Crossfire and Devotii postpone CoD Tournaments

Following the sharp decline in Call of Duty activity in Europe, Crossfire and Devotii have decided to postpone their cash tournaments due to be held on November 2 - 4. The two organisations have released the following statements regarding firstly the Devotii GameIdol tournament and secondly the Crossfire Devotii Challenge tournament.

Quote by Andrew TaylorDue to the large number of clans moving away from COD2 in preparation for the COD4 launch the LAN finals for the Game Idol tournament has been cancelled due to a lack of interest. The COD2 Game Idol tournament will be re-launched as a COD4 tournament early in the new year and the same prizes will be up for grabs as clans compete for the right to be called “fnatic”

The 8 clans who are missing out on the finals of the COD2 Game Idol Tournament will be awarded with 100 Euros each and our sincere apologies that the tournament has been put on hold. They will also be guaranteed entry into the COD4 competition.

Once again we would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused and we look forward to the COD4 tournament in the new year.

Quote by Stuart SawWhen we first planned this event back in April, CoD4 was a distant spec on the radar. There was no public knowledge that CoD4 was due this winter and when as soon as the news broke, the sharp decline in activity forced us into action.

Both Crossfire and our title sponsor Devotii both fully believe in the Call of Duty community and are sure that come CoD4 the scene will pickup and be successful and for that reason rather than beating a dead horse in November, we'd rather feed a healthy young horse with an event in January

Crossfire will still hold the RTCW tournament in WZZRD on the same dates and as a result will offer any Call of Duty teams the oppourtunity to attend and we will form a tournament based on those signups. We appriciate that there are some dutch and local european teams who still wanted to attend and as a result, if they wish to attend they should mail tosspot at gmail dot com ASAP. Crossfire will turn 100% of the entry fee into prizemoney, so if 8 teams still wish to attend it would hold a 1600 Euro prizepurse.

If you have any queries please contact TosspoT via email (tosspot at gmail dot com) - Any teams not attending who have paid their entry should contact tosspot for a full refund.

Crossfires event focus now switches to January, where we are currently planning to hold the biggest Challenge event yet featuring both new and old games at the newly renovated WZZRD Enschede center.
oh2u2. Hi chuckie. Whats up broher. =| =/ =\
As much as its fucked up, it would be pointless to put 10k into a dead game. If it means CoD4 gets a great tournament in January then I'm all for the move, January had better be good though!
lolol ET:QW and CoD2 are dead!
if every cup which gets canceled means the game is dead there would be no games alive anymore :(
Now you'll probably will receive some stupid 'Filter abuse' PM in your inbox by oBs.

Oh and btw, I guess crossfire is dying.
HAHA been there, done that :XDDD
Ephix still going :)
So that means that the event in January will also have ET?
could be ;). Toss and I are looking at the possibilities.
no, later please, otherwise i cant come :<
image: sadkitten
problem is, we can't organize otherwise ;)
i have school from 07.01 till 18.01 and 25.02 till 07.03
so make it between those dates please :-)
Why arent you commenting on the pciture!
makes sense
wow didn't see that one coming. to be honest I think it's really sad. i hope Cod2 players will think twice about playing COD4 when tournament support is dropped this fast. I don't think all the good players want to jump to a new game yet. It's been that way with CSS, ETQW, Q4 etc.

Now that's a way to kill a game!
It is a decision that was taken with the agreement and suggestions of many leading Call of Duty players
stop flattering crow :((
apart from the OC and EC(pretty much a premier league this season) I think most teams are waiting for COD4 anway
anyone interested in gathering a mixteam and go to cod2 cdcIII ? i'm med- max but why not

query me in - eiM`cod2
where dos all the money come from :S

all entree money gose to prize money :S ...
then who rents te hall ? and all other shit
We have our ways... ;)
aaah you pay it

looking at your nick your rich aneways :p
haha, my bank account says different though
Have you noticed just how much publicity we give to Wzzrd? Add that to their increased bar takings...
if you want people to stop spamming in news they do not care about or do not want to read about you should tag the news with the right filters then ( just referring to the news you made the other day)
thanks alot
So you're not interested in the part regarding january which has references to the other games?
so far, this news is about cod2/4 only and therefore i am not interested in it, no
perhaps you have not been up to date then ;)
The early 2008 event is supposed to be interesting for EVERYONE in this community.
why, whats happening then? can't get no information bout it out o this news.
Male strippers are performing LIVE!
does that include a naked BuLL?
Maybe if you read this newspost and stop trying to be clever you'll see :)
Sorry I did read it twice and I still have to say that this news is about COD only. The two sentences in this news which contain some information about other games can't change this at all whereas the last sentence which i count among those two holds little information about any game.

warsow second action :(
I ca say that TosspoT and I were both pleased having wSw at CDC. We liked the game, the community and the players that attended, so a second event for wsw is a viable option
I didn't really like it , they had CRT monitors, so i think you should not host it again and give the CRT to ET players.
Hope for etqw!

Regardless, keep up the great work Tosspot and Cash! :) <3
The fact that the cod 2 players still get the chance to have a LAN tournament is brilliant.

Can't wait for the event in January now!
KomaCrew will attend too
my current budget (or actually the lack of budget) is begging u to move the rtcw tournament too! :d
i agree move the rtcw tourney's. plus anyone know when the cod4 mp demo is out or if there releasing one. maybe replace the etqw tourney's !!
The rats are leaving the sinking ship
Why not add the ET:QW tournament to the November slot, now that the game is actually released. Make a eight slot invite only tournament and increase the attendance fee to make the prize money sizable.

I see no reason to waste money by having an event in November now based on a handful or RTCW and CoD2 teams turning up for spare change.
because it is almost impossible to run an ETQW tournament within 2 weeks when there are only a few organizations that even could support it at this time.
Multiplay didn't announce their competition too long ago, but I agree it's not the best situation. I think your point only clarifies why the second LAN should probably be canceled.
RTCW is not a "dead horse" next to ET, and it has a huge competition with a lot of interest ...
ET is not a "dead horse" next to ETQW, and it has a huge competition, with a lot of interest ...

I mean this decision has not much sense, but maybe i didnt get it well...
ET and RtCW never had this many drop outs for one single tournament.

the CoD community is completely different and are more susceptible to the successor of each game, therefore they lose interest to come to LAN. I do think that the game still has a future, but more in a rtcw sense.
cya there ladys :)
See you at lan!!!
i heard the tournament is off.. tell me more pls..
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