i3D Cup Comes to a Conclusion!

image: i3d

Over 2 months of matches, starting on Sewer and then advancing across Valley, the Premier Division of the i3D.net Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Beta Cup has drawn to a close. The biggest beta competition, with 40 teams in the Premier Division, and another 40 teams in the Second Division, there was some stiff competition throughout. In an interesting occurance, out of the big 5 teams, it seemed to be the underdogs who came out on top after what many thought should have been the final occuring in the quarters, where Sweden Copenhagen eSport were defeated by Europe Team Dignitas, leaving them to advance to the semi-finals alongside Germany OCRANA, Greece Greek Operation Forces and Poland Team Delta. However all those that claimed that the quarter finals saw the true final were proved wrong, as OCRANA dispatched Dignitas in the decider via objectivecount in order to set up a final encounter with Greek Operation Forces, who took 3 halves to set a time of 17.51 which Delta couldn't match.
Dignitas had no trouble in annihilating Delta 4-0 to take home 3rd place, but whether they will be satisfied with that is another matter.

That just left the final, with the favourites OCRANA going up against Greek Operation Forces. With OCRANA lining up with Germany Hackbard, Germany Fox, Germany Sledge, Germany Morix, Germany X-Ray and Germany Ozzy, with Germany pumu absent from the lineup, and GROF with Netherlands 2easy, Norway athex, United Kingdom hentai, Netherlands Quark, Netherlands RuFiO and Netherlands Wastestuff, the Germans started on GDF but were unable to breach the GROF defences. GROF then managed to set a time of c.10minutes in order to take the first half. They then attacked again and set another time, this time of 9m40s which resigned OCRANA to defeat. However, coming from the much stronger left side of the bracket, 2nd place is definitely a good achievement above Dignitas and Copenhagen eSport.

This leaves the final standings as follows:
Greece Greek Operation Forces - i3D.net 24 slots public gameserver, i3D.net 24 slots warserver & 6x Corepads
Germany OCRANA - i3D.net 24 slots public gameserver
Europe Team Dignitas - i3D.net 24 slots public gameserver
4th Poland Team Delta

The second division final sees Germany progressive eSports going up against Finland Arcane6, with United Kingdom GamersNation taking on Italy Silent italian Shadows for 3rd place.

i3D.net would like to congratulate all the teams which took part and hope to see you again for the fullgame. Teams who have won prizes will be contacted when these are ready. On another note, if you are interested in helping to admin the next i3D Cup for the fullgame, then please contact quadV|Baldr1ck in #i3D on Quakenet.

Baldrick interviewed by GameRiot
nice cup , gg all teams
If I had another admin, someone else could have posted this news for me :<
could've just asked u know and i would've posted it, but gz never the less :>
you could have like pm'ed me and stuff
you dont need to be admin to be avi to post news
Woo go Gamersnation :D

Go me!
olol. i3d.net-servers. awsome, congrats!
n1 congrats
I like biased news.
Who do you feel the bias neglects/favours?
Everything I wrote regarding GROF was based on facts. Read through and there is not 1 comment with any opinion regarding GROF. If there is maybe you'd like to point it out?

Ocrana played far from what they're capable of.
wtf Ocrana? had my money on you =/
Literally or metaphorically?
If I say both, will that sound wierd?
Auch, no more ego-boost for hackbard.

gg GROF, tho I thought Ocrana would be the winners..
Yeah instead it will go to hentai, he will need wheelbarrow to carry around his head soon.
teehee, what makes you think i have an ego? =)
Well played hentai :-)
fanx lolz

where you been these days? only see the occasional flame/whine post, nothing more/less =(
Busy with life, and sorting stuff for university. Xfire is so boring these days, absolutely nothing happens so I check it once a day if that at times. Spend most of my 'online' time on Gameriot or SK. <3
Gamersnation will get 3rd spot for sure in 2nd division.
GG GROFL unexpected but WP
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