A slight edit for cZar

Belgian superstars see themselves under a new roof today, known only as Europe Team EDiT. The ET squad were recently seen competing against the superbly named Germany megaProGaming, but having lost 2-4 will now be pushed into the lower bracket where they will face Europe MoD. The players have been seen together in similar teams on multiple occasions, resulting in a team with much experience together, and a respectable amount of experience. Expectations of the team versus Europe MoD in their next EuroCup game are relatively high. The lineup of the team has not been subject to change despite a new MGC, and is as follows:

Belgium Timmy 'acid' Seghers
Belgium Kevin 'Kevin' Verhulst
Belgium Lieven 'lio' Melsens
Belgium Steven 'mesq' Van Acker
Belgium Dimitri 'snot' Linden
Belgium Thierry 'vila' Even
Belgium Joeri 'zeto' Bpoe
Belgium Floriaan 'ziff' Mons

The MGC itself, has also just released it's site, and is run by United Kingdom Oliver "oLi" Adams, known for his past with cZar. Currently the MGC consists only of the ET squad, and sponsors such as SteelSeries & Servlogic. It is expected to grow soon.

Im very happy to see cZar joining EDiT. We have been looking to open the new site along with a new gaming squad and im very proud to make that squad these guys. Our original plan was to wait and see if ET:QW's took off the ground but with cZar so interested and some time still left on the clock of ET we decided it would be worth it.
We now hope they can prove themselves at upcoming leagues and CDC4.

I'm proud to announce that Just Another ET Team, or better known as cZar, are joining up EDiT. We are very proud by joining up such a known organisation as EDiT. We hope we can live up to their goals.

gl lads!
are you fucking serious?
love you meez
mesq @ comeback !
i wouldnt call mod high
it doesn't say that :o
in his world it does!
mod has been dead since we lost to impact but I guess we gave them a tough game there
you couldnt handle 1 loss? with such skill in MoD i guess its strange to lose...
well, our lineup couldn't handle it.... with fuchs disappearing we never found our motivation back anymore

(not to mention that we had like 4 core players and the last 2 changing all the time even before that)
ill spam fuchs in msn!
fuchs. how unexpected.
exactly. :) thats the reason some guys cant handle such a level.

its called ego.
well... Im wondering why the would take an ET squad in....
the site says new teams will be announced soon, so i imagine they have some teams considering joining soon or something...
another great post
thx for the post hentai <3
yawn inducing
i had actually forgotten about that site lol
gl guys, but don't go the auxilia aka highbot aka gmpo way ;>
aka royality aka rewind
team humm3l was once royality :( i'm sure of it!
i wanted to say it!
dont forget a+r & palmarium
no way mate :)
pointless, edit asked us for cdc3 but they couldnt promise shit

good luck though, hope you can get as much out of them as possible 8)

what I really hope is that edit becomes the way it used to be.

but i highly doubt this is the way to go
Als de slimme spelers er niet intrappen, pakken ze maar de domme <3
gl, oLi @ cZar didnt really worked out well
gl ziffke, vila, mesqinator, gavin, zet0, beste vriend acid & eeuwige neusprater lio

<3 Belgium yerman Powerhouse EDiT
rofl zijt gij der mee ant lache ? :D
ofc :D

twas nen insider hé
good luck lads
go ziff :]
gl hoefully u will play against MoD as u did against MPG
It is me or is EDiT a good cs/css clan. Is this a ripoff ? :(
Well the CoD2 team left, just like the CSS team, so now they give ET a chance. Quite happy to see this, hopefully ET:QW soon as well? :)
go belgian lads :D
gogo acid<3
gl Kevin
czar @ 77856164878 edition/revive?
join an unknown mgc? :O
uh so? like the name gives a shit LOL. Some years ago the now "known" mgc's where unknown aswell.The name was made by the teams playing under that tag back then. most probaply they joined this mgc because the mgc can support the team
i doesnt say any negativ thing , im not stupid , but if u see the page is the clan new or unknown and never had any good squads , that was it what i wanna say :)
EDiT used to have the number 1 CSS team in the Benelux until fnatic (digitalMind back then) came around, afterwards they had one of the best Dutch CoD2 teams (also known as Koppensnellers and later on CNO Gaming).
ah okay good to know :)
goan ziff snot mesq
learn that kevin how to shave himself (yes I know it will be hard)!
juu tis den KEVIN!
Happy to join this well known clan?

my dreamteam :D

but euhrm, recap: css team left edit coz of sloppy management. And isnt oLi the one that fucked up cZar aswell.. I mean :/
zoude daar is geen vlaamse vlaggeskes van make voor die kutwalen ier " gl " zitte te zegge .

