QWL ET:QW Demo Cup

image: QWLBanner

With the release of the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Demo just around the corner (read more..) it wasn't a long shot to say that there would be one or two demo cups popping up - and here is the first (and so far only) one. Just as they were the first to hold a ET:QW Beta Cup, QWL are now presenting their very own, ET:QW Demo Cup.

QuoteThis Demo Cup is primary intended as a promo cup. A lot of clans are already confident that Quake Wars is THE clan game for the coming years but there are also clans that are not yet sure about it an need some extra push to get the right feeling about the enormous potential of Quake Wars. With this cup we hope to give clans this extra push.

We will play with a 6 vs 6 setup with a Quake Wars as it is, so no changes on vehicles or other game settings. Just like the Open Beta Cup.

Of course clans are allowed to agree on certain changes for their match (like not using any flyer) but our intention is to play Quake Wars as it is intended by the developers so we are not restricting anything and are not applying weird rules anywhere.

Their last cup was something of a disappointment as both the final and bronze final were won on forfeit due to various reasons, such as players dropping out and QuakeCon - but let's hope on a better finish for this one.

Sweden Team 621
Greece Greek Operation Forces
Poland Team Delta
Germany pain4ever
Poland Betsson Voodoo Gaming
Europe team-dignitas
Sweden / Denmark Copenhagen eSport
Spain Team exilium
Germany progressive eSports
Europe Junk52 Theatre
Netherlands hardMethod Gaming
Germany Ocrana
Finland 4th.Rangers
Europe Team-Desire
Finland Team Pelit
Spain OverGame
Germany roYality
Austria TheyKickAss
Germany KomaCrew e.V.
Italy n1ce.it by Sapphire
Europe Druidz
Bulgaria vicious gaming
Italy goD's PuppeTs
Germany raGe
Germany Fallen-Soulz
United Kingdom infused Gaming
Germany Pain is Coming
Germany one.magic
Germany TIER
Europe te4m
Finland Arcane6
Sweden NINJA
Spain 4Frags.Gaming
Finland Ntech[/hide]

Whether all vehicles and deployable's (at all times) where meant to be used even in competitive play by the developers as the QWL admins says is still open for discussion. But this could prove to be a very interesting cup and it could give us a final hint on which teams that will stand out when the retail version of the game finally arrives to Europe on the 28th. The Demo Cup is currently open for 64 teams and prices are to be announced when QWL-admins know the amount of teams willing to participate so stay tuned.

Scoring in Quake Wars League matches will be based on the best of 3 rounds. The format for the matches is stopwatch settings where one team attacks and sets a time for the round which the opposing team must beat. During the first round the "home team" will attack first while the "away team" defends. In the second round the "away team" will attack first while the "home team" defends.

After a match is completed the following point system is used:
The winning team will receive 3 points in the Quake Wars league.
If the match results in a draw both teams will receive 2 Quake Wars league points.
The losing team will receive 1 Quake Wars League point.
Matches that result in forfeits will result in 0 points for the forfeiting team.
If a team experiences an exorbitant amount of forfeit losses during the system they may be removed from the league at the staff's discretion.

Match Days and Times
In case of an "Open Schedule Cup" clans can challenge each other for any date and time. The challenged party is allowed to do a counter challenge if the date and time does not fit the clans schedule.

Unknown at this moment. This will be communicated as soon as possible.[/hide]

Find out more at:
Quake Wars League
..and sorry for my horrible english.
why do i always see the same teams? are there not more clans playing et:qw? :o
dead before released imo
it was such an amount of keys, there must be more than 72 et:qw players who got a key, i think its the game who has limited the teams!
our clan wants to participate too, but can't find dutch ppl who want to join..
ye cuz noone wants to play it .._..
signups are closed? :<
Nice prizepurse for a game thats not even released:P

Think when I get my new pc ill have to see if i can get get in a team that will win $$$ :D
Omg no i3d rules :/
"Of course clans are allowed to agree on certain changes for their match (like not using any flyer) but our intention is to play Quake Wars as it is intended by the developers so we are not restricting anything and are not applying weird rules anywhere."

as you see you can discuss things with the opponent to play it with i3d rules!
depends on the map. but if it's valley (plz god no) i suppose clans could just agree on using the i3d rules as they are pretty standard by now.
idd , i suggest every1 should just make the changes to i3d rules ! anyways need a team pm me
well, the map is valley in the demo.. :(
kicked out from j52? :O
yep its valley...
gL + hF
nice, but valley sux
Valley Open Beta2 had a bit of a balancing problem.

This should be solved in the Demo.
hopefully it has big prizes.
this game is so fucking overhyped
Need restrictions :( All problems isn't solved in comp eyes, the map still have 4 stages, in wich one is MCP and in wich one Strogg is spawning right on the objective.(3rd)
Yes it definately need restrictions! 1apt/1avt,1mortar,vehicle restrictions and vehicles longer spawntimes especially for strogg vehicles. MCP shouldnt destroyed if driven off course.
those are the mcp ffa settings you can just disable them and you can drive where you want and mcp will never respawn.
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