Copenhagen gets the plague

Copenhagen eSport whose Quakewars team was regarded as one the leaders in European Quakewars has today confirmed that after a breakdown in the team, the side will cease to exist.

In a complicated situation, leader and talisman Sweden Numse closed the roster who he fathered through one2 and into leading danish eSports organisation Copenhagen. Copenhagen eSports this week were published across both national and electronic press for opening their gaming school will undoubtedly be shattered by the news.

Quote by anekiWe had some internal issues in the team and when Rundquist decided to quit gaming to focus more on his school, Numse took the decision to close down the team without further discussing it with all of us. It came as quite a shock to see the team go down in the drain without even knowing what was in his mind. Some of our players just logged in to realize that the team was no more, which is a sad way of ending a long relationship.
Either way, I wish the other players all the luck, I will be playing with some of them in the future, however some I have no interest keeping in touch with. Kudos to Rundquist however, he's one of the best players out there right now and I'm sad to see him go.

Rumour has it that some of Europes top teams are ciricling and preying upon the remaining players from CPH although a possible large scale revival is logically not off the cards.
just when they started to shake their beta heroes rep :/

too bad, gl in the future - guess no one will disapear from the scene.

But I really dont see why this happened o_O
only etqw news on crossfire :<
yesterday decem and the day before obs wrote full ET EC previews
i mean about teams etc , no news about dignitas close their et roster or smth but yeah , etqw + cod4 = the future
As of yet theres been no official confirmation of Dignitas dieing
ye i know but a lot more teams died , i think?
i kill you
< Comment reserved for fuzz's "qw is awesome" >
qw sucks

qw is awesome
i see Numse fucked up!
nice fuck up
Erik "Runken" Rundquist, best infantry player ever, so fucking sad.
i was looking forward to i32 :/
I guess you weren't looking forward to us then :<
Would have been sad for you if both Cph and Dignitas were there to beat you, wouldn't you agree?
Oh well, guess we'll never know now that you're dead 'n all. Beta pwners.
i32 plays with no radar. No radar = no problem.
Whatever you say sugerpie.
How many officials did you play without radar?
How many full game cups did you play?
Whatever the rules were, we adepted and succeded, whatever the maps were, we adapted and succeded. Without radar we would have adapted and succeded. History always repeat itself.
best reply :D
still. cph used the tools that was availible, and they were perhaps the best ones at it. can't blame 'em for being good at using stuff that was allowed. they played with the same rules as everyone else :>
Which are a completely different set of rules to what we're using now in full game.
Shall i repeat myself? Take avway the radar, we would have adapted and succeded. Then you would want to take away the bullets, we would say fine, adapt and succed.
who cares, cph = dead. i rlly don't care beta pwners. gl hf in future
Largely because you lot got at every league admin as soon as possible with your own rule set :P
Rightly so! :D
if they bashed you in beta, they will currently bash you even harder in full game, stop talking like your the hero here
Righto, that makes sense.
In every game, it's top teams ALWAYS exploit some lame shit(which is allowed), which rest of the teams dont approve of, because its so lame and stupid, and if you dont understand it, i dont believe you are any good in et:qw(even though i havent seen you play) or rest of et:qw players are noobs.

Read trough it.

This part concerns you and most of the et:qw players whining about teams using radar when it's allowed!

QuoteThe scrub(hey, i think it's you! LAWL!) would take great issue with this statement for he usually believes that he is playing to win, but he is bound up by an intricate construct of fictitious rules that prevent him from ever truly competing. These made up rules vary from game to game, of course, but their character remains constant. In Street Fighter, for example, the scrub labels a wide variety of tactics and situations "cheap." So-called "cheapness" is truly the mantra of the scrub. Performing a throw on someone often called cheap.

Doing one move or sequence over and over and over is another great way to get called cheap. This goes right to the heart of the matter: why can the scrub not defeat something so obvious and telegraphed as a single move done over and over? Is he such a poor player that he can't counter that move? And if the move is, for whatever reason, extremely difficult to counter, then wouldn't I be a fool for not using that move? The first step in becoming a top player is the realization that playing to win means doing whatever most increases your chances of winning. The game knows no rules of "honor" or of "cheapness." The game only knows winning and losing.
You feel that exploiting parts of the game the game that were only available for a beta period require heavy skill?
I didn't say exploiting things to be better than people who refuse to exploit them because of some sort of "honor code" is hard... And, it's not like it's a bug, is it? It has a function and it works like that, just most teams feel it's lame, and want it out and that's fine, but untill there are leagues who use it i don't see why you should complain to teams taking the advantage of it. I would actually be kinda ashamed to whine about such stuff, like the mobile mg in et, or some lame tactics, really... Going back to the days when "camping" was a crime :DDD
No-one doubts that Cph were good, throughout beta and the 2 weeks they played in fullgame :P What we are saying is that without radar (current rules), would they have been so strong.
You really think, they were good JUST because of radar, and noone else using radar aswell couldnt beat them, coz cph had some leet tax involving radar? Wow...
If only you'd have seen for yourself.
No, I think they would have been good otherwise. But the best? Debatable
are you going to i32 nigga bitch?
heard they dont let in black people
Good, saves brown people like me eh.
good luck anyway meight.
you coming?
doesnt look like at the moment
fixed "plauge" to proper spelling :pp
good riddence
Nice storytelling there aneki. I wonder why tosspot didn´t interview the teamleader whos decision was to end the thing he has nurtured for a whole fucking year of his life. I love this team and the players, and I regret that something screwed up what was about to become a dream come true. Runkens "retirement" was what made up my mind. Without Runken I wont be the leader, and without Runken this team has lost a part of it´s heart. And why you aneki, and soltis, were the ones who got to know about this after all was said has it´s causes, and you know it. With loyalty the team might still have stood it´s ground.
Wild imagination is never and never has been fact.
Did my best to solve all the issues we had. And you did not even meet today to discuss it. Am just sad that an era had to end so brutal as it did. I hold no grudge against no one.
Mr sp00n, wtf? :-(

thats not very sp00nlishias..
GL in your new clan (javla svenska, noobfitta, hemside, grön, jag är grön.) <- My swedish rox.
I can still sp00n you to heaven <3
But I dont want to now..

