ET: Quake Wars hits steam!

It has been rumours that ET: QW would appear on steam after ID earlier added their whole game collection (except q4?) and the ET: QW demo being available as well. And now it's confirmed. The price is $54.95, witch isn't much with today's record low dollar. The game will be available through steam in Europe on the 5th of October, but you can already preorder.

"We're excited to announce that Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars is joining the rest of id Software's line-up on Steam! The game is available for pre-purchase effective immediately and will be unlocked for play on October 5 in Europe and October 9 in the United States. While you're over there, don't forget to join the Official Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Steam Group - humanity is counting on you!"

Sources: and Steam
oh no! :< not like this
For the steam haters, you can still buy the game in the shop and play without steam.

For the steam lovers, it is not yet known if you can use your retail DVD version of the game with steam.
dw, we can still play without steam if we want to!
steam sucks

ill buy the game
whats wrong with steam?
whats wrong with steam?
steam own
All you steam haters think before you post. Steam just means more possible ETQW costumers.
steam killed 1.6, steam controls the games they sell, and that sucks, steam doesn't listen to the community... :< it sux
You mean Valve, I guess. It's the company behind steam not the tool itself.


The game is already on discount olol no comment on that

This is about $36 so cheaper than steam and you get the box, manual etc
I paid 35 quid for the Collectors Edition in HMV :{
Are you sure about $54.95 ?
In my steam it cost $49.95
says 49 one place and 54 other place
well its discounted compared to the regular retail price and compared to the steam price :)
good idea
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