Mick wields the axe!

Dignitas' CoD2 leader Mick has wielded the axe on his squad, in a remarkable move culling two of the sides household names the side are now left with just 3 players. Having not won a major event since CPC1, the side have just a handful of events left in CoD2 to shine.

United Kingdom Ben has been with the team as long as most has gone under the axe, along with United Kingdom Trainee who had a great i31, but hasnt had the greatest form prior to that. When the side picked up Blackmane after dropping mint the pressure was on Trainee to perform with the sniper as the side had a more than capable replacement waiting for him in Blackmane and it appears Mick has chosen Blackmane over Trainee.

Crossfire talked to Dignitas Manager ODEE who had this to say;

Quote by ODEEThe team decided that it needed changes even after we had a pretty good i-series and obviously we are disappointed by the changes. Mick feels that this would be a good way forward for the team and I do not think we will have a full UK lineup in the future. I will insist that the new players will be crash tested to destruction before they join us, trainee and beNN are hard to repelace. We will not attend wonderbase unfortunately, the new team will need to prove itself first.

The pressure is most certainly on Mick to deliver a squad that is capable of competing at the highest level. The rumour mill is undoubtedly rife with speculation on their replacements, with manager ODEE confirming they are likely to look abroad the potential list of candidates will be long.
About time there is some changes, hope plazma is coming back :)
Cant say I think it was the best idea in truth, espcially now it cost the team their place at Wonderbase.
yeah missing out on the biggest event (oh forgot cdc, happy tosspot) except WSVG might not be so good

i heard this will be the comeback of plazma :D

NIdLER is under contract and to lowskilled, sry Mick.
More the manager than mick imo. Fighting, i31, sponsors, bad performances, people finally losing their patience.

Trainee is a better sniper than blackmane imo, and he probably left when ben was "kicked", so I don't think it has anything to do with Dignitas thinking blackmane was better. Their both (trainee / ben) with Reason now as far as I can understand.
Everything you say there is wrong :)
So ben fighting at lan had absolutely nothing to do with him being removed?
Just find it strange how two of your best players would leave or be removed, the issue was clearly not anything to do with performances inside the server, since I spoke to mick before the event and he seemed content with how things were going.
Would he tell you (or anyone) otherwise though?
He was pretty frank and honest in my opinion. Not everyone has transparency issues like you/crossfire you know! ;-D
Did you know gullible was taken out of the dictionary?
Haha fuck you! xD
There wasn't really a problem with Ben's "fight" at LAN, can't really say that Immi didn't deserve it.
Bring guns kk
I think kicking people because you have a bad luck streak is worse negative attention than not doing so good lately.
traineeeeeeeeeeeee :(
Gl traine in whatever u may do
if this was football mick would have been kicked :)
if crossfire would need a positive iq to be able to read and post here you wont be here...
no need to be rude :(
that was pretty friendly :x
he's right though, have you ever seen players being fired during the season because the performances are not as expected?

it's always the manager that has to leave. (at football...)
i dont think so.
sometimes the coach also fires players.
hardly ever happens. only happens when the player and coach don't like each other.
you solved the case!
he benches them, or they go out on loan to another team tbh :p
actually there wouldn't be any members in that case
Surprising decision to me.

shame on missing wonderbase though
right move, but imo all that cod2 team needs is a new leader/coach/manager and not mick, he has continued to fail for the last months, if they take known players (and i add, overrated every time they quit and comes back) on like plazma as i read above they will fail even more.
i can think of a much better solution: ip ban them all from WoW
Mick is the problem.
what actually happened at i31? as dignitas dont announce that they have kicked players. from squads for whatever reasons on their website.

just curious thats all
Some scouser was giving ben some shit, ben floored him for 10 seconds. Basic jist of it... :P
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