ESL Major Series is coming - presented by ASUS

image: ems-banner

The Electronic Sports League proudly presents the Major Series powered by Asus! The ESL Major Series (EMS) is the collection of Pro leagues situated right below the ESL Pro Series and Masters path. While the ESL Major Series is potentially offering offline finals or TV studio matches for some games, the ESL Major Series is mainly executed online so you can participate from the comfort of your home.

With a rich variety of game genres, ESL Major Series is the object of affection for a large part of the eSports community. In future seasons even more games will be featured.

The first season of the ESL Major Series will have a prize-pool of 15,000 Euro cash and hardware-prizes worth 5,000 Euro provided by ASUS. The ESL Major Series starts off with eight different games, two of them are:

image: cod2 Call of Duty 2 (5on5)
image: qw Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (6on6)

Qualification details will be following in the next days and weeks.

ESL Major Series
ESL News
kafux + chosen = win!
et is slowly going to the end r.i.p.
Why ET:QW links to ET tourney and on the main page of the ESL Major Serier there is an axis panzerfaust on the background image of ET:QW on the right frame. -_-
nice :)

btw why is etqw linked to the et section @ esl
W:ET pls!
Wieee etqw! \o/
I think they should've took ET instead of ET:QW, because it isnt funny to play 1 map all the time -.- n stuff.
it wont start that soon i think
btw, did you win that match yesterday?
double fullhold
valley is imba :)
et was the same at begining. i listened to a shoutcast gs - dsky by iTG. 88 minutes :)
ye oasis & goldrush with 30mins timelimit -_-
too bad you are not doing this for ET :( IPS was nice

gl with this pub beta game
woohoo cod2 <3
greaaaaaaaaat shot!
maybe thinking about the IPS.

and anyway ET > *
It will be for fullgame not beta.
fuck quake wars
yej. etqw \o/
need more betatesters, betaleagues, betacups, betaprizemoney, betawars
omfg dota lol?
and et:qw omfg esl suxx and that hard :<
No ET :/

FlyingDJ say the truth
well said.
ET:QW is future anyway
yeahhh nice :) etqw ftw
ETQW is the Future, but easy all the CS1.6 kiddies are also asking why just female is in and no male 1.6 but Source has a Cup. lol thats life. I think the whole tournament is really nice and also good ffor some other games then just CS and WC3.

So hope too see nice matches..
CS and WC3 have some pro tournaments @ ESL
CS and WC3 have extreme masters
ETQW will be big. good decision for sure.
lol et:qw will only be big forthe time between et and rtcw2. when rtcw2 is realesed bibuy et:qw nobody will play you :>
like the ETQW community needs all the et players to be big, not rly
You're niave to think it dosent, but it will be an undoubted success.
most of the players come from battlefield
ofc some et players will also play etqw but not so many i think cuz the gamestyle is very different
website sux, ips rocked, picking beta game sux even more than website
new page is coming and who said that we will start with the beta game?
i doubt that that promode will come out soon after release, and even if it does balancing will take too long, at current state it's rubbish, i don't see any competition value, but go on with a trend playing random games....if you still want to promote yourself and gather community, you could atleast split the pie and host both games with lower prize money instead of going all in for qw

so i will rephrase myself "gl with pub beta game"
so only rifle/nades only games are not random? if you only played openbeta i can understand you call it random with its crap maps and bad performance/hitdetection but some maps are actualy nice ofc they got vehicles but thats a part of the game.

i know a lot of games beeing worth played in competition, cod, cs, quake, pk, sc, et, rtcw, and well, battlefield series from which you come is not one of these games in my opinion

i am glad that you have achieved so much in there, but as i said, i dont consider it to be worthy competitive game, and you liking quake wars just prooves my point for me that qw is crap atm

i have played beta2, and seen quakecon videos, was enough for me to form my opinion that its a great pub game. pub.

you may say that i am alolnub but even if i dont play any game on high level i have formed pretty strong view about what competitive games should be like (damn, i want to express this much better, but i suck at writing)

and i am not writing this as an et player (well i ofc want to see ET played doooh), but as a spectator and guy who likes to see competitive games beeing played in tourneys, and it just happened that etqw has a lot to do with my favorite game...
You don't suck at writing, but your shift key is broken. :-(
The website is shit though
But you're paid to say that :)
Turtle own parts of both, you wouldnt flame ESL or GIGA. Just like I wont flame QuadV.
CB page is easier to navigate. League sites have SO much information to display and prioritising what you put on the index pages is what leads to a successful site, ESL fails, CB just about succeeds on the page front.
ET best teamwork oriented game ever!
team fortress 2 incoming
i read anus not asus öÔ
I just lol at ppl that say etqw is the future.
I fully agree with gerstensaft.
they prefer a fuckin beta to et :<
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