ESL Demo Cup - Round 2 live at

image: ocr-vs-prog

The first round of the ET: Quake Wars Demo Cup has been played and today it's already time for the second one. Round two kicks off this Tuesday and features again a live match for you. will broadcast the match between Germany OCRANA and Germany progressive e-Sports, which will be available from 21:00 on.

Although both teams could win their first match, the conditions could not be more different. As the winner of the German ET: QW Beta Cup the German giant OCRANA is again one of the main favorites for this cup and it seems as the underdog progressive e-Sports has only one chance today: to fight as long as possible.

One day after GIGA 2 showed us some hot ET: Quake Wars action, we have tonight the next live broadcast. The German IP-TV station will show the German duel directly to your pc at home! is well-known mainly to our Battlefiel players, since their internet livestream is free available and does not cost a cent for you. The game starts at 21:00 and the livestream can be found here.

ESL Demo Cup
german showcast :(
German showcast shows the only german vs german match. Where is the real I wonder..
No win without pumu !
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