one2 join CPH

image: 6b1e351

Top Swedish Quakewars team one2 has today agreed to join leading Danish multigaming organisation Copenhagen.eSports.

The side have taken to the game like a fish to water having beaten Europe's other top sides such as Sweden Kompaniet and Quakecon champions Europe Dignitas. The side has won the QWL & Clanbase QW Cup aswell as winning tonights inQuake cup! The move is important to the game as it see's a second financed side on the top level of the game.

Copenhagen's manager Janus Bengtsson had this to say;

QuoteIt is always difficult to forsee the future skilllevel of quake wars, but this team has done amazingly so far and we have high hopes for this team. This is also a test from our side, since this is the first time we try to take in a team in a games betafase. Also we have old players in Copenhagen eSport, that will give QW a try when it is finished - so who knows maybe we end up with 2 QW´s team

Their lineup is as follows;

Sweden Numse
Sweden saxs
Sweden pliXs
Sweden Runken
Sweden kik
Sweden Soltis
Sweden aLx
Sweden aneki

Player Aneki added the following;

QuoteWe've had numerous organisations asking us to play for them but Copenhagen esport was the one that we felt was the best one for us. They not only can help us in the financial sector but we feel very comfortable with their organisation and their goals.

Source; CPH
nice :O)


EDIT: Sweden aLx sounds like Sweden alexL to me :D
it's not alexl ;p
yea, but it's nearly the same nickname :P

EDIT : sad panda, you haven't replied to my sweet comment on hex4's recruitement topic :{

alexL is too busy trying to convince people that he is mythos
Or could even be Germany SK.aLx, not that you would know who he is >:[
so many news items:DD:d

:D:D:D thought i saw alexL in the lineup:D:D::D
OH NO! SPammer noskills :( Normal rules soon guys :(
What are normal rules then? :)
field ops that don't have 3 nades is a good start, dropping heavy vehicles is better, limiting deployables even better

list goes on
reducing weapon dmg so firefighters are longer with the adding of indoor inf only maps :P
i disagree, the weapon damage is fine :d
well look at the final stage of valley indoors, one person can jump down and kill alot of peeps with the strog rvive to slow to do anything, its over way too quick esp with lacerator vs smg thingy. isnt it like 1 hs kill?

imo increased health / weaker weapons with improved hit sounds (hitshots) and more indoor shooting. :P Hi Bani.
that's just the layout of the indoor :-)
but indoor inf only maps sounds great though ;)
I agree.

GL Shakesbear.
I agree.

-Turrets should be restricted (max1 or 2).
-Mines should be restricted (max 5)
-Engineers vehicle repairing should take a lot more time or
soldier should be only who can use non-transport vehicles (cyclops etc).

Hopely gameplay will be improved favour of skills. Ofc spamming needs skills too but too much is always too much. Aiming and playing skills should mean a lot more than spamming skills.

Personally i want freaking shovel, it would be very nice to have possibility to dig hole in to ground. "FFS I digged too deep hole and now i cant see enemies from here"
repairing time?
what about the MCP then
i think its "ok" atm and balanced for tanks/cyc + obj like mcp
hehe soz, i meant repairing time for cyclops/desecrator etc
Much longer vehicle spawntime could fix that problem also.
aneki go et again !!
nein ! et > all

still remember the time when u was playin et :<
rtcw > et !?
hmm well so true but still et > qw :U

gl anyway mate
at least not with both games @ their finished version (etpro 2005/2006 with ettv)
can i has a tape?:XD
Interesting decision at this stage, but nice to see another organization with backing bringing in a team.
GL One2
gl, though it'd have been smarter to wait until the full game
low induvidual skill :-O
GL Aneki :)

