CDC3 WSW Precoverage

image: wswnews-networkA week before the start of the Crossfire Devotii Challenge in Enschede, did a little warsow precoverage for CDC3. Germany Lokirulez fired 5 questions at some of the CDC warsow players. Because the compo never passed the revue in any previous crossfire LAN edition, we are curious to find out what they expect next weekend.

CDC3 warsow's admin Netherlands ETR was one of the lucky guys and gave his statement:
Quote by ETRI'm totally stoked about it now! After finally finishing all the work with the invites, the seeds, and after quite some lastminute stress I can finally look out to the compo itself. Especially seeing all the confirmed players being there (next to the participants a fair good few dedicated Warsowians), the logcabins we'll share, it'll be a very good time no doubt. Also participating will be a ball, I'm not expecting much performance-wise, however I will try my best to practise plenty next week. I am really anxious to see vicek, BoBel and BRUNS play irl (I have already had the pleasure to see scoobz0r playing :p).

More questions and answers on the website.
The article: [url] [/url] (2 pages)
Best of luck for all the wsw players!
Hope you'll enjoy spectating some ET matches aswell ;)
Thanks for the news!

First link is wrong tho (should be instead of but I doubt a lot of people care about it. :))

See you in Enschede.
gj loki!

<3 Warsow <3

Hope warsow-tv will be out to next CDC!
Is there a way to watch the warsow-matches live? Some kind of coverage?

gl BoBel <3
quadV will be shoutcasting and (i guess) doing a vid cast for some of the games!
ok nice, thanks :)
Warsow ftw \o/

googoggo cu@lan
try to make a fully coverage for ET aswell ;p
im so hated :(
i still love you!
Where's Vo0?:{
cant filter out wsw :(
but i can filter out ET
muhaha \o/
thanks brahl
never saw this game...wonder whats its like to spectate that
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