ET Idol contest starting!

image: etidol

Have you seen all those Idol shows on TV and thought: "I am way better"? Have you always dreamed of getting into showbiz? Or are you just lacking the required skill to become famous while playing ET and want to try something new?

If so, you are the perfect candidate for "ET Idol". That's right, there you get the chance to show your singing skills to the ET world.

What do you have to do?

If you want to participate as a candidate, all you have to do is record yourself while you are singing. You can use karaoke files, team up with someone else, sing a capella or just do something else that involves singing.
Once you have done so, you can do one of the following:
If you host the file yourself, just register @ ZENITH-CAST and submit the file as a new download, including the name of the song you're singing and your own name as well.
If you want the file to be hosted, just send it as an e-mail to Germany FlyingDJ, and the download will as well be added on the ZENITH-CAST page.

The downloads on the page will be updated every day, so that you as the listener (and the one whose vote matters in the end) can stay up to date about the current submissions.

The deadline for submitting songs is February 5th, 2006.

When the deadline has passed, you are all encouraged to download the songs, listen to them and vote in the polls that will be set up. It will be your voice for the best singer in the ET community - for your ET Idol.

Prizes have not yet been confirmed, but we are thinking about something sweet for those who take the first three spots.

The first prize will probably be your very own ET Idol shirt, including your nickname!

Long story short:

Submit songs @ ZENITH-CAST or send them to Germany FlyingDJ.
Listen to songs and vote @ ZENITH-CAST

Thanks to NekZ for making the first logo, thanks to lunachick for making this sweet new one.
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