Dignitas wins Multiplay i32

Multiplay's i32 LAN is well underway, with just the final of the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars tournament remaining to be played. With only 4 teams entering the competition it took place in a double elimination format, with Europe Dignitas defeating Greece Greek Operation Forces in the Upper Bracket final on Refinery. With GROF then defeating United Kingdom {SAS} with easy to secure their place in the grand final, and a guarentee of £750 for 2nd place.
The final will see the 2 teams battling it out for £2000 & 6 Saphire graphics cards, courtesy of Activision and Sapphire, and will be shoutcast live at 19.30 CET by TosspoT and Deman, and can be accessed through either the QuadV or Multiplay website. Packard Bell have provided computers for both teams to use for the final.

Due to the double elimination format, GROF must win both Salvage and Sewer in order to take victory, whilst Dignitas only needs to win 1 map.

Update - The Match has been delayed until Sunday morning now



Update - Postponed until 11.00 Sunday
Dignitas won 2-0 on Salvage to win the Contamination Cup
nice stuff!
gl hf

50/50 this time please....
GL!!!!!11 50/50 NO DISCUSSION
Bra jobbat kÄmpeN!
GL ET pwnzors
Digimons > GROFL

5$ says that huggo will puuuuwn.
no tape no pwn
Use the force then.
Should be fun!
just saw u lost. :( sowi
GL and HF :D
gl senji!
gogo power rangers
sounds awesome
flags :<<
what's QW ?
postponed because they cant setup the pcs LoL
tomorrow 12gmt or something
Are you kidding me?
come to switzerland next time...izi bash
gl hentai, reload and senji
Nice friends.
no GL for me ? TNX SWINE
you arent even playing
GL dignitas!!!
Can you watch the game? :p
should be casted + stream i think
gl dignitas!
Lucky for the teams attending that all the other teams also are online only!

ps: prøv å ikke fuck opp nå da marius. (English: Gl athex!)
gl boys !
whats wrong with number of teams ?
costs like £500 to enter the tournament without things like travel food accomodation etc...
really expensive for anyone outside the uk, and pretty expensive for those within
gl dignitas!
any other etqw lans incoming?
yeah 80£ for a ticket can believe any one goes here even from the uk:D
The game is wrong :-).
gl then both teams :)

but this was way to early for the first ever etqw lan. looking forward to cdc4 though.
"Postponed until 11.00 Sunday"

I take it they not aware of the importance of this time on this particular day then...
there was 2 minutes of silence =)
didnt even notice :S
Thats cos u all kept playing and talking during it ;p
ye didnt hear it :-(
Inconsiderate bastard! :O Should be ashamed of yourself...
Don't you have a watch?
11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, not hard to remember no?
Aye, we even had on at my american football training. Should be ashamed of yourself and go pray that you won't burn in hell for it!
actually i dont have a watch here.. and you have other things in mind before a final aswell than watching your watch.. i was trying to fix my pc so i didnt hear it, im sorry :x
If we didn't win the war you wouldn't even have a pc :\
and ETQW would be in German
Probably wouldn't exist :)
Gratz Huggo n teh rest of digimons
who won?
dignitas won the first map

they set around 12 minutes on salvage, we didn't manage to beat it, but got near last objective atleaST>(
hehe wp :)
We failed, so can we have a rr please? :D

gg and wp
was that a joke, rufio? :)

gz digi
If you'd watched the cast you'd understand that we had to replay the first GDF round of Salvage because senji kept getting kicked by PB and reconnecting. However even though the admin apparently decided this before the end of the round, we weren't told and had to play out the round which we then thought we had won. Whether we'd of had to replay if we hadn't defused Dignitas' plant on 3rd stage with 1second left after 6mins is another question...
yeah not the best admin. The admin came to us and told us to replay we were already rdy to fullhold and play sewer :P
gg grof, wp

ashame we had to replay, but i hope u understand that fullholding 6v5 isn't that hard :) - it was the admins dicision, we didn't sugest it and we were told they had decided to replay early in the round.
If your first plant had blown there wouldn't have been a replay. That's why we aren't happy with it, because they should have told us to stop playing early in the round, when he first got disconnected. When it happened online like it did to us last time we played you in ESL nothing happened about it.
I hope that you understand that its nigh on impossible to do 2 fullholds in a row on Salvage even when opponent has 5 for 1/2 the time.