Denmark Numse (my old RAW AQ2 mate) > Sweden Numse though :)
i like all these people who say one2 will be bad on full release

no they wont

they play like 30 hours a day, and thts not even possible, its their dedication tht make them good

yea i may not like them as they are all vehicles and spam spam

but thats etqw

and that will always be etqw

if u want them to be bad at full release go play ET because vehicles are here forever and therefore they will be good forever


gl one2
they certainly won't be BAD on full release, but most people doubt they'll be #1
Who will be #1 btw?
4 skilled guys + 2 tankers, not 4/5 spam guys + one skilled :(
nooo et'lers for tankers!! drago ftw :P
Well no one says they will be bad (or should say it), but no one knows their skill either when the game gets healty balanced and not spammed out rules+map pool. So its kinda a chance game.
Summer is over soon, so I guess that at least some of them will go to college or have a job to go to, which means no more 12hour days of PCWs
They won`t be BAD OK, BUT PLZ if this game will have rules like know... SPAM > skill :(

..just hoping it won't be like nvc puts it, vehicles is a pain.. and there's too much of 'em, both regular vehicles but deployables and airstrikes aswell -.- gief limits.
soltis -> kotkis
runker -> runkkari ( wanker )
2lazy2join fnatic?
GL søta bror / Rasmuss (CPH) :),

but it really bothers me that so many multigamingclans take in teams in the beta. Remember this is a beta that is not balanced at all for clan play and might later prove to be a bad thing to base etqw skill on. And its not just that, its also a problem that as the game is in beta lots of teams and players dont pick it up untill its as polished as possible - so the talent pool of players will also be a lot bigger in 2-3 months.

So hasty pickups from the MGCs might in the end lead to their ETQW clans underpeforming by the end of this year. (Not saying this will happen with one2, but I think its a general trend with beta-picks)
Then the MGC will just kick them.
wow they beat us cuz they build the bridge 20 seconds faster in decider xD (we drove mcp further!)
gl arrogants (i hope that "owned" were jokes though;) )

and if they would have waited a bit and trusted their skillz until fullversion they could have joined a much better clan i think
Better clan? ;) and ofc "puuuwned" was o joke from our part, we thought it was a tight game so you hardly got "owned" =)
the match was good and fun yes!
Where the devil do you think you come off?! Pumu is better than the 13 or whatever number of players you got in that clan together!
Open beta 2 is very near the full release and "spam" will be there when the game goes gold. How should they fix spam b.t.w? Get rid of all but simple weapons? Maybe we should make them go for cartoon style blingbling headshot nr.2? QW is what it is, and for all of us who have played the beta it´s obvious that Valley is a spammy map and doesn´t fit competative play. Probably all maps with MCP will be spammy because thats the way you disable it.

Many of the other maps seems to be more cqc and indoor objectives. And I think all ET players, and we, will like them more than the spammy ones.

gg Cause and TLR
ow should they fix spam b.t.w?

Normal CFG without 2313123321312 engs + 3231312 AVP +323213123 granades + clan mod?More change like this " strogs medics doesnt have ammo packs etc...
Engis are a problem? Deploys are easy targets, nades are affective but it goes both ways when in cqc. They are also affective against vehicles which would be a good thing since u dont like them.

That stroyent give ammo isn´t a problem. Respawn?
gl aneki <3
thank you! Share the <3
cph is the right decision atm. one2 deserves a big name atm.

GL in Cph guys, and see you soon on the battlefield ;)
Thanks Waste! gg yesterday. I hope we will play in the i3d final later on.
hopefully we'll both have full teams for that (we missed sin/rufio, you missed alxx yesterday i believe?)
Cheers mate
Thanks mate! B>
alexL & kik_aim
gL! cu@full game ;O)
paly paly tonight :D
not a chance!
Good Luck :)
Nice one, good luck!
good luck one2 and aneki !!
You won't find an org with more support than Cph taking a team at this stage (excluding Dignitas)
dignitas didn't "take" a team, they made one out of their BF and ET squads. It's a bigger step to support a team you don't know than to give your players a shot at another game.
i think there are some other good mgc's, but their teams are not good (yet)
Name some more orgs that give full financial support that have an ET:QW team?
gl hf guys :)
Gl. One2 deserves to be part of Cph, which is a nice organization.
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