Last Chance to Signup for CDC!

Signups have come in thick and fast for CDC3 Part 1 and its a great honour to have seen such a broad range of players and teams signing up. We've got former CDC champions, former World Tour champions, an American, some poles, you name it! The demographic of the challenge is growing and this is your last chance to be apart of it! Signups close tonight at 24.00 CET. With invites 'hopefully' announced tommorow!

image: TOPimage: gamesheet_et
To signup to the Enemy Territory tournament, you must complete your clan roster on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected], including a link to your Clan Profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the clan. Teams will first signup, and then an undefined amount of teams will be invited to the tournament with some remaining qualifiers. Invites will be based on players reliability at previous Challenge events as well as the rosters potential skill, proven by previous achievements of individual players and the team itself.

image: gamesheet_wsw
To signup to the Warsow QCUP you must create a user profile on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected], including a link to your user profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the player.
Players will first signup, and then four players will be invited with four spots available via a qualifier. Invites and qualifiers will be determined by previous achievements of the player in both Warsow and other games.

image: gamesheet_cpm
To signup to the Quake 3 CPM tournament you must create a user profile on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected], including a link to your user profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the player.
Players will first signup, and once the signup list is ascertained, the decision on invites and whether to run qualifiers will be made. Invites and qualifiers will be determined by previous achievements of the player in both Quake 3 CPM and other games.

Signups for Part 1 are open until 12th August, and Entry to Part 1 is 50 Euros per player, per tournament. You can find out more information aswell as a complete list of signups Here
i want impact ^^
people are allowed to play for more than 1 et team at that tournament?
No, some are on duplicate CF rosters but to our knowledge they are playing for just one team at CDC
i guess your knowledge is able to ignore the dead/inactive teams who signed up?
one can only hope! However we'll keep a backup list and replace quickly if knowledge is conveyed to us that we didnt know.
i hope there wont be many dropouts :[]

image: MarioMinnBridgeCollapse
now is it much better
tosspot, are there any qualifiers to play? We want to play qualifiers ! :d
I really love to see Helix signup - I want old legends come back to carry the flag of W:ET! ;)
why are you in every czech team signing up?
About half a year I was trying to promote W:ET i czech eSport and finally I succeeded in top czech multiclans such eSuba, NR, cZklan so I am ET 'manager' of these teams ... preparing them best background and dealing with headquaters of their mgc. To sign them up was my duty so I am in every team because - you know what man can do yourself is better than waiting and forcing people to do that if they dont have enoug time and motivation energy to organize it :)
much respect for putting all work into it
thx, I hope someone will be inspired with my tiny "success" in eSuba etc in some other countries, because it is only about dedication and working on for your dreams, W:ET will always have future in people who will be able to put their time in this and make LANs, cups, coverage and helping players and teams find place in some mgcs to have chance to be "in the spotlight" of eSport. I was very surprised when we announced these ET mgcs teams that many CoD2 players and "progamers" PM me "Hey man where can I download and test this game? What is all about?". And its upon us - yes I must use that lovely word - community to help these people start and enlarge our community and enjoy everything around this best FPS multiplayergame ever! ;) Its all about motivation when we managed to have for example another etQcup etc teams will stay together and thats all about. Uff need to improve my english till CDC3 =)) I will die for W:ET till playable PC demo for RTCW2 which must have everything best from RTCW and ET + more unbelievable dynamic features to play :P Who is with me? :)
image: dusty

this quote suddenly came in my mind
sorry, but i didnt want to say that in a some heroic way!!! I am just noname noob and normal player who once decided to try casting and help ET as anybody on this earth. Heroes are people involved in big good changes in ET such as Crossfire, CDC LANs, Quakecon 2005 crew, etQcup organizers and clans, dignitas etc... I just want to motivate more people to do something for W:ET and dont say "ET died, dead" etc because when you wanna enjoy your game its always possible even if it was tic tac toe but you can think and wait that all that will happen suddenly and for no reason. You can every single time try it and see that if you can offer something you have open doors to prove your ideas and promises, do you understand my biblical czenglish? :)) btw. YOU GOT THE POWER!
Good luck to you it's always nice to see someone doing something good for this game.

no sarcasm n shit
one advice, go on dude :) and gl
i didnt want to offend anyone :[]
Great job, well done!
24 is to many for ET..
It will end with 6 serious teams and ranom mixes with reach people that can go there
I dont think so
in fact 24 is bad because only rich people can go there but the prize its very good :) and btw that its the prove that et is not dead
only rich people?

ya!like if u live in a benelux or france german or uk u can quickly go to holand because is cheap but for me that lives in Portugal or other people like me that lives at a long distance its necessary hv money to spend :| or a ultra sponsor so... rich
Inuit ilaat ilaminnit pisariaqarnerusarput?
just speak some serious language dude
So you are not from Greenland...

