ET:QW Opencup kicks off

The first matchweek of the current CB ET:QW Opencup has just started and we will see a lot of matches tonight on Area22 and Volcano, especially some interesting games in the premier League.

Spain warning! has to proof their strenght against the french guys from CoRe without Winghaven, who left them to play with Europe cash please. Sweden Druidz for example, who are currently first at the CB EU 6on6 Ladder with three wins and not a single loss will face Italy Inferno eSports in their first Opencup Match. Another Group H Match today will be Germany roYality! facing Finland rY had some good matches and the latest ESL Cups, but we will see around 21:00 CET if they are good enough to beat the finnish guys.

Premier League Matches today:
19:00 CET Europe retro 0 vs 4 Sweden junk52
20:00 CET Finland GYRP X vs 4 Germany schwarz
20:30 CET Italy 666 0 vs 4 Germany egpTt
21:00 CET Germany #roYality 0 vs 4 Finland logitech
21:00 CET Spain wArning! X vs X France CoRe (wildcard by core)
21:00 CET Benelux NoW 0 vs 4United Kingdom infused
21:00 CET Poland Wilda 4 vs 0 Europe NF
21:15 CET Italy inF 4 vs 0 Sweden DRz (no show by Druidz)

Second League Matches today:
20:00 CET Europe D X vs X Italy MxB
21:00 CET Poland C4 X vs X Germany PiC
21:30 CET France TFW X vs X Poland RG
22:30 CET Spain 4Frags 4 vs 0 Ireland TiG

Third League Matches today:
21:00 CET France Xet X vs X United Kingdom chokehold
21:00 CET Germany real X vs X Hungary LamA
Sewcond league?

Anyway good luck to all.
gl at all
Where are the dutch qw teams :<<
only MAZZ and aevitas are attending, from the netherlands :)
need more teams imo :<
Aevitas have to play Ocrana on sunday :>
there are some more dutch players :>
Who are playing for NoW
Spain Winghaven plays for Europe cash please, 2nd division afaik.
isn't he skilled enough for premier league? :>
just browsed the cb teams and have to say: unexpected ;)
Barcelona lose at the weekend so Winghaven gets dropped to 2nd division! That will serve you right for not playing Eidur Gudjohnsen against Villareal!
Well Rosenborg kickd some spanish ass vs Valencia 2-0 in CL :D So guess the norwegians in the team got a lucky day as wing got a very bad one;p
As a member of Cash Please, uber seriouZ pro gaming, I can explain why we are playing 2nd division in CB OC 2007 :)

Our 6th member dav1d has broken his PC and is waiting for a new one, (Will take ~little over one week) so we will be playing our first CB matches with a stand-in. Also the best 2nd division teams goes to the main playoff, so we got nothing to loose by playing 2nd division really and we will have our main lineup ready for the real playoffs.

And we are planning to placing high in the playoffs, so its not a matter of Wing moving down a league (this cup is self seeding anyways, so leagues and groups are very random), only a matter of us playing it safe until our lineup is up and running 100%. (As any other smart team would do in our place)
im avi as standin :)
Allready got a stand in, but thanks for the offer :)
Sounds like easymode to play-offs
thats exactly what this cb system is :-)
what anti said :p
would be better if you fought like a man and entered premier league :)
Yeah playing people that have been playing the game as a clan since the clan beta in june or something without our main roster, sounds great! (when we have played for a week:D) But I agree, the people getting an advantage from the betas are truly the macho men of ETQW, using their knowledge from closed testing to win matches! How could it be more manly and fair?

I think your confusing stupid and man here, its not like we are not going to the playoffs and will do good there, but don&#8217;t see the reason to possibly put us in an position to under perform in the group stage.
Well if you will do good in the playoffs you would do good in premier league as well, and only a few clans in premier league have had the privilege of closed beta testing (dignitas, kompaniet are the only ones i can think of now). But gl hf!
true that only kompaniet, one2, dignitas and GROF played the closed beta together (if I remember right) - but need to take the open beta into account also, so you still got us playing together for a week and with members thats only played for a week in total vs teams that have been playing for 3-1 months more than us. Not saying that this is a big issue, it just means we have to play catch up the first weeks :)
you tested since beta 1 you should know more than us:P
Yeah I knew all the maps before release / pub betas, so I had an advantage there, but didnt play in any clan before now - so didnt have a chance to make strats + teamplay and there is a big diffrence. But missunderstand me right, dont think the clan beta was a bad idea.
GL dohfos 'n guru

lets gogo! Looking forward to the cup
cheers. ..and right back at ya!
gl & hf to all :>
nice putting us in fucking 1st Div because CB wanted a Belgian clan in the 1st Div. We are now playing vs high teams and we are low+/med-. GG CB
take the oppertunity and learn from it then. u can only get better if u play vs. better teams then yourself :)
yes i know, we gonna do that, but we have to play kompaniet, infused, and scharwz. We'll see, gl with J52
mm, good group as well :D
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