Fnac Paris LAN

This Saturday 17th November, 18 teams descend on Paris, France, in order to participate in the finals of the Fnac Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Trophy sponsored by Asus! With the event being held in the Fnac Ternes store in Paris, both gamers and members of the public alike have the opportunity to witness some of the top teams in France go head to head for the chance of walking away with 5 ASUS gaming laptops!
However there has been some controversy over the structure and rules of the event, which will be played solely on the demo version of ET:QW with no restrictions and in 5v5. Also, we see a 10 minute timelimit in the group stage, increasing to 15 minutes for the knockout. Objective count is irrelevant, and in the case of a tie, the team with the most XP will take the victory.
With the teams being split up into 6 groups of 3, with the winners then advancing into 2 more poules of 3 teams. The top team from each group will then contest the final, with the 2nd placed teams playing for 3rd place.

Whilst Greece Greek Operation Forces must go into this event as the favourites, it would be unwise to underestimate any of their French opponents who will look to cause an upset on home soil, with France CoRe, France ScaraB and France Against This Brigade looking like the strongest of their opponents. However none of the other teams should be disappointed, as Fnac have paid the full expenses of all the teams competing in the event, as part of the prize for winning the qualification rounds during October, where each participant also earned an ASUS (G5) Gaming Mouse.

With the finals having been completed the results are as follows:

1st place: NoFrag
2nd place: ATB
3rd place: grof

Congratulations to NoFrag, who now win 5 ASUS G1 Gaming laptops!

1st - 5 ASUS G1 Gaming Laptops
2nd - 5 ASUS PG221 LCD Screens
3rd - 5 ASUS PG191 LCD Screens
Who of you is not attending?
GROF lineup is 2easy, Quark, RuFiO, Waste, Baldrick
me sin and athex aren't going, the ones going are listed above
So how long do you think before you start cramming for January exams?
I don't have any january exams afaik...
pff, lucky you

I have Maths C1&C2 and Physics 1 :(
that was fast

i'm off to sleep

catch up on irc sometime, k
See you there :)
Sounds nice, good luck GROF!
Only time I'd ever go to france is at the head of an invasion force
Indeed, and thanks to some french dumbass who trained valley for this shitty lan (only aTb trained...) and whined on community forum, fnac decided to not change the rules and maps ... thanks!
only lan u will ever win :)
Says the dwarf.
They didn't even won :D
yeah sorry guys :/ guess i was wrong
epic fail predict xD
Could you pls give an url for that ASUS G5 laptop? Coz I'm checking notebooks nowadays, but don't find that, maybe just mistyped, also the mouse in the last line isn't Logitech?
wnb events with shitteams only when nobody knows about it
it wasn't supposed to go out of french community, that was just a stupid event to promote the game and asus, but grof got the good idea to come in frenchonly tournament to win laptop and now news it :D
NerdVibes will be in the place :)
History is kinda fun as GROF was only team knowing about the event as far as I know, nice starting to post news after all qualifiers ;)

But the format is as random as you can get it :D Most xp win xD french rules!
Dignitas knew about the event as much as we did
you knew so long time before, we got infos about it 1 week before which made it impossible for us to get any tickets
2 weeks
we arranged everything in 1 week.
but I don't care.
Gonna gather some more XP.
ye , its rly hard to go from netherland/uk to france :XDDDD .
For info, Fnac give all travels for free.
not for qualis as far as i know .
Yes not for quali but for final you have it for free + hotel.
Just as Waste said.
And this week they booked our tickets Monday afternoon. Tickets came yesterday/today. 2days :)
well dignitas have players from all sorts of 3rd world countries
Not exactly anyone's fault though is it..
lolol kinda lame
no restrictions + 10 mins time xDDDDDDDDDD
serious business for serious game
I'll send you guys the pics of the eiffel tower :D
I'll send the soltis-esque pictures of RuFiO in his underwear
tbh, i dont see the NEED of that news item!

Ill submit a news next time sfto are attending any unknown lan again.

Anyways, GL (at least we had rules in LAUSANNE)
idd, what's the point of the news? you didn't post it for the quali so why now ?
Blame Baldrick haha
Hum GROF guys I feel sorrys for you, because there is some big union strikes movement until monday... Even french players are not sure they can come, and if they can if not too late. Few trains and big congestions, it's lucky that's a saturday.

Anyway good luck, you'll need it :s
What a lol tournament.
Grats to the laptops grofl.
BREAKING NEWS : jeje is not going anymore, the tournament just lost all interest it had :p
nice pricez :O
Winner : NoFrag (my team)
2nd : ATB
3rd : GROF

1/2 final :
- ATB won against GROF in 14 min. GROF didn't manage to plant the bomb.
- NoFrag won easily in 5 min against some kind of unknown team.

