[/hide]
:: Day 1 Schedule

Grand Final Dignitas vs HOT

SET ONE - United States of America Team HOT 1-3 Europe Dignitas

Valley - Dignitas 1-1 HOT - Double Fullhold
Area22 - Dignitas 2-0 HOT - Dignitas set 11:49 and hold

SET TWO United States of America HOT 0-2 Europe Dignitas

Area22 Europe Dignitas 2-0 United States of America HOT - Dignitas set 6:06 on Area
Valley - Europe Dignitas 2-0 United States of America HOT - Dignitas full hold

Europe Dignitas 2-0 United States of America Check 6

Upper Bracket Round 4 (Winners Bracket Final)

Europe Dignitas vs United States of America Team HOT

Valley [0:1]
Area22 [0:1]

Upper Bracket Round 3

7PM United States of America Team HOT 2-0 United States of America Demise
7PM United States of America 20ID 0-2 Europe Dignitas

Upper Bracket Round 2

3PM Europe Dignitas 2-0 United States of America 50CAL - VoD Cast with TosspoT
3PM United States of America 20ID 2-0 United States of America 20ID Garbage Day
3PM United States of America Team HOT 2-0 United States of America Team HOT-5
3PM United States of America Check6 0-2 United States of America Demise

Upper Bracket Round 1

9AM United States of America HOT 2-0 United States of America tbs
9AM United States of America HOT-5 2-0 United States of America c5
9AM United States of America check6 2-0 United States of America AwesomeNaders (default win)
9AM United States of America Gunit 0-2 United States of America Demise

11AM United States of America 20ID 2-0 United States of America Purius
11AM United States of America NUC 0-2 United States of America 20ID Garbage Day
11AM United States of America 50 Cal 2-0 United States of America Check6 Decepticons - VoD Cast with TosspoT
11AM United States of America The Boardmen 0-2 Europe Team Dignitas

Lower Bracket Round 5

United States of America Demise 0-2 United States of America Check6

Lower Bracket Round 4

United States of America Demise 2-0 United States of America 20ID: Garbage Day
United States of America 20ID 0:2 United States of America Check6

Lower Bracket Round 3

United States of America Team HOT-5 0-2 United States of America Check6
United States of America 20ID: Garbage Day 2-0 50 Calibre

Lower Bracket Round 2

United States of America Team HOT-5 2-0 United States of America Check-Six:Decepticons
United States of America Check6 2-0 United States of America Numero Uno
United States of America 20ID: Garbage Day 2-0 United States of America Gunit
United States of America 50 Calibre 2-0 United States of America c5

Lower Bracket Round 1

United States of America -)tbs(- 0-2 United States of America c5
United States of America AwesomeNaders 0-2 United States of America Gunit
United States of America PIR'ÜS 0-2 United States of America Numero Uno
United States of America Check-Six:Decepticons 2-0 United States of America The Boardmen

Europe Dignitas 2-0 United States of America TE - VoD Cast with TosspoT
United States of America Team HOT 2-0 United States of America DAWGS
United States of America 20ID 2-0 United States of America Guild Hall
United States of America Demise [2:0] Team Lan Maniacs
United States of America Check Six [2:0] United States of America FDS - 4PM
United States of America 20ID Garbage Day [2-0] United States of America Car Ramrod - VoD Cast with TosspoT
United States of America 50 Calibre [2:0] United States of America Nuts
United States of America c5 [2:0] United States of America Dragon Kill Points - (result missing)
United States of America LTK [0:2] United States of America Check6 Decepticons
United States of America Team Hot 5 [2:0] United States of America SSN
United States of America NUC Gaming [2:0] United States of America p*h
United States of America Awesome Nades [2:0] United States of America S*A*W
United States of America Skullriders 0-2 United States of America tbs
United States of America Gunit 2-0 United States of America Premptive Strike
United States of America Team Central Slayers 0-2 United States of America The Boardmen
United States of America Rockn- 0-2 United States of America PURIUS

Official Quakecon Bracket

Quake: Quad Damage

Sweden PURRI has progressed through his group and will be in the knockout stages tommorow, as has United States of America griffin who defeated United States of America Slasher but did manage to lose a map in Quake 2 to him. Italy Stermy. Sweden Fox & Tox have all progressed to the single elimination round. 32 players will battle it out with no loser bracket.