1day after in Kompaniet -.-, tbh..
A big loss to Danish eSport :(
This is a big loss for Cph eSport, not for Danish eSport :D

Denmark will have a succesfull QW team again, this time with real danes!
as long as you stay active, everything is ok
Even if two guys decides to end playing, why on earth whole team must break up.

that felt abit sudden as they've been together for what? 1 year now. sad news indeed. gl anyways, i guess we'll see most of the old cph-guys keep on playing the game anyway, just in other teams.
shit happend!
can i has a statement!
Got 2 young man!
ask urtier x)
Omg, how lame some guys can behave ...
110 procent, gl in future
can i has a volvo?
sad for Cph, I hope they salvage what ever remains of this mess.
Good games. We wanted to see you at i32's
team HOT coming?
Looks like it might be me and DEP ;)
To bad, always sad to see a nice and skilled team folding. GL in future teams guys it was always nice playing you.
ashame, gl in the future
a shame guys, were a vgood team - gl in future plans!
i have had those moments also when one of the top players decides to stop gaming or leave the team, but after careful consideration and enlightenment ive realised that one guy doesnt really make a team. everyone are expendable and the sooner you realise that, the better.

as much as ive heard about cph team and the whine ive witnessed, just clearly shows how much better that team was than the rest. sure i couldnt believe myself that a team from bf2142 could even be remotely good and beat teams that have EXiT players, but the trackrecord just shows how much more advanced those swedish bf2142 n00bs were. 3 teams built of all-stars from bf2 just couldnt touch them. not even tickle.

and the whine about radar. AHAHA suck me a river. remember c4 in bf2? the most skill-less thing in the history of FPS gaming. what changed after it was removed by a patch? exactly, nothing. it might have closed the gap between shithouse teams and good teams, but as far as ranking went - not a thing.

from now on, it will always be competition for the 2nd best team in etqw.

one2 > *
The thing your missing is one2 played hard from early betas and more than anyone else and even in the demo was more active than almost all other clans.

And newsflash: The game just came out 3 weeks ago, its now the rush for number 1 starts, who cares who played most demo or beta with shit rules and unsuited maps? Most teams didnt find putting time into the beta and demo worth it at all and waited for release.. Think you should get a little more into to the community before posting something like that ahem =) btw playing any these days?

"from now on, it will always be competition for the 2nd best team in etqw."

They were best 2 weeks of release after playing insane ammount of demo and having a closed beta most clans never had.

In 2 months or so we will see whos number 1, when the teams not throwing massive amounts of time into the beta has cacthed up and the scene is settled a little.

one2=played more than anyone else, because others waited for release (This is also the case with EYE - wich you down talk.. without knowing the true facts)
Its always good we have you to talk badly about others and see all the negative in peeps and teams.

You are the kind a community really need..
First comment in this thread was positive :) just saying that you cant say that one2 was the best etqw team ever after two weeks..
stop lying they lost to bf1942 and bf2 noobs and some ET nøøb:D:D
arrogant guys, gl in future lolol
Great team and great players, sad to see you go.

Best of luck in the future Numse!

cph were indeed arrogant, but no1 can say they were not good :) yea they played closed beta, but afaik so did alot of the players whining about them? but it doesnt take more than 20 pcws to learn what they know, in the end it comes down to what makes any player better than another, and that is dedication... not the excuses some players come up with. they were dedicated and played alot, thats what makes any player or team good.. and other teams were not so dedicated and therefore were not top tier... it really is that simple, they would have continued to be a top tier team, regardless of what people say, aslong as they kept playing the amount they did in the betas :) i dno if they would be #1, but they would certaily be top 3. there team gelled, others didnt. nuff said.
not much gorgeous, how r u!
before all the fun starts sad.
Aw =(

gl in future...
realy sad news. Its a shame to see one of the best teams at the moment of ETQW dissapear by what ever mistake any1 made. I sure hope to see most of the CPH guys still in te game !

<3 Numse!
Yoo aneki best backstabber ever!
Not at all
2bad , was w8ing to see them at qcon 2008:o)
nice spam, u should be banned imo
hey Tobi!
how's life? stayin secksi?
Each and every day, each and every way :)
how about you deppsiboy?
Good Luck in your diffrent futures..

Was fun to have you guys around and learn abit (5 words) swedish.

Really sad to see you go - especially in the way you parted - but hope you find new ways to own this game again.

CPH.etqw > *

b33rpliXs, (kUk+)Numse, mr.kik, HALFDANE RUNKEN<3, alx (whos younger than mee!) - every single one of you all in CPH.etqw will be missed in CPH.vt
May we stop raping QW elements now Ballprick when your biggest fear, CPH is down?

"Shall i repeat myself? Take avway the radar, we would have adapted and succeded. Then you would want to take away the bullets, we would say fine, adapt and succed."

First I have ever agreed with these swedish cocksuckaas.
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