I don't blame you at all for wanting to replay, I don't think its fair that you had to play with 5, but it punishes us for something which wasn't at all to do with our team.
its all about 50/50 tbh
Yes, unfair....yes....
So you think in all games when 1 player has a problem that you should replay? If you're player gets injured in a soccer match then thats too bad, he can't continue to play. It's the eSports equivilent.
Connection problems, broken leg, yeah I can see the similarities...
It's just an analogy :o)
In both cases the player is unable to continue to play the match, or has a disadvantage while playing
well if you consider a 5v6 match to be fair, or fullholding a team 6v5 to be impressive then i can't take that away from you :). I find it quite funny how your teammates came over after the final and said "good game guys, well played - not your fault that pb fucked up" and still you are trying to convice a community site that playing 6v5 is so impressive.
Read up "I don't think its fair that you had to play with 5" and I don't think that I said I considered it impressive that we fullheld you. Nor have I said that it was your fault that PB is shit. I'm more annoyed that PB wasn't disabled originally and that it wasn't stopped half way through meaning that we thought that we had won that round with our defence. If it happens online you don't replay, but in this case that wasn't true.

I suggest that you reread the stuff that I write before trying to make out that I've said something which I didn't. Even with that fullhold Dignitas still had a much greater chance of winning anyway.
"So you think in all games when 1 player has a problem that you should replay? If you're player gets injured in a soccer match then thats too bad, he can't continue to play."

so its just too bad for us that we are playing with 5v6? sounds like you don't care if its 6v1 or 6v6 u just wanna win without caring if its fair or not.
In EMS we played you with 5v6 on 3rd stage of Salvage defence and didn't do anything about it. How you getting 2 chances to attack against us can be considered "fair" for us is beyond me.
I think that the round should have been restarted at the start not later on, or senji should have made sure PB was working in warmup so that it could be fixed before we started.
Not a very good one though. In football if an injury happens play gets stopped. If you want to whine about it whine at the fact that SD didn't include pauses.
Yes the admin should have said half way through; which I admit was very poor admining. However it happened and theres nothing that can be done about it... basically shit happens, but shame it was for that amount of money from your perspective...
I wanted Dignitas to kick your ass anyway just for the record :P
We're not bothered about it :p Was an awesome game, if not the best game i've ever played.
Oh fair enough. Chris said you were whining about it... I didn't watch it myself, had better things to do ;D
Fuck off blaming me...
Well, we don't like the fact that we had to play the full round and then get told after it was over...like you said yourself, that's bad adminning.

I don't mind personally, it was my first time on LAN, so was great :P We learnt a lot playing together here as well, so we don't mind losing so much.
didnt know you were going as i had free CB tickets but didnt bother :(
:( met munchies and reload from et which was nice

never got to speak to senji really, he's a bit more quiet than the others :<
yeah forgot munchies was going to :( yeah reload is a nice chap he was the only one to speak to me from the team at cpc3 :P
he only play 2 mins of the map but yeah admins should have said after 2nd or 3rd crash or even better SD should add the damn pause function:)
No, I think you should have signed up to admin the event, then you could have played dignitas as many times as it took to win surely? Because that IS fair :P
ballprick weren't admin?!?!
gg dignitas, was a nice game except for the restart but i think it wasn't we fullheld because it was 5v6 at sometimes.
And admin should have say it earlier because its quite shit if u play gdf 2 times after each other.. tactics etc :(
gz dignitas :)
well I'd say it's easier to defend GDF two times in a row now that you know how the opponent attacks, not how the opponent defends...
demos plz
Admins demo
Edit - link doesn't work I'll try and upload somewhere later
gratzz senji teh old ET pwnerer! :)
grats dignitas.
gz dignitas, was great :)
Like anyone can get me to believe this bjorn person showed up at lan. Conspiracy for sure!
Yeah, I mean don't waste energy!!!
known teams always get advantage from admins ;).
Was a nice game to see live
Would you have made a different decision?
I would've cut the game off after the first 1/2/3 kicks :o
I would have got naked
I would have put finger or two up my own bum...
yes, you make decision wen happen. Not wen game almost is over. At this way dignitas allready could plan more on there last defence tacs.
what happened?
I was amazed over GROF's poor start, I mean digi almost got it all after 6 mins on salvage, and they did the first two on 4 mins :o

They did a good job after the restart though =)

gg, entertaining to watch
wp dignitas, sad there were only 4 teams..
8 at polylan!
black people never win
couldnt agree more sir
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