There will be a special exhibition match between Europe and America, played BO3 over Quake 3 & Quake 4 - probably 5v5 CTF. Representing Europe will be Sweden Toxic, Sweden fox, Sweden purri, Italy Stermy & Anonymous Assasin. America will be United States of America DaHang, United States of America Clamp-ok, United States of America mik3d, Canada griffin, United States of America chance, United States of America LoSt-CaUzE, United States of America ermac & United States of America rapha.

Quake Damage Grand Finals - (Will play all four quakes, q4 monsoon is 5th if needed to tiebreak)

Sweden Toxic vs Sweden fox - TOXIC WINS 3-2

Quakeworld - Areowalk - Sweden Fox 40-2 Sweden Tox
Quake 2 - Edge - Sweden Fox 29-3 Sweden Tox
Quake 3 - Dm6 - Sweden Fox -1 19 Sweden Tox
Quake 4 - Phranticv- Sweden Fox 2 - 18 Sweden ToX
Decider - Quake 4 - Monsoon - Sweden Fox 7-10 Sweden ToX

3rd / 4th Place[/b]]

Sweden PURRI 1-2 United States of America DaHanG

The Rage [7-20]
Monsoon [10-7]
The Bad Place [4-32]

Sweden Toxic 2-1 United States of America DaHang
Sweden Fox 2-1 Sweden PURRI[/hide]
Quad Damage Single Elim Round 3[/b]]

Sweden Toxic 2-1 United States of America naymliss
United States of America DaHanG 2-1 United States of America Lost-Cauze

Sweden Fox 2-0 Canada griffin
Sweden PURRI 2-1 United States of America chance

Quad Damage Single Elim Round 2[/b]]

Sweden Toxic 2-0 United States of America roo
United States of America naymlis 2-0 United States of America ERMAC

United States of America DaHanG 2-0 United States of America Thump4
United States of America Lost-Cauze 2-0 United States of America dorkiz

Sweden fox 2-1 United States of America Kovaak
Canada griffin 2-1 Italy Stermy (to be vod'd)

Sweden Purri 2-0 United States of America Prox
United States of America Chance 2-1 United States of America Black Stallion

Quad Damage Single Elim Round 1[/b]]

Sweden Toxic 2-0 United States of America Kassi
United States of America hs 0-1 United States of America roo
United States of America naymlis 2-0 United States of America obsolete
United States of America CoDro 0-2 United States of America ERMAC

United States of America Striker3175 0-2 United States of America DaHanG
United States of America Thump4 2-0 United States of America plop (To be VoD'd)
United States of America Carb0n13 0-2 United States of America LoSt-Cauze
United States of America dorkiz 2-0 United States of America FienD

United States of America Requ13m 0-2 Sweden fox
United States of America dkillone 1-2 United States of America Kovaak
United States of America GameTraveller 0-2 Canada griffin
United States of America Phillipio 0-2 Italy Stermy

Sweden Purri 2-0 United States of America dardik
United States of America Prox 1-0 United States of America Clamp
United States of America Mr Cram 0-2 United States of America Chance
United States of America BLack Stallion 2-0 United States of America Rapha
save urtier!
save the world
save the cheerleader
malteser ruining it - typical?!
yes idd. :( how is the weather in malta? :PPP
Who gives a fuck after what they did to Urtier?
what happened with urtier??
boycott quakecon
save urtier!
Urtier FTW, sad that the journal was removed....
idd, urtier > qcon :D
save the urtiers!
save urtier!
unleash the urtier
i loled ;D
whats all this about urtier, i was away a couple of days and already drama has happened! link or something please:[
there's nothing to boycott here guys... there isn't even proper live coverage...
quakecon without et is gay
At least for the time being, CF is the only place for seedings and results cause I have the list! Mwhahaha! o/
get some quake results :(
dosent start until 4, will keep updated as much as possible.
Are you still playing in the Quake tournament? ;o
You dont want to upset the pros? :)
Aww, that pretty much the only thing I was curious about for QuakeCon. :(
Edit, and of course the RTCW2 news!
If u meet United Kingdom eC4`KingBombs slap him from me and tell him some greetings :D

