Multiplay i32 Online Qualifiers

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This evening Multiplay have announced the structure of the online qualifiers for their upcoming Insomnia 32 LAN event, held in Newbury, England, from November 9th-12th. With 9 teams signed up for the online qualifiers, of which the top 2 teams will advance to the LAN Finals, meeting the top 2 teams from the LAN qualifiers. Also receiving 6 free tickets to the event, worth £480, the competition sees some promising European teams competing, as well as UK teams hoping to gain some valuable experience before the event.

The Cup will run with the rules which are being used by both ESL and Clanbase, which can only be as a good thing for the ETQW Community, as the 5 biggest current competitions are now operating with the same restrictions and maplist.

Europe Team Dignitas
Europe Greek Operation Forces
Spain wArning!
Germany Team Speed-Link
Poland Betsson Voodoo Gaming
United Kingdom Point-Blank
United Kingdom =DB4D=
United Kingdom Perfect Target (Edit - Dropped Out)
United Kingdom The 13th Legion

Whilst Team Dignitas and Greek Operation Forces appear to be the favourites, wArning!, Team Speed-Link and Betsson Voodoo Gaming will all be looking to subsidise their possible attendance, whilst Point-Blank will be flying the UK flag and hoping to keep the Contamination Cup on home soil.

Team Dignitas vs Team Speed-Link - Ark/Area 22
Greek Operation Forces vs Team Speed-Link - Island / Volcano
wArning! vs Point-Blank - Island / Volcano
Team Dignitas vs Greek Operation Forces - Ark / Salvage
wArning! vs Betsson Voodoo Gaming - Ark / Salvage
Greek Operation Forces vs Betsson Voodoo Gaming - Refinery / Sewer
wArning! vs Team Speed-Link - Refinery / Sewer
Team Dignitas vs Point-Blank - Salvage / Volcano
Greek Operation Forces vs Point-Blank - Island / Refinery
Team Speed-Link vs Betsson Voodoo Gaming - Island / Refinery
Team Dignitas vs wArning! - Area 22 / Ark
Greek Operation Forces vs wArning! - Refinery / Salvage
Betsson Voodoo Gaming vs Point-Blank - Refinery / Salvage
Team Speed-Link vs Point-Blank - Sewer / Volcano
Team Dignitas vs Betsson Voodoo Gaming - Sewer / Volcano

You can see the full information here
nice news
etqw becoming big.
gl grof, not much teams tough.

#etqw.dying ?
teams need time to form

i32 is also expensive so...
and that registration page was a lil bit... strange, confusing and hard to view...
Same goes for the subsequent match details; Gameriot scoreboard here.
qw is cool
its like not many clans can afford it to go..the travel etc. and since its just out only premade clans that joined multigmaing clan can afford it will sign up..
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