ClanBase opens ET:QW ladders

image: cbgoldlogont After successful ladder petitions and upcoming full release of ET:QW, ClanBase has decided to start two different ladders for demo. After game will be available in full version ladders will switch to full version.

First ladder will use standard 6v6 Stopwatch mode. Here is the quote from CB’s newspost. “In Stopwatch mode you will be able to use all vehicles but with popular restrictions. Rules for this ladder have been based on these from ClanBase ET:QW Beta Cup and these which are used in most popular ET:QW leagues. They’ve already been approved by the community and we think you will be happy to play with these regulations. With all these features we think that teams will enjoy playing many exciting games. 6v6 gives you many opportunities to finish objectives in different styles and of course you can use vehicles to help yourself. So grab your guns, take a seat and prepare to battle for first place in ET:QW 6v6 Stopwatch ladder. “

Second ladder will use will be for infantry only. “Infantry as name says is different than Stopwatch. It will be based only on individual aiming and tactical skills of team. No vehicles and deployables will be allowed during games. You can experience who is best aimer in your team and how it could help you to achieve final goal. So if you are relying only on your infantry and you don’t want to drive and destroy several vehicles on map, or you want a change from Stopwatch, you should definitely take part in this newborn ladder. “

ET:QW Demo Stopwatch 6on6 and Rules
ET:QW Demo Infantry 4on4 and Rules

All the details about signing up to competition can be found over at ClanBase.
dead game
ye mega dead
QuoteBoku no namae wa Eule desu. 18-sai desu. Watashi wa Kaufbeuren ni sunde imasu. Boku no shumi wa anime ya ET desu. Watashi wa Anime "Shura No Toki" wo mimasu(tbc...learning pretty slow^^)

nice copypaste skillz retard
oh please weaboo
bad idea in my opinion, leave the demo for cups and make ladders when the real game is released
it's released in 6 days, really not a problem..
sucks hard
why not just wait 'til the full game is here? ^_*
6 days really that bad? xD
well. it's not the end of the world and the cb ladder is something i guess u only care about in the start of a game..

either way it's pretty useless. as in 1. valley (and the demo) is terrible. 2. rulesets for the other maps won't be ready (i guess) on the release date.

so why not just wait another week after the release and have pretty much all the rules added and done? what's the stress with releasing things? :)
thats cool.
Hope to see many Teams in ETQW!!!

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