CDC Warsow Map Pool Confirmed

Netherlands ETR has today announced the warsow map pool for CDC3 and it features some flair from the past and from the present. So without further ado here is the confirmed map pool for the tournament.

wdm2 - wdm5 - wdm6 - wdm14 - wtest15

The tournament will be played in a best of 3 format with elimination for the decider if it is required. Warsow will operate differently to ET in that players will get the chance to chose their maps and eliminate for the decider, unlikely the random draw used in ET. Maps are 10 minutes long. There are still spots available in the warsow tournament should anyone want to signup.
dm2 is duel map imo =X
yea duelmap2 even
Nice wdm2 =D <3
decent enough decision, i would of gone for dm11 infront of t15- other than that, solid. gj
good maplist - gl to all participants
nice one, gl!
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