ET Idol - final round is starting!

image: etidol

After another 48 hours of voting, the voting booth has been closed once again and we now have all 6 finalists for the ET Idol contest:

Germany HorsT - Alles Nur Lucker (195 votes)
Netherlands equal - Kaas (186 votes)
Finland Sotapaa - Jingle Bells (122 votes)
Netherlands Overdrive - Like A Virgin (86 votes)
Germany Snoop - Nobody's Home (67 votes)
Finland Larg0 - Kuka Keksi (60 votes)

Finland Sotapaa and his christmas song was the most appreciated one, while Netherlands Overdrive was successful with his Madonna interpretation and Germany Snoop got credit for impersonating Avril Lavigne.

Thanks to all the others of the second group who have not made it to the finals, maybe you will next time!

Now, these are the final contestants, and you can vote for them until Sunday February 12th 22 CET. By then, we will know who of those 6 is going to take home his very own ET Idol shirt and who will just come in second.

Man, it's just like in gaming, people can't control their urge to cheat. Since I do not know whether the singer in question is responsible for the cheating, I am just going to remove those votes which resulted out of cheating at the end of the voting process (Yes, I am able to find out how many votes were not legal).
Anyway, this is just sad, but I half expected this to happen.

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