EC and bust for Speedlink

German Call of Duty giants Speedlink have told Crossfire that after the upcoming Eurocup Finals the side will call it a day. The team who finished second at CPC1 in a thrilling duel with Dignitas have decided that the time is right to take a break prior to CoD4.

I caught up with leader Trigger for his favourite CoD moments and what he is hoping to see in CoD4.

Quote by TriggerThere are several moments that I dont wanna miss. At the start of CoD2 we had about 8 months of dominating the scene with nearly not losing a single game. Within this time, the victory at Netgamez, OOF1, and the Eurocup, should be our biggest moments as a team. Just like every event we have been to, Crossfire 1 & 2, WSVG Dallas - we enjoyed like hell and we will never forget these weekends.
CoD4 will be the next step for us into the professional gaming. We hope and think that this game will be bigger and also more competitive than COD2 was already. We are really looking forward to staying together as a team and rock another game, just as we tried to do over the past two years

The side has great experience transitioning between games and perhaps has a record unlike any other in the CoD series when one considers that this was the old Ocrana lineup that ruled CoD1's roost at one point.
Good luck guys! Certainly one of the most friendly pro clans I've ever met :)
you will fail
:( No Speedlink at CDC :`(((

Good luck in CoD4!

Always loved this team :)
Great spirit, friendly guys.

Good luck in cod4 :).
Good luck with COD4 & EC Finals.
is trigger that bit fat guy? saw him once @ giga2. nice guy :>
Without being really negative, this games gonna be dead in a matter of weeks now. Wonderbase and EC lan finals coming up, then it's WSVG LA and devotii to look forward too, but after cod4 is out.
all games are dying
I think it'll be weird, I still have motivation left to play cod2(devotii online, CDC3) but on the other hand cod4 sounds better and better :p
Yeh same with the devotii thing. It's getting harder and harder to find pcw's i'm finding. In invite theres about 20 wars a night. Alot of teams are taking breaks to get settled in schools and enjoying the end of their summers before getting back active for cod4 really...
Hahaha touché :p
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