ET - Warleagues Season IX

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Warleagues ET Season IX is in signup stage

The signups for Warleagues season IX are open now. We keep our signups open until Sunday October 21, 12.00 CET.

Please only sign in if you have 6 plrs in your roster and make sure all the guids are filled in correctly!

Sign up and join

Groups will be announced Sunday evening and the first matches will be played Monday 22 October at either 20.00 or 21.00 CET.

Rules have been updated, in some cases changed, example: results will be forced harder than before, matches lagging behind won't be accepted if not approved by admin. (full list of changes available Sunday 21st)

-bremen_b2 (changed from b1)

Euro 6v6

Just as a little reminder, dont forget ALL servers MUST be configured to stream to PBBans and be kept upto date with settings/updates accordingly.
Failure to comply may result in a defloss or deflosses until matter is fixed

Sign up and join

Contact us:

the Staff @ Warleagues.ET

nice to see adlernest , but i would prefer to see bremen_b2 instead of b1
oasis? should be interesting
Finaly no supply!
adler and bremen_b1?

make it et_village and bremen_b2
et_village would have been nice! me <3 village

To decide on a mappool is hard but we try our best and maybe next season village will be back... who knows?

It's damn hard to please every one :(
but why still adler, even the EC teams say that adler is lotto.

Why would you want a lotto map decide the cup? thought cups where about skill not lotto.
Adlernest is loved by many and hated by many...It may be a lotto map but surely, wouldn't a good team be able to set up some basic tactics for both attacking and defending? If tactics fail due to "lotto" shouldn't the team be able to bounce back on a "real map"? If not, maybe they aren't good enough...?

We thought it would be nice to have adler back and not use a "worn out" map like supply, a map that always appear in leagues, scrims etc. The change would be nice, at least that's what we think.

Also, a small poll was made and adler appears on several lists, not the most scientific research but still.

And again, we aim to please and it's always nice to listen to the opinions of others but the fact remains that we can't please everybody, we are just humans/players who dedicate some of our time doing this for the community.
you can lose adler just on spawntimes, if they spawncamp you and 3-4 have fullspawn the map is lost because it is only a 27 sec run to transmitter and spawntime is 30 sec.

Maybe adler with a 25 sec axis spawntime would be better, but then planting the dyna will be too hard in the first stage for allies.
Change the allied spawntime to 17/18? :P
<3 seven xD
gooi die kanker oasis eruit man!
adler?! why not frostbite or supply :<
adler <3

is it really bremen_b1 ?
ole oasis <3 airstrike
bremen_b1 --> maybe use b2, it wasnt made for fun :/
bremen_b1 sucks hard!

<3 bremen_b2
Gl to all clans.
gl hf xD
Oasis plz :P

maybe if you put 1 sec spawntime on allies it will be possible to set a time :P
All right, after some serious thought we have decided to change bremen_b1 to bremen_b2

We thought that, after a quick gallup, b1 was preferred and decided to go with that one... But, as you can read out from the comments we clearly were wrong.

b1 is OUT -> b2 IN
if the comments can really influence the decisions, for christ sake get the supply (and battery) back to the mappool and remove braundorf
We won't make any more changes other than bremen. This was earlier a discussion between the admins and we did a quick gallup with some players who thought that b1 was the preferred choice.

There was also some disagreement whether to play b1 or b2 and beacuse of this we decided to keep a more open mind about bremen.

Ofc other comments may influence future choices but no more changes to this season.

As far as supply goes all admins agree that this season should be played without supply.
And what are the reasons not to have supply in the mappool?
We just wanted to leave it out just for once!
That's a reason you can use in a 1-day cup, not in one of the "bigger" leagues.
Thanks for your commments. It's nice to get feedback. Though, this time we won't listen to you. Just accept it if you want to play, if not, then don't.

Perhaps you would want to join us as we are short on admins? It's always nice to get a person who knows how to handle everything.

And I wasn't really aware that there were rules about organizing cups, ladders, leagues etc. If we think that supply has become boring and want to make changes - aren't we allowed to do that then?
It's your decision if you want to leave it out, but the reason for it is pretty much unacceptable for me since supply is a great map for competitive play and leagues should be competitive minded!

I would be interested to do some adminning when I have the time for it, I'll contact you on IRC.
"If we think that supply has become boring and want to make changes"

That would be reasonable if there would be any good, established and stable maps to replace supply, but as it is now, that's not the case. Therefore if people think it's boring, they should actually consider making good maps. I know it's not easy but life's tough.
playing braun or even adler in 6o6 is just...sad :s
sadly the warleagues seasons end mostly with forfeits + dead clans
same as OpenCup
not as much as @ warleagues
very nice :>
Except no SD :<
ye take et best map out
maplist isnt that nice :l
i want your config :>
grush <3 ,radar <3, braun <3 the other zomg pls no :<
oasis <3333
if i leared something in nearly 4 years of et... NEVER PLAY WARLEAGUES
GTFO braundorf
GTFO adlernest
adler / frost
Nice to see a not so "standard" maplist.
Maybe there will be a possibility to make some changes in the maplist when its time for playoffs...or smthg
supply instead of braun!
switching to _b2 is a good decicion though.

there are so many decent maps in ET. why take oasis? stop trying to revive sucky maps
remove bremen_b2 (worst map ever) and oasis_b3 and put in someting like karsiah or sd2 or crevasse or whatever one else
ehh...really nice nd all, but i cant sign up???

"The league is currently offline, due to season preparations.
It will be back shortly, as soon as the groups have been announced."
First of all you need to be logged in, second: you need to have a status as clanleader of your team. Then it will work, promise!
Nice maps and fun with adler instead of supply. :)
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