naXiD interviews TosspoT

Possibly the most interviewed person in ET has done the impossible...and got himself interviewed again. Austria naXiD popped onto IRC this afternoon and asked me to post about his interview with United Kingdom TosspoT, and so I duely shall.

Topics discussed include university life, personal projects, cheep beer and trips down memory lane (cliché from me but whatever). naXiD continues his great work for the community as ever, and I'm sure it'll present everyone with an interesting read. The interview can be read at own3D International. Here's a little extract:

Quote[/i]Austria naXiD - We often see you posting some news on the scenepage xfire. Now, you got voted as the Person who "has done the most for the ET Community"... Is this trophy the long awaited feedback for your work, time and nerves you put into that hobby?

United Kingdom TosspoT I'm extremely greatful for that award, but in all fairness I really dont deserve it, there are modders and admins who put in alot of more time and effort than I do, just the majority of the work I do is in the public domain. However I am again extremely greatful to those who recognise my work :)

Read the full interview here.
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