He will be playing in the Quad-Damage-tournament as far as i know.
of course not, you are F.E.A.R only
Thought the round of 32 was single elimination, progressing to the 16 team double elim?
omg only us-teams :< gogo dignitas pwne that biatches XD
Doesn't matter what the results are, the ruleset is incredibly retarded. That urtier stunt didn't help either :(
"oh noes etqw on qcon now et is dead all teams will go qw so they can go to qcon et is dead"

fucking retards
any livestreams?
dignitas is the only european team in the whole tournament?

gl! would be great if you guys win :d
I stand, watching, as my assumptions turn out to be correct. I shake my head in disgust, but not without an evil grin in my face.
Get a bib please
No livestream?
finally a place to find good information on what the hell is going on in dallas. This is by far the worst year of coverage.
We're here, for you holly!
Can we be expecting a livesteam sometime or all vod?
20ID Garbage Day [2-0] Car Ramrod - VoD Cast with TosspoT <- that vod is bugged map 1 and 2 is the same and the player buggs here :/

go dignitas!
yay, great that cf is providing live coverage, well done TosspoT
Reminds me of COD2 WSVG, 3 european teams and like 20 American teams, go EU <3
or better yet, Quakecon 2006 ET with 3 european teams beating every american one.
Could someone update me with the urtier story? Been away for some days and I read more and more about a picture of him or so. Anyone has got a pic? Send me a private message.
"Breaking News ALL Quad Damage matches are postponed until Friday morning at 8AM - Technical issues "

need more quake streams 8<
True, but at times the framerate does seem OK. Seems to me the machine they're streaming from (Toss' laptop?) can't handle the game.
Its being updated and fixed - be sure that its not my laptop :P
If I spot your trusty Shuttle next to that sofa you're so busted. :p
It looks like the problem is a little more in depth than initially thought, its possible that it wont be fixed. Although all duplicate VOD's are getting replaced
Where's the QuadV stream when we need it... :(
That's a shame, because I just watched the "newest" VoDs (including Quad Damage with toxjq) and it's still barely watchable. ;(
The picture on the Quakecon site now features Urtier in it. ;D
kick that yankees ass :D
no et no qcon for me :U
more amarican teams? 1 European nice one
Any news on when they are finally gonna get the Quad Damage tournament underway?

Or is it just postponed till further notice?
I believe it's already started, not sure though...

There are certainly a couple of VODs of it.
I'm properly impressed by the advertisements on the GGL Wire thing. First time I've ever seen adverts on gaming shows that are both localised and reasonably mainstream (it advertises Five US, which is a digital TV channel here).
long time no seen
QuoteThis post originally contained a different version of one picture. The picture that was posted was pulled from our archives and contained Photoshop'ed changes. This was a mistake and it has been corrected. The original version is now back where it should be.

As QuakeCon's Director of Information, I personally accept full responsibility for this error. Appropriate actions have been taken. I consider the matter closed.

I would like to extend an apology to anyone whose feelings were hurt. Urtier earned his place on that stage and in the picture.


Is it me or is this really vague?
diplomatic :P
Yes I guess.

No no, I can assure you nothing happend here please move along. Mistakes were made, but hey doesn't it happen to the best?

Imo it is still pathetic that they did reason or apologized properly. Any way I hope the guy who did it got slapped. Properly.
Better question why would they photoshop it for their archives?
what happened?
quite funny they removed all the comments (bad promotion?)
I agree choppy + not really anything is happening.
the quad damage rocks so far shame about the quality :< bring on the quake 3!!!
Quad Damage demos or I'll cry!
LMAO @ "In addition, one Quakeworld player has been caught cheating on LAN and has been ejected from the tournament. Through the use of custom files and a custom gui he was able to make the walls transparent, surprisingly this wasnt allowed!"
no live stream?
QuakeCon Coverage --> Watch GGL Wire coverage.
thx <3. I love watching live streams :)
it isnt live :<
I noticed that as well when updating the page. Sucks. Been looking around for live coverage, but it's hard to come by. Wouldn't mind watching Carmacks key note adress live.
Its not live, Carmack's keynote has never been live but I have a sneaky suspicion that it'll be a vod because I need to see the et and rtcw news :P
Well, so long as his adress makes its way onto the net in video format in not too distant a future, I suppose I'm happy waiting. :O)
'In addition, one Quakeworld player has been caught cheating on LAN and has been ejected from the tournament. Through the use of custom files and a custom gui he was able to make the walls transparent, surprisingly this wasnt allowed'

wow 20id didnt win, what an chocker...
They weren't favored to win.
Hurray for Hollywood!
hmm check6, human ninja aimbot failed!
a quakeworld player? don't you mean quakewars?
no :) it was a quakeworld player in the quad damage comp
no, quakeworld
Too bad vs HOT dignitas :( Why wasn't the match casted? :(

