All eyes on foonr!

image: mesm
The most recent addition to the xfire admin crew has been working his socks off these past weeks keeping the site fully up to date with the latest comings and goings within the ET community!

Today United Kingdom foonr posted his most recent piece of art, his Eurocup Final Preview! This long, well worked article features his own thoughts, interviews, news from the teams and a detailed list of predictions from within the community, a brilliant read!

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However he hasnt stopped there! Earlier this week he also interviewed iTG's Kee_RinG and got up close and personal with the Macho Man!

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Not to be outdone though, United Kingdom Nellie has been hard at work! Today publishing his interview with Germany FlyindDJ and really poses some hard hitting questions to the lovable german, espcially about his rival shoutcaster for this weeks final!

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Nellie is also working very hard on a nations cup knowledge base, that is so long hes having to post it on esreality due to xfires limitations!

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However, these young punks aint got nothing on this old dog and today after a 12 month gap another article was posted in the care to debate series, regarding the future of competitive ET!

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Busy times over here at xfire, and in the words of United States of America JFK "Ask not what xfire can do for you, ask what you can do for xfire"
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