NationsCup roster system on verge of collapse?

When you're a Nations Cup captain you have to balance the need for a great roster, with the limitation of players from each clan. Its part of the job and its part of getting the best from what you've got.

The rules on this system are as follows:
QuotePlayers are considered to still be members of any active clan they've been a member of (no matter how briefly) after 1 December 2005

QuoteA national team may never have more than 3 members of the same active ET clan playing at the same time.

Last season this rule came to light most notably with Hungary Hungary and T4Ce and with United Kingdom United Kingdom and SoF. The rule brought out all sorts of allegations, both teams were disqualified briefly and then had their decisions overturned. But trouble is brewing again in ClanBase land as the roster announcements that came in full technicolour here on xfire are for the majority, subject to players from Eurocup clans.

This Eurocup has been the kiss of death to ET Clans and after this weeks final, it may well be confirmed that 100% of EC Playoff clans will have died now this causes a problem as not 100% of the players will stop playing ET, and thus they will likely join new clans and roster regulations obeyed when the team was picked will be turned on their heads!

Lets take the UK for example:

Squirrel, syK, Mztik all played in together in 141, now though, the new roster of Trinity sees FaTaL, RazZ & Mztik on the same roster. Last season it was FaTaL playing one game for SoF prior to leaving them, that had the UK in breach of the rules. So If he were to leave trinity and be replaced by someone else from the UK roster. Then the team would be in dire straits yet again.

The UK are just the first to have some of their players resurface after the EC fallout, this problem could well strike on every other roster. The problem comes with the 1st December ruling for a cup that dosent start until almost 2 full months later.

Should Clanbase update their activity deadline to the first match day of Nations Cup? As the roster regulations during Eurocup were sketchy at best, or will the newly returning Wales AngryKid stay firm to the already existing rules?
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