Well gg vs 20ID in the semi, now kick some ass and win the rest!
it was casted, i dont think its uploaded yet. Will be worth watching. They are fixing the quality of the video and its taking a little longer.
Ah :) thanks, il watch it later then + add it to quakewars.no. Keep up the great casts <3
Would be good to see livesteam but the vods make up for the loss of it for a change.

Nice to see that you can't even escape cheaters at LAN's anymore either :|
2 bad digni :(
what? they can still win the tournament.
ah k thought they got knocked out by HOT but they are in loser bracket now?
This must be the most sarcastic news title ever.

"Quakecon 2007 is VOD'd" doesnt sound good :P
The US needs to play 8v5 to win? :D
omfg where've you been? :X
EU players > USA players
looks like HOT will bring back the buzzard trophy back to the USA.
what is that buzzard thing about :D?
I think Dignitas can win it, or at least take it to a second set
Doubt it. I'm pretty sure hot has never lost a round or a set before in the past 2 months including scrims. :)
Dont know whether you've watched the VOD's or not but from Dignitas point of view its certainly doable, a bit better work on the MCP on valley, a bit better medic work. They certainly didnt get raped.
to beat them twice would be quite a feat, especially since HOT doesnt look like the team to run the same strat over and over if things aren't working out well, but it should be a good game if you get around to uploading it:/
What do you mean, get around to? All the VODs are online and they've been re-encoded to fix the quality issues.
those are the only matches you shoutcasted?:/ What about the semi-finals between check6 and dignitas? or quarters between check6 and demise?
been doing quad damage all day today because it was quakewars all day yesterday
Since the only euro team was not playing et:qw... tosspot decided to cast euros that were playing quake :)
yeh like Griffin, Slasher, Thump4, Plop, Naymlis and Obsolete.
Why not stop acting stupid and check the sched for youself...


Plus I'm pretty sure TosspoT is making it even with shoutcasts, just I think people might be more intrested in ET:QW cause it's the new game there, plus it's all over apart from the Grand Final, so now he has to cast the quad-damage matches, which are also over now.
Updates on the HOT vs dignatis match please!!!!!!!
update 1 in, final was delayed a bit
proved me wrong :)
Grand Final
7PM - Team HOT vs Dignitas

that's in a little less than 3 hours how it could it be done lol...
they just mixed up the winnerbracket with the championship bracket:

23:38] <read|Monuschaaf> ach du scheiße
[23:38] <read|Monuschaaf> verdammt
[23:38] <read|Monuschaaf> dankeschön
[23:39] <read|Monuschaaf> ich hab das winnerbracket mit dem championship bracket verwechselt
dahang :O
nice fuckup.. now im watching blizzcon because there is no livestream from quakecon !

gogo creo :)
he's owning..! but this german/korean giga shoutcaster kinda sucks.. gogo bunny!
What games does Blizzcon feature?
Starcraft Warcraft and WoW
I watched John Carmack's key note!
that WOW is fucking boring :d
didnt watch
gg toxic.
go purri! :-<
only shows one map/game from the tox and fox match :<<<
Three now :P last one is still to be uploaded I guess :o
Two more to go, watched those 3 and it is such an amazing game.
quake wars is terrible, they're lucky toss is shoutcasting or else it'd be a snore fest.
wp Malta tox! lolZ!

and valley should be double full hold, giving dignitas the win i guess, but we'll see ;c
Very WP dignitas.

TosspoT did you have an heart attack casting it?
Well played, Dignitas!
In the WB Final, then they went and won the LB Final, meaning they'd have to win HOT twice in the Grand Final for them to take it all.
Looks like Dignatis won 3-1 and 2-0 that means they win, correct?
i just saw their first place cheque, they won :P
Awesome job :)
gg dignatis, proved me wrong.

