Multiplay i32 adds Call of Duty 4

Multiplay have announced that they will no longer be running a Call of Duty 2 tournament at their i32 LAN event, however will be replacing it by the first ever tournament for Call of Duty 4!
With the game being released on Friday November 9th, the first day of the LAN, it's also possible to order the game from Multiplay and pick it up when you arrive at the event. Currently the prize's are structured depending on the number of teams attending the event, and more information can be found here

Random - who can lame most with no real comp-setup - cup

Lan 5 days after release=hm
Quakecon - $50,000 LAN before the game is even released! Hmmz ;-D
Well clans attending played the version being played for many weeks :)
Every competitive CoD2 player downloaded the public demo and has been playing single player in preparation for i32! ^^
yeah thas a real comfort ;p also gona making rules etc much easier :D

And mp weapons are even diffrent from the sp ones;p
qw was awesome
game comes out the friday of the lan in europe.
ah even better xD
thats insane
so was with ET:ShitWars

ohnoes that was only beta ;)
beta's always die :(
great competition to separate pureskillers from playtimeskillers. whoever wins that competition are going to be the kings of cod4 forever. unless theyre british of course, that can only mean nobody half-decent participated...
Its not 100% fair seeing players who played it on the xbox 360 already know a lot about the game.
may the best pubteam win imo(or those that feel like downloading 8gb ^^)
ET:QW demo too
Quite stupid that everyone organizes LAN events now, now there are so many new games released.
Cod4 is awesome
sounds like amateur lan
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