4kings return to CoD

One of the UK's leading gaming organisations has today returned to the Call of Duty scene picking up an all UK lineup. The organisation has not been seen in the game since CoD1 when the remains of their RTCW squad took on the new title. They were never replaced despite many rumours contrary in CoD2. Yesterday they announced the following lineup for Activisions next title;

Ireland crow
United Kingdom palmz
United Kingdom junior
United Kingdom corp
United Kingdom wiz

The lineup is not as flamboyant as an organisation of their caliber could have attracted, however their CS history has shown that flamboyance is not always a winning attribute and they'll be hoping for a secure and stable future with the lineup. This is 4kings second pickup this week after taking a finnish CSS division from the now dead Insignia Cadre.

You can read the official announcement on the 4K homepage here.
just read it @ journal.. u are late 9>
ireland is not part of the uk... pls
technically, part of it is :o)
who cares
old, intresting tough. Hope more huge teams pickup cod4 teams
they got owned by vib|mogge and mix yesterday ! :)
2 weeks for sure!
omgoat, 4 kings!
GL Crow! See ya at i32?
GL Crow :)
that team doesnt really impressive me, id love to see the reasoning for this aside from geepak working with many of them in tmg, working with, does not account for gameplay

they already lost to fourvisions ctf team in SD 13-6 or smth on burgundy in a cod2 cup last night i beleive

gl though, maybe they will impress
The team is very strong on paper, they just need time and experience to get the team to top level.
I agree with nVc that this team is not as strong on paper as a name like 4kings could have attracted. No disrespect to that lineup but Reason Gaming in CoD2 would not have been my choice for 4kings in CoD4.
Expected the unexpected, you never know tbh! :D
True and alot of teams grow far stronger over time together and their teamplay is what wins them games rather than their individual quality, something that could well happen here with some hard work.
I think this squad might surprise you, but i guess we will find out in a week
cod2...this is a cod4 team
its practically the same :) jump shots, same engine regarding mouse movement/sens etc, strafe jumps, teams that suck in cod2 will suck at cod4 :) yea k there might be some new good ones since not everyone will know all the tac nades, positions, clipping spots, plants.

but generally, nothing will change
I guarantee you euros will torrent the american version and will know all tacnades by friday. OH GOD PLZ.
No, they lost to some random cuntheads on Dawnville.
The team who beat them forfeited the final :>

Only had Corp, Palmz and Crow as far as I can remember, not fully sure though...
Any mix with a swede can not be counted as random, even if the rest of the players in the mix was low+.

They were childish in the end, so randoms!
If that is your defenition of "random", you are right.
'they already lost to fourvisions ctf team in SD 13-6 or smth on burgundy in a cod2 cup last night i beleive'

are you kidding me? Who cares about that, they had a load of mercs and were playing 4v5 for most of it.. Good joke there
ctf cups mean everything davy <3 <3 (vanner here your headshot queen) :p
it wasnt a ctf cup, it was an SD cup, they got beaten by a CTF TEAM.

and i was wrong, four visions CTF team raged the team that beat this 4k side

please read
i am not trying to flame them, no i don't hate them and never did i say my view mattered, i simply made my point that i dont think they will do well and supported it with that, im sorry but these guys are apparantly good at cod2 right? cod4 isnt out, thats completely different, but the situation where people say they are a good side, is completely related to cod2 and NOT cod4, and after their performance in the cup it leaves me wondering further why 4k would take this side and not another, yea k it was only 1 cup and it could have been 1 poor performance, that was just one point... and yea there is trust within them and the manager, but as i see it, anyone playing for 4k would not quit themselves, and would play to try to win, it would be down to the manager to remove them. So to me, it would make more sense to take a much more proven side (not just players). Than put all your trust in a team because you used to work with certain players. But then you can look at it like "zomg cod4 is going to big lets try and take a team to get a headstart" - like in ETQW :) But then i wonder why would 4k need to do that. Personally i think 4k should have waited... but then i am not trying to be bias, this team could do well if they work hard.. but so could any team, nor do i know geepaks reasoning, so plz do not try to hate me with sarcasm and their excuses.

that is all
It was a 1 night cup and they played the cup 4v5 with only 3 players from the lineup, really you cannot judge them by that at all.
if you again read what i wrote

it is one of many reasons
Nice lineup,

Im searching for a clan too :(

Anybody want a skillor?
Played in a cup I admined last night, good team, gl in future :DD.
sounds orgasmic.

did you complete the capture of e-signatures ?
to be completely honest i know nothing about the rest of the team, but crow is there, so by the laws of physics they will score so much poon tang and win so many eurocups that cash might not say an Irish man is from the UK. on a less serious note, they have only been together a few days, and i suspect that the game someone referred to was actually just a fun mix more than anything. and anyway there is no way you can judge how well a team is going to do in a game that's not out yet, you never know, crow could suck ass at two games and get two europcups.
one - why is crow listed at the top of the team and not the bottom? :X

secondly - how much did you pay them crow to let you be apart of the infamous 4kings!!!!11? xD

I can remember buggering crow - If this team is as pleasurable as he was with me? They'll die quickly
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