This quakecon coverage sucked. They need to start making improvements for next year (today).
crossfire coverage of quakecon was completely fine and the ggl vods

would you rather watch streams and whine about buffering and dire quality? actually, you probably would.
He'd rather whine about anything if it isn't exactly how he likes it.
getting vods half a day after the match is played and watching the match when you know the score isnt good coverage :( (Not toss fault though, the crossfire text coverage was very good and updated often enough)
especially when every site has results posted all over, before the vods come
hitting my reload button on my browser every 5 minutes to get a score up date in 2007 is not good coverage. Should have had live audio of the games. I really don't care much for VOD.

When quakecon has better coverage in 2002 then 2007 there is a problem.
n1 dignitas :)
Gratz d.
Amazing stuff! :D
wud hav been nice to have some form of etqw-tv, but u cant expect much with a beta :D
Doubt it would have happend even if ETQWs supported it. Q4TV and GTV werent used in the Quad Damage tourney.
did they plan 2 and just didnt cos of all the other probs, + i suppose since its 4 games switching servers all the time, bit of hassle to do tv for it.
I think they confirmed it wouldnt be used days before Quakecon. It may be down to the fact it was 4 games, however I dont think it would have been that much of a hassle to use it for Quake4 in the final.
grats dignitas!
who won the exhibition match europe vs north america? :o

and well done dignitas.
haha I remember reading americans boast on the quakecon forum that dignitas will get raped, once again europe > america
surprise surprise

europe won.... again...
lol americans.. you are all damn nabs! :D
Big grats to Dignitas!
Yeah Baby! :) I bet bjornyboy aced in the finals! Too bad about dobble fullhold though :/ But not a suprise, valley got 4 stages and is one of the spammiest maps of all of etqw.

Anyways really WP Digimons <3 Happy that a EU team won QC! And WTF did you do on ark? that is an insane time? Did HOT go and eat burgers or something? O_o
don't be rude.
Now you're sounding like its negative to go and eat burgers
don't you have to wash your icemat or something?

.. best friends 4 eva?
gratz dignitas
np 4 american ego
ya im pritty sure dat wus only luck by dat stupid euro scum we guna rape them so badly next time lol
i heard as well that team HOT was kinda team EGO... good work jaka & reload :)
congratz dignitas
grats d :) go europe!
ZOMG gief VODs :)
n1 dignitas!
toxjq not toxic
It's his new name! :O)
Thats pretty much what my comment was trying to say :S
wp dignitas

<3 JaKaZc

p.s. I'll get some hookers for home-wellcoming party. (for me ofc, not you; you don't do hookers, remember?)
lolololool, wp jaki & reload !

quite unexpected since you lost vs team hot in winnerbracket finals, but nice comeback there :D
it's even better that they lost in winners bracket. That way it more of an impressive victory. GO Dignitas !!
Congrats Dignitas. :)
best quake 3 and 4 iv seen toxjc at pure snap!!! fcukin aswsome, final and great tourny just needed cooller!!! :<
i doubt cooller would've done much on quake2 and quakeworld though 8<
that makes him even with tox :)
idd, i got raged on those 2 games :XD
wru grand final voD cast?
ASSASSIN is from image: 4859 Liechtenstein i think.

Yeah he is but I couldn't be bothered to look up the flag code :)

Edit: we've legoland but not Liechtenstein <o/
Take Legoland, almost the same :D
Jaka is still sleeping with his cheque i guess :)
No offence intended, but the Dignitas team look like an advertisment for Autism school!

How exactly was it intended then?
It was intended to not offend...
Try picking your words more wisely next time, if you actually thought it over you might've picked up that judging by appearances is silly.
my, you are a sensitive boy
No offense intended, but you're an immense retard.

See how that just doesn't work out? You just can't slap "no offense intended" in front of your prejudice and get away with it.
Its ok, I am a retard, no offence taken
Any pics of you around?
Check his profile, he's obviously owning the clubs.
Exactly, I look a twat in my photo, its just a bit of fun, lighten up :D
you are rather sexy it has to be said :(
qw grand final voD? :(
image: 8564

They look sexy imo
i wanna bet the guy on the right is the one from belgium :D
How much do you want to bet? Bjorn is the 2nd guy on the right. :)
europeans do it better
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