No more Team Logitech

image: tlgtvc4One of the most successful Call of Duty 2 teams of the last few years,
Finland Team Logitech has today called it a day. Team Logitech is most well known for all their challenges to Netherlands Serious Gaming (digitalMind) at almost every LAN event over the past few years. Not to forget the latest CODQCUP where they were able to take down the Dutch powerhouses in the finals. They were seen as the strongest Call of Duty 2 team from Finland for the past few years.

Even though there is talk about Call of Duty 4, changes are slim to see the team kick off with their old Call of Duty 2 lineup, seeing three of their players are entering the military.

Quote by Antti "Sec" SinisaloEvery once in a while, a period of success and joy comes to an end. That is what now happens to LGT Call of Duty 2 team, who with this statement announces that they are not participating Clanbase Eurocup XV Lan finals next weekend, due to various reasons.

As an addition to this, all three, Aki "orp" Ritvanen, Joni "jonzku" Ruuskanen and Sami "sacrim" Nieminen will be starting their military service next January, and therefore there is no reason for LGT Call of Duty 2 to continue with CoD2 anymore. That is why we are announcing the closure of the Call of Duty 2 team of, atleast for now. We do not know whether we will see Call of Duty 4 team in or if any of the latest CoD2 players of LGT will continue their journey into the upcoming and hyped CoD4, only time will tell.

It is sad that with the promising new player, Micke "EPLO" Anker we never really got the chance to prove ourselves, and the whole Call of Duty 2 era is closing up, but who knows if you will see some of playing together in Call of Duty 4.

Untill the next time, thanks for everyone who supported us and made us who we were.

The team was last known as:
Finland orphan
Finland Sec
Finland Jonzku
Finland Sacrim
Finland Eplot!c

Some achievements of the fallen Finnish powerhouses:
4th in the current World Rankings
3rd in the current European Rankings
4th Wonderbase 2007
1st CODQCUP Mini-July edition
1st Wonderbase 2006
2nd Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2
1st CODQCUP April edition

Team Logitech will not attend the ClanBase EuroCup finals this weekend.
sad news, pärjäilkää intis jannut :d
An excellent team and a real pleasure to host at CPC2. Good luck guys.
Good luck guys.
gl to the players whetever they do now.
hajotkaa aamuihin
bye schoolgirlz!
hope that we still see some decent cod teams at cdc :x
sad news :c
gl guys
Apocalypse ~nyoro
that's right only 4 more lans + a wsvg coming up =(=(
ec, prolan, cdc3 and the one in portugal
sup with cod3?
i mean like they talking bout cod4
Cod3 was only made as a console game afaik and will never be released on PC ;o
thank you mister
besides that CoD3 was crap as hell afaik :P
I owned at cod3 on xbox 360! :D
alot of changes in logitech :(
we'll be back =)
Can't understand why they are not fighting their last fight.
They could quit as first, as legends at the end.
Well, gL anyway.
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