CDC Tournament Changes

After alot of careful consideration we've changed the dates of CDC3 Part 2 - The Call of Duty edition. Initially scheduled for November 16-18, we have now moved the event to the weekend before Call of Duty 4's release, November 2-4.

We initially scheduled these dates back in May, long before CoD4's release dates were becoming public knowledge. Considering the dates became public and quickly impeded our event, we've decided to make the move. The event will feature a prizepurse of 10,000 Euros for Call of Duty in partnership with Devotii. The LAN will also feature a 1500 Euro RTCW QCUP should signups permit. Entry Fees per person are 40 Euros for CoD, and 30 for RTCW. There will be no qualifiers for either tournament.

If you would like to signup you must complete your clan roster on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected] - including a link to your Clan Profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the clan. Signups for CoD2 and RTCW will close on Sunday September 26th. More information can be found here

The subsequent changes have impacted upon the Devotii Fnatic GameIdol tournament which competitors should be aware of. The schedule and the groups can be viewed Here, Round 1 is starting on September 10th so competing teams should make themselves aware of the tournament revisions.

Unfortunately we've had to make some changes to CDC Part 1 - After some major drop outs in Quake 3 (Only 4 players paying entry), the Quake 3 CPM tournament has been cancelled. We'd like to thank promode coder ix-ir for his time and efforts in trying to make this work. As mentioned when we announced the ET prizepurse increase, the increase was dependant on signups, at this moment we're still short 4 of the 24 teams, which will impact upon prizepurse. However we're unsure how so (if at all) at this moment as some teams are still trying to attend. To confirm the ET map pool, bremen will be played on version b1.

Tommorow we'll have some exciting news for those poker players at CDC Part 1 as we announce our new partner.
sad for Quake players
All 4 of them! :PP
so , still sad :<
:( shame about quake3, at least warsow is still on!
good choise
Probably because of beter sponsoring. ( We should be glad that ET still has a lan tbh. )
external companies dont want to support ET - What would you like me to do about it, stop running ET lans?... I didnt think so.
kuddos for that
thats exactly what I have experienced at cze, CoD2? "I will give you all my stuff take it pls!" W:ET? "Hmmm sorry we cant help you" - but this will change! :)
Exciting for tomorrow oO
VoO will still participate in the wsw tournament, right?
Sure this poker tournament is legal? :|
prizemoney/payment is all done online on a client from our sponsor, who take care of the legality. :D
thats a clever way to get round it :)
in holland its legal..
just an excuse cause u don't have 6200 euros!
Tosspot is killing et! Discuss!
pity for Q3... I was happy to be able to look them playing that game..
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

do it :D
It is the best!
nice read
<3 tossi
I think if somebody clever and famous as you will post more W:ET news or Q3 we will have more attention to that great LAN and future is that right? :)
It's just the CPM community, everyone thinks it's so cool to have big tournaments and they'll participate in these but when it's time for action no one cba'd to do a thing. Then they'll rage becouse there are no tournaments where CPM is played.

Check from CB how well the Open Cup did, almost as much drop outs as in CDC and every other match was forced 1-0 victory or wasn't played at all.
why would you take bremen b1 if there is b2 aswell?
i dont get it neither :x
Dunno if its allowed a poker tournament with money btw, because Holland Casino has the exclusive dealing right for poker tournaments with money. ( Previous event with no permission of H.C. ended up empty because the police took everything with them )
who are the another two teams in ET which arent going _?
bremen_b2 > b1
can't agree more
But it IS the best game.

Doesn't matter wether we don't have a lot of players, no game released in the last 10 years can compare to Q3 cpma.

(because Quakeworld is more than 10 years old)
Yes Quake 3 is the best game.
I'm not quite sure if this is attempted sarcasm or your opinion, but either way I disagree.
Quake 3 is the game, CPM a mod. CPM is nothing without Quake3
The same way that Q3 is nothing without CPMA.
Not really!

I heard your voice on TV the other day while flicking, shoutcasting some Ghost Recon I think?
Rainbow Six - or I was outside your window :x
Could've been Rainbow Six, I wasn't paying attention, just thought I saw what looked like GR, although GR and R6 are quite similar heh, shame they lack programmes :(

Theres a mapscript to make truck visible on b1 since your using that.
Its the same fix as the mapscript I released for b2.
take money from the 1st place off then not the other places :)
cool, now it's in a holiday :D
Disagree with the Bremen_b1 part, B2 ftw and is much more equalized for both the sides
so what the fuck? should we pracc bremen beta 2 for future at all or it failed? beta 1 will be played in future?
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