EC: Second Qualifier Matches

After some thrilling matches Thursday we are good to go for the second qualfiers, first the result of the matches that got played Thursday:

Finland Negative Image 0-4 Poland Overdose-Gaming (report)
Finland Incomplete 1-0 Europe Elite (forfeit, sexyhot had personal problems)
Europe obscaenus 0-4 France muse-gaming (report)
Europe hardMethodgaming 2-4 Germany megaProGaming e-Sports e.V.
Spain playNET.GS 0-4 Czech Republic ESVKA

Now let's take a look at the matches for Sunday, the last chance to qualifie for the EuroCup XVI.
There are still three spots for this EuroCup, these teams will fight for a spot in the EuroCup.

Our first two contestants are Israel vs Czech Republic eSuba.HAL3000 both teams showed that they are EC worthy, eSr played EuroCup and eSuba an qualifier. These teams are very equal and it will be a very exciting match to watch.

Israel 0-4 Czech Republic eSuba.HAL3000
07-10-'07 at 19:00 CET



Israel Api
Israel Smirjah
Israel Benjee
Israel Fragon
Israel Kaldi
Israel Sami Burekas

Czech Republic eSuba.HAL3000

Czech Republic Alexzoo
Czech Republic Brs
Czech Republic Butch
Czech Republic Lashek
Czech Republic Loo
Czech Republic Nindrt

Tune in at:
Czech Republic by smOke ( Czech )


Our next match is again based on two nation based teams fasing each other, this time it's the belgian Belgium moomoofarm against the Portuguese Portugal SixthSense both have players from there nation teams, and both have a nice gaming history. This again will be an exciting match to watch, and again this match will be broadcasted by ETTV.

Belgium moomoofarm 4-0 Portugal SixthSense
07-10-'07 at 20:00 CET


Belgium moomoofarm

Belgium malaysia
Belgium snatch
Belgium swa
Belgium utopie
Belgium p9k
Belgium kysr

Portugal SixthSense

Portugal QkR
Portugal d0g
Portugal Sexclick
Portugal ag0n
Portugal archy
Portugal jet

Tune in at:
Portugal Ghulnah'Radio by GLH-Candyman ( Portuguese )

I asked Portugal ag0n his Well, i'm not expecting an easy game. We played against mmf before and it wasn't easy it will be an close match, specially because all portuguese isp's have been lagging (200-300 ping everywhere since 2 weeks) and we cant practise too much. We will try to do our best. They have nice players, but we have the teamplay (i think xD ). about this match:


Then we have two teams left, a team that has been around for quit some time now. It's the team called Italy, they ended 7th at CDC which isn't a bad result. There opponent is a mix of players, although there mixed they are skilled players that are not new to the EuroCup, here is Germany Kojak.

Italy 2-4 Germany Kojak
07-10-'07 at 20:00 CET
Admin: Finland LandMine



Not announced yet.

Germany Kojak

Sweden tornis
Sweden rat
Poland kenta
Germany roYal
Germany duKe_
Portugal sexyhot

I asked Germany roYal his Well, i know n1ce did some lineup changes after CDC but i don't know who is in their team.So it's hard to rate them.But all in all i think it's possible to beat them as long as we play like usual. I was added to the team only some days ago. At least i haven't pracced a lot with kojak.But it worked fine considering I was a new player.We are definitely a real team and not one of those EC mixes. about this match:

:: ClanBase - EuroCup XVI - ET SW
gl (first)
eSuba vs eSrael, a match between two big names, lets see if the teams can honor it :)
Not this season, eSrael probly gonna suck this season. ;(
looking forward to n1ce versus Kojak.
nais ceuverage
nice coverage TrgT keep it up
wtf sexyhot made a forfeit to elite and now playing with kojak?


gl archy <3333
gl tornis and roYal <3333

hope portugals and kojak goes ec!
im not going 2 play
I guess 6s will make it anyway :)
Thanks TrgT for the coverage. Keep the good work.

Gl & Hf to all teams. see u tomorrow mmf ;)
gl tomorrow ag0nhot !
thank you love <3
~~~~~~~~~~ #6s qnet ~~~~~~~~~~
My Pr0 predictions xDDD vs eSuba.HAL3000 2 - 4

moomoofarm vs SixthSense 0 - 4 vs Kojak 4 - 0

No offense to any team just my predictions
u were wrong blazeke, thx for believing in me :<
soz mat =(

im happy you won tho! :P
I hope Kojak looses because different than other teams they dont deserve a EC qualifier.
It was better idea than giving invites to most of the teams.
kojak and 6s will get their spot
lol who r all these teams :P
lol who are u ?

doe je mee OC met jote? we hebben nog iemand nodig !!
neu ik speel niet meer man :)
en haha megaprogaming wtf is dat voor zuignaam dan
n1 trgt(K) wjnmk hvj
heumeau! :D

Alles goed?
jewa met jouw
gl to all teams
wp mmf gl in EC
mmf in EC lol shows how fucked up this EC is
wp roYal
how the fuck could n1ce lose, I watched the first 3 rounds and I saw them dominating :<
i dissapeared
Then it's your fault :O
they were lucky that there was no xet rly! :<
Edek :*
ovedose \o/
tbh eSube won eSrael 4:0 , gg jews :D (lost 8,5k)
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