NxM 6o6 Cup #2

image: xfirelogo

The second edition of the NxM 6o6 Cup is getting started. While the first cup is still busy with the semi-finals and finals, the signups are opened for the 2nd cup.

There are some changes in the 2nd cup:
- 32 Clans (Maximum and Mimimum)
- 2 Divisions
- 4 Clans a group
- 2 Clans going to the next round
- 3 Group matchweeks, 3 Playoff matchweeks

- Group rounds and Playoffs
- Allowed playerlist on the cup site instead of CB.

Signups are opened, to signup your clan, you have to go to the Signup page of the site. Mail all requested info to NxM if you want to participate, if u miss something, I will reply your mail with the missing information, but you won't be added yet.

- Rules will be online coming Saturday
- Signups wil close on Sunday 5 Feb at 24:00 CET, the best 32 clans will be chosen.
- Cup will start on Monday 13 Feb.

The admin list has been cleaned up for the 2nd cup, admins have to signup again by mailing me there nick, mail, country and experience.

You can find a link to the 2nd NxM Cup in the menu block on www.NxM.nl, link to the 2nd Cup without visiting NxM.nl is below.

I forgot to add that you have to mail me the GUIDs too, all clans who mailed me without guid have got a mail in there mailbox. Please reply it with the GUIDs of your members. If you don't reply it, your clan won't be able to participate!

All clans need a site to signup to the cup, all clans without site / where there site is in construction / whatever reason is may be, mail me the url before the signup deadline, otherwise u aren't able to participate. Also for this little problem you have a mail in your mailbox, please reply asap.

Everything I forgot will be added asap. For questions and suggestions, mail or pm me.

Related links:
- NxM 6o6 Cup #1
- NxM 6o6 Cup #2
- [email protected]
- #NxM.nl
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