ESL Major Series: 2nd EU Qualifier

image: emsThe first ESL Major Series EU Qualifier is coming to an end and the second one is already on its way. The last chance for all European teams will start next Thursday, seeing an unlimited number of teams fighting for the last 4 EMS slots.

Nearly all nations have found their representative already, only in some nations the final matches have to be played. With the end of our first EU Qualifier it is now time to announce our second and final qualifier and a major change to the slot distribution for the ESL Major Series. Due to the proceedings in some of our national qualifiers, we will reduce the slots from 24 to 16. This leaves the prospect of the EMS groupstage as follows:

Austria / Switzerland Alpen
Finland Finland
France France
Germany Germany 2 slots
Italy Italy
Poland Poland 2 slots
Spain Spain
Sweden Sweden 2 slots
Europe Europe 5 slots

For all teams which are not from one of the mentioned countries or if a clan is too mixed up by different nationalities, there will be the second and last international qualifier where all those teams can participate in. If your clan joined a national qualifier which is not listed in our country ranking, then your national qualifier was cancelled due to lack of teams.

The best 4 teams of the 2nd EU Qualifier will get a slot for the ESL Major Series, starting next Thursday. That's why the signups are already open and will close on Wednesday afternoon. Based on the number of signups, we will decide if we will find the last four teams for the EMS in a single or double elimination bracket.

More details including the schedule can be found in the official ESL Newspost.

ESL News
ESL Major Series
great stuff
nice we arent allowed 2 register again :P
Good stuff, some teams get two shots to qualify, others get one.....and guess who is admin! O_o
no matter what cup/league you are joining, baldrick is ze admin.
very nice stuff though :D
make it so all regions can signup. 2nd chance for everyone and you'll get the best teams around competing in the major series.
That'd be fine except some teams haven't had a first chance to qualify yet! Unless they sort out another 'regional' qualifier for teams who haven't played yet then allowing a second chance to teams who've already played is bs.
yeh well. as i said on the official newspost @esl -


don't give participants from the first EU qualifier a 2nd chance.

..but i reckon the good teams (like yourself) would go through even with some 2nd-chance-teams. and i'd go with that option since that would give a better ems (quality-wise) at the end of the day, especially from a spectator view which i suppose i am now since j52 folded. however, i can fully see your side of it aswell and from the start i didn't believe that any team would get a 2nd chance either.
I'm not worried about our own route, I worried that the cup is fair. If this kind of thing happens on the fly god knows what other fek ups might be made later on.
You wanted retarte teams in EMS i guess ?

EMS should include 16 strongest teams and not 16 teams random teams chosen because you cant try twice.
EMS is meant to be like the Champions League of gaming. meaning, there is some kinda qualification. and there is spots reserved for pretty much all countries (or well, the less good leagues have to go througha nother qualification).

so that does not suggest that all of the top teams will be there. it's not cb eurocup :)
Not true, eurocup also always has 1 team from each country. And see the last 2 lines ?

lans are selected for EuroCup participation based on their stability (i.e. the ability to complete leagues) and their strength as proven by official match results (or the results of their players in other clans). Practice results are irrelevant. Unproven clans will only be considered if their players have completed competitions with top clans before. To broaden the international appeal of the EuroCup, the best clan of country A may get preference over the next best clan of country B.
If it's about the best teams then why should teams that need two attempts to qualify get in? Additionally if it's about the best teams why have regional qualifiers that most probably don't add them....seems to me the tournament isn't designed to be about the best teams.

If the tournament format is going to be fudged to allow in the perceived best teams rather than the teams who qualify then make it invite only from start instead of fuckin people about.
At your first sentence,because they only allow 1 team each qualify ?
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