Vlaanderen boven
Waar men de heer nog kan loven
Waar de mensen belangrijk zijn
En de buiken omvangrijk zijn
Vlaanderen buiten
Waar de vogeltjes fluiten
Vlaanderen mijn land
Bij het Noordzeestrand
imP if you read all the facts about what happened with our CS:S team you would see they didn't leave because of that reason.

Also why are people going on about EDiT only allowed to have COD2 and CS:S squads?
That didn't work very well in the past and actually that is one of the reasons we lost Benq. So change is always good.
[q]Statement from squadleader of the ET team - "mesq"

I'm proud to announce that Just Another ET Team, or better known as cZar, are joining up EDiT. We are very proud by joining up such a known organisation as EDiT. We hope we can live up to their goals.[/q]

Always the same blabla. ;)
didnt EDiT had Benq as sponsor?
gl zatlappen
snot je speelde toch met mmf? ;D
ja ma ik had nog geen playoffs gespeeld dus mocht ik met hun meedoen
gl & nice post hentai
thank you Sainted. EDiT lost their old cod2 team and went inactive and the sponsors never left and evo thats wrong :)
why change mgc so often :o ?

gl anyway
does JAET sounds like an mgc to you? It was more like a temporarely name...
not long ago u had some other mgc before czar?

and the same team has gone through kinda many mgcs earlier as well

but yeah I thought jaet would be one too
names pls :)
too lazy to find them :O
czar was their only real mgc so far i remember.. For the rest they played as zerobarrier (that wasn't mgc), JA(N)ET ... =)
finest , go on .. :D
pff im not that fanboy xD eventhough i should have know fine57 ;P played them a couple of times...wait let me ask ziff xD

xtrazone, czar, zerobarrier, vib, finest, janet, a+r, onesoldier and now edit

what i remember off the top of my head, hummel still leads!
yup -> started around march 2005 with playing together.
Ok let's take a look at this:

March 16 (2006)
19:31 Joined clan xtrazone

May 1 (2006)
22:51 Changed clanname to "cZar-Gaming"

April 9 (2007)
18:18 Changed clanname to "zerobarrier"

April 24 (2007)
21:35 Changed clanname to "onesoldier"

October 21 (2007)
20:16 Changed clanname to "Just Another ET Team"

November 8 (2007)
21:31 Changed clanname to "EDiT"

First of all, A+R, vib and Fine57 hasn't got anything to do with me/ziff/snot/kevin/dNzl. xtraZone, JAET and zerobarrier aren't multigamingclans. So that makes 3 multigamingclans from 16 march 2006.

(I still don't get it why I wasted 5 minutes on writing this =[) greets!
i just mention team names not mgcs. i wouldnt know who was in which team exactly, but i know that at least some of the current members have been in all of those teams
merci om mij te vergeten stuk drek :<
Sometimes I have the same feeling with certain teams ...but tell em why is that you are so anti-us?

And I think you're not in the position of making false statement since you support your very own impact-gaming out of your own pocket.
actually no i am not anti you or i would not have wished you good luck. I just doubt that team edit do receive anything anymore from Steelseries since i don't see them giving out gear to a clan with only an ET team. i wish you good luck with them although i'm not sure what EDIT can really provide you with.

FYI i dont pay a penny towards to the Impact resources, only for LAN events
gl Kevin :D
gl ballies, but we've spoken to edit aswell, they couldn't give us the lan support we needed, which vae of all clans, could.

but good luck though
Good Luck Belgium lio
gl lio mesq and kevin ; )
gl team.be
gl all =)
good luck mesqi.
Snot! Gl all!
Quoteresulting in a team with much experience together, and a respectable amount of experience

Besides experience do they also have, uh, experience?

Btw Zeto is my favorite player to spectate on ettv :D
fanboy detected!!
And now practice some panza!
gl boyos
Hasn't mesq quit like 4 times now?
jou timmy! and gl mesq!!<3
Guys I'm tired of this management this management that shit, if you want to discuss how to manage an organization do it in private.
so don't answer...
dont worry sainted. uzAr is just a childish girl. Shes always had something against me but i dont know what ;)
finally u joined edit :d
gl czars
i remember an ettv match , mesq really had a bad day i think

some minutes after start of the game people shouted: lol! mesq finally made a headshot!!

hehe. no offense to mesq^^
gL next game
gl ziffer
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