syKotic back to its roots with old friends

Well long time ago we´ve posted anything, so let´s have a look at what has happened in these passed 2 months when we were closed.

Our succesfull CoD2.NL and CSS.PT teams disbanded.
Our CS.UK team went inactive for the summer vacation.

In other unrelated news, the head honcho Ian has only gone and got himself married! He has married a South African lass that he worships! I was at his second stag party (greedy sod), I can un-honestly say he didn´t get drunk and his wife to be didn´t have to look after the poor soul the whole night when he got home and threw up...saying something for the future maybe! Anyway, join me in wishing Mrs Parker good luck with Ian and I hope they are happy for a long long time! If I had a drink I would be toasting them right now, as it is I have a hangover so I won´t be. Cheers.

Oh and VoDo almost finished his university degree, he´s awaiting for the scores of his last 2 exams so let´s hope for the best !!

Wouldn´t know what else to mention, anyway to keep it short we are once again back and are hoping to have a bigger impact on the scene this time around.

And now for the worst kept secret...

without further ado we present to you our new (or old :p) Call of Duty 2 lineup.

In the lineup you will see alot of familiar faces and also a new one!

Scotland allan
England phonic9
Ireland turpy
Wales wolv
England zaaro
England raf

This team was once a very succesfull squad of the syKotic branch and we are hoping to relive it.

The team came twice very close to winning a multiplay event (I27 and I28) losing to United Kingdom HYBRID (former UQ-gaming) and United Kingdom dignitas respectively in the finals.

Last weekend again they were participating in I31, as a mix tough consisting of allan, zaaro and wolv and drew United Kingdom dignitas in the groupstage topping the group at the end of the day on a better round saldo and eventually losing to them in the semi finals of the upper bracket.
They finished 5/6th. Not to forget Turpy who played with United Kingdom te.UK and also finished in the same position.

Steve Price, general manager of syKotic had this to say:
It´s nice to get back to an all UK team that we know and work well with. We know the team will do very well. With the team all being good friends we are hoping that they will be with us for a long time. Welcome back guys.
This is the first move to get us back on track after a quiet summer.

And here´s a small interview with the man himself, allan:

Hey allan ! how does it feel to be back with sykotic?
It feels good, I´m happy to be back with my old mates. Soon it will feel even better when bill is back, and we are playing more regularly.

What will you be looking to achieve this time around?
Our objectives are to win everything. I don´t see a point in playing, if you aren´t trying win, so that´s pretty much what we´ll try to do. Our expectations may be a bit lower than that, but our goal is always to win.

What made you decide to get back together?
Well we really wanted to get back together, because we´re all friends who like to play with each other. I believe that atmosphere in our lineup was always better than the other lineup´s I have been part of in cod2, and it´s a lot easier to lead a team when you do not get a lot of arguments or sarcastic remarks. This is both benifical to the enjoyment we get out of playing and the motivation we will have playing with. It just feels better.

What can you tell us on your new recruit?
Raf has been acting backup player for some time, and has done us a lot of favours in the past during intel cup and such. He´s never offically been a member of our team though, and I felt it was right to show him and others that he is really apart of us. He will still be acting as a backup and filling in when the main lineup is unable to.

Will u still be calling the shots?
I will be in game leader, but I don´t call all the shots. We will try to work on things together as a team, and any decisons made will be made as a team on the whole. In game, I guess you can say I call the shots though.

Thanks for your time allan! any last words?
Not really. Some shout outs to our previous team mates from esourceUK, and wish them all the best in the future.

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Sorry but your CoD2 team wasnt that successfull imo, but still god luck and stuff, nice guys never the less
and how do you figure that out ? not that it matters :) everyones entitled to its own oppinion :)
Well yes in the end its all about how you classify successfull :P
Unlike the mighty Suxus!!!
For once I have to agree on you ;(
They were fairly succesful.
hm lol what a joke from you ...
too bad it isnt a joke from me
well you shouldn't talk when you don't know tbh
they were succesfull
Maybe in your eyes, I would call a team doing good at a large lan or in a major online league succesfull, the best sykotic did was in in the OC which makes them a "fairly successfull" team to me.
well some of their players are amazing as Allan. He played an impressive game against dignitas, and I'm not alone to have this opinion about him.
Mmmh their last team was all Dutch afaik :P
well I speak of this team tbh :)
And their former one were good also
Well they were decent, but they didnt win anything big, hence they werent succesfull in my opinion :P
You said that overload was sucessfull, did your teams won some big lans? or others events.Ofc not
I cant remember saying that, I could have said our teams where doing good, that our fifa team is successfull, but I cant remember ever calling overload as organisation successfull.

Our FIFA team has won some well known lans like regroup, also top 3 positions at the netgamez etc.
They came 2nd at 2 i-series lans, not major lans no, but still fairly decent :)
As I said before the last team sykotic had was the Dutch team, and I didnt mean to say anything about their past UK teams...
Oh, havn't heard of their dutch team :P
Gl syKotic
gl with ur cod2 team
QuoteIn the lineup you will see alot of familiar faces and also a new one!

Don't know any of them!
owned by goliath :)
Good luck guys, especially raf and turpy! :P
Good luck guys
WTF? gl phonics :p
otherone ;) this is the one and only sniper phonic9 ;)
Dont overrate your self you kurac.
Sorry didnt know you were mentally challenged mate, my bad.
speaking bad words like jebem ti mater on crossfire. very very bad. :(
hardly your roots is it, chak's turning over in his grave.
unless by roots they mean returning to uk based teams as opposed to a bunch of johnny foreigner's. any way gl fellas, just hope you dont start getting referd to as the sykotic crew, that pissed us off a bit.
Isnt syk's roots actually with some Australians in it also?
aye thats true, think it first started off as an aussie jedi knight clan.
chak died?
syK <3
taz has been chak for ages

waiting for the fragmovie still
oops was no one meant to know.

have fun ladz

yubby says hi!
gl syK, some really great guys there! all the best
gl sykotic <3
i was in syk once

praise me
phonic9 <3
nice to see an all uk team! gl!!
they didnt get anywhere before except i beleive a 2nd at i-series i beleive which is not hard these days, maybe they have improved and will now :) wolv does impress on occasions

no one cares
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