GIGA on Quakewars

At Games Convention in Leipzig, visitors were able to play a new version of Enemy Territory Quake Wars, including a brand new map. GIGA took the opportunity to play the game and conduct an interview with Paul "Locki" Wedgwood, founder and owner of Splash Damage.

The new map is called Island and is located on Reversion Island in the South Pacific. The map was developed by RTCW veterans Nerve and, compared to Valley, is smaller and has less focus on vehicles. The following objectives have to be completed on the map:

1) Build the generator
2) Detonate the safe room door
3) Get the data disk and escort it to the extraction point

Before we started to play, we did an interview with Paul Wedgwood about QuakeWars;

Interview with Paul Wedgwood
After a couple of matches on the map, here's what it is all about

1) The generator

The GDF starts in the lower left corner of the overview map. The first task is to build a generator similar to what needed to be done on Sewer. The shorter route leads across a bridge, the longer one through the water to the beach. To ease transport, two APCs are available. Right behind the bridge the GDF can capture a forward spawn with additional quads. The vehicles cannot be used to reach the generator though, which is located in a small room in an underground bunker.

2) The safe room

When the generator is built, the next task is to detonate the safe room door. There's a lot of indoor fights in that phase and the room in front of the safe is smaller than on Sewer. The hallways are an excellent place to use mines.

3) The data disk

When the door is open, there's a suitcase with the data disk behind it. The suitcase has to be picked up and needs to be taken to a satellite transmitter. There are several routes to the transmitter, one of them with a speed boat all around the island. When the transmitter is reached, transmitting the data takes another couple of seconds.

The ET map most similar to Island is probably et_beach. The matches we played at Games Convention, albeit not against skilled players, proved to be very exciting and action packed. Most ET players will probably enjoy the lack of vehicles in most parts of the map.

With the release of Quake Wars set to September 28th, little more than a month remains until all the maps can be tested. The GC version looked quite final and we're looking forward to the release of a game that might bring fresh air into the genre of team based shooters.
island is a great map hope it will be the demo map
It is a fantastic map, Quakewars on Island in comparisson to Quakewars on Valley are two different games.
Yeah, valley is one big disappointment :(
nice interview
Doc runs! Every map should have document runs.
docs > mcp :D
Valley made me uninstall QW. This map could tend me to buy it :o
Beach is the map I played the most... and I still like it. Could still play it 24/7.
you'll die :(
Nope, Beach keeps me alive! Running with the docs to the boat. So much fun.
Goddamn I finally found the noob who thinks the docs have to go to the boat where the sniper still sits!
Really nice interview, Locki seems like he is in touch with what the majority of current players want.
yeah great interview! looking forward to the game :>
I was gonna reply saying surely any more interviews would just be regurgitated and stale but after actually watching it, it's definitely worth crossfire (& toss) gets mentioned! ;D
Will be very glad if island is on the demo :D
Nice interview :) i hope the demo comes out really soon :p
old but nice :>
played it in the closed beta, and this map is just toooooo nice.

really lookin forward to play it again!!
nothing im not allowed to say.
closed beta is over and the map was available to play at quakecon :P
oh please god , my beloved god Locki , make the game (@ full release) run on my pc with stable 60 fps :XD
promesing interview :)
island is indeed a great map, which is infantry based.
oh my. gimmie that map \o/
Agree Island rox Valley sux..
Really nice interview btw.
demo release date?
Really nice interview FDJ. Looks promising to me, maybe I'll give etqw another chance!
Really is a good interview, good questions and it always helps that locki is extremely articulate
was funny when fdj mentioned the stripping of gore and didn't think much of it, then preceded to ask another question, then locki was like huh stripping what do you mean hehehe.

surely they would know that 99% of people use configs in comp plays to strip down the game. >_>

im looking forward to release for all those new maps...and maybe they will change alot of things to...lets wait and see
just no mcp in demo ok?
Heavy veichles is never needed :X they only produce spam/imbaness and poor gameplay. Teamplay/tactics>spam machines.
Valley = Fueldump
Island = Radar
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