And that is Greenlandic.
Don't they speak Danish on Greenland?
Depends on where on Greenland you are. In public school things are taught in both Greenlandic and Danish.

Somewhere in the less populated places, they don't speak Danish at all.
I always thought Greenland was just populated by some Inuit-tribes and some Danish "colonizators" :o)
Greenland has a population of 56,361, of whom 87% are Greenlandic, a mixture of Kalaallit Inuit and Scandinavian Europeans.
Aha, at least I'm partially right !

How's the Danish conquest of the North Pole going? =]
flag right...
where can i see clans who play there ??
dignitas play??
have the number of invites for warsow changed, or still 4?
and when will we know the more specific rules (IE allowed configs? own huds etc)
ta! :)
Huh? Warsow got ~30 signups.
but with the original plan of a total of 8 players being able to compete, it was said that there'd be only 4 invites- i was wondering if that had changed now that the number of allowed players is 24 :D
Huh D;

I bet that it is changed to 8 z:> Then 16 players from qualifier :p

IMO there should be 6-people-groups on LAN. Why? Many of those signuped players are newsowers and it wouldn't be very good for them to come and play 1-2 matches (even if they live not so far from the LAN, they still have to pay 50 E). OK, someone can say that it can be organisation problem. Well, on Polish LAN, which was BYOC (and of course there were many delays because ppl played wSw 1on1 and Q3CPMA CA 2vs2 at the same time :D + problems with PCs + drinking, talking and taking photos), and we played with 8-10 players groups (don't remember exactly), maybe it was even bo1 in group stage, but then we played DE bracket for 8 players and we finished it during one day (tho this Q3 competition was the biggest problem :<).

In Enschede we will have a lot of time... For example: groupstage on Friday, DE bracket for 8 (or even 16... nah, it could be too long :P) on Saturday and of course finals (WB, LB, Consolation, Grand FInal) on Sunday (morning). After finals we could play some 4fun games (like 2vs2 cup!!! we could collect even 16 teams with ET guys) and drink (and lanfight mky vs. dezje).

agree. would want to see group stages too :D
either 8 groups of 3 (top from each group goes through, means easy to go to DE with 8 players) or 6 groups of 4 with 2 in each group go through
no idea how it's set out, but should def leave time for showgames and fun! :D
warsow allstars vs cpma allstars anyone? :D
Dude LAN isnt always about winning, its having good time with fellow nolifers :)
dignitas + SRP play.
whats uppa?
dignitas could be

urtier sol senji kot reload jak

but i have no facts !
no night - no win!
SRP is only summercup clan , nothing more
My both Razer mice can't be used in CPMA :'< (big problems with DA, as well as with CH)

I will buy Logitech!!:D


BRUNS!! It was reply to your comment :((( (warsow allstars vs cpma allstars anyone? :D)
Why can't you use them in CPMA? :o
Well first thing is "mouse lag" - there is big delay (I don't have to have how annoying is it, especially in such a fast game :<).

Second thing, very often when I click right or left button (+attack & +jump) mouse just doesn't react at all... As often as this thing happens, there is also something like that: I click a button only once and it keeps shooting/jumping, untill I click the button second time... Really pity :( Tho I asked mess, former CPMA/PK/D3 player from PGS and he also had this problem with his Copperhead :/ Really strange :P
I don't get that with DA, perhaps your mouse is flawed. You should be able to get a replacement for free.
Lower your mouse hz to 500, "sticky buttons" is a known problem for razer @ 1000hz.
I got the same in Q3 :((
had exactly the same, but it got fixed by itself, when i switched in my keyboard through USB(it was ps/2 earlier).
more mixeds plx
qualifiers first or just every team can play at lan?
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