- ATB didn't manage to deploy the MCP : pretty hard against 2 dessecrators, 2 hogs, 1 tormentor and 5 AVT... I still wonder how GROF failed to defend this objective.
- During the 2nd round, NoFrag didn't manage to deploy the MCP and tried to accumulate a lot of XP by camping and farming. At the end of the game, we had the most XP and won. It was a dirty victory, frustrating for both teams.

We never played against GROF, but after the final, 2 guys from their team told me something like this : "Don't you feel shitty to win like that ? You just came here to win the prizes, not to play the game, it's a shame, bla bla bla..."

Oh, and they don't even speak greek !

Have a nice day.
congrats on the win

and well played grof :)
hahaha, congratz mate . GROFL :XDDD
ahahahaha D:D:

Bien joué nico ! :)
We never played against GROF, but after the final, 2 guys from their team told me something like this : "Don't you feel shitty to win like that ? You just came here to win the prizes, not to play the game, it's a shame, bla bla bla..."

Hey that was me, It didn't seem that you wanted to talk about it IRL but now you post it on crossfire :( :( HAHA you even agreed with me that it was sad to win like this.

It's a shame that people like you make posts on crossfire like ''OMG they talked to us blablabla how lame it was''. But you must understand that we looked at the match, and looking at a few guys throwing grenades from a supply crate just to get XP is lame :D , at that point I didn't care about the laptops anymore (because we lost vs ATB) I just thought it was SO lame for ATB.

And if you didn't like something about us, you should've told us IRL, maybe we could've worked something out.
We never played against GROF, but after the final, 2 guys from their team told me something like this : "Don't you feel shitty to win like that ? You just came here to win the prizes, not to play the game, it's a shame, bla bla bla..."

And after my post on Crossfire, he came here and write something like "It's a shame that people like you make posts on crossfire like ''OMG they talked to us blablabla how lame it was''."

I never said it was lame. Was it?

If you want to discuss with me, maybe you should stop calling me "the french guy" or "the 30y old gamer". And next time you came to me and open your mouth, don't show me your back if you want an answer.

FYI, nofrag is far more famous than your unknown team which will disband in a couple of monthes. Even crossfire.nu is a small site compared to mine. Now, you can call me arrogant :-)
Do you think I'm stupid?
They way to posted it gives a totally wrong image of us. If you want to post something like that also post the background of it.
I've already wrote the background : "we tried to accumulate a lot of XP by camping and farming." And I draw a nice photoshop to illustrate the final game.

As you said, we agree with you : it was a lame victory. But it was far more lame to talk to us like shit after the tournament.
Hahaha why didn't you tell me so then? Why do you post on crossfire that it's lame that I said those things to you, you could've just told me in my face..

You agreed with me that it was sad how you won and you didn't say more than that. You didn't say that I was lame to say that to you.

Hahahaha really it's funny how different people talk on the internet than IRL.
This is probably because on the internet there is no option "show my back and go away so I can have the last word". Or maybe because ppl don't want to talk to you irl when you talk to them like shit... Who knows ?
I didn't talk shit to you, I just think you're a nerd who only dares to say something to me on the internet..but ok...
No use to keep going on in this discussion, have fun with your laptop :D
"I didn't talk shit to you, I just think you're a nerd who only dares to say something to me on the internet."

No, you don't talk shit to me, you're just saying I'm a coward and a nerd.

Just read the other posts and ask yourself why there are so many flames about your attitude. Have fun with your reputation.
Do understand that when I say ''didn't'' that I'm talking about the past? Sigh this will go on forever....
e-drama on G. Better get some Coke n popcorn ey...
Gratz but wtf
i gotta say: WELL deserved GROF. Maybe Baldrick "Mr i know so much about Battlefield and i want Quake Wars to be just like Battlfield" will now recognize that he knows nothing about the game.

Im a real calm boy when it comes to public flaming or whatever you call it, but this is just awesome. A team that claims itself to be the 2nd powerhouse right after dignitas loses vs a team that no one heard about before. And why? You missed your rules baldrick?

QuoteWe never played against GROF, but after the final, 2 guys from their team told me something like this : "Don't you feel shitty to win like that ? You just came here to win the prizes, not to play the game, it's a shame, bla bla bla..."

Thats even more SAD! I mean you totally took the 2nd place, at least for me, right behind rage for the most retarded team now. Doing this news only after you knew you guys qualified, putted it ON TOP of cf and now? Hope you got the balls to update the news item and state your 2nd failure :)

But anyways hf with the screens and maybe you learned from it:

Arrogance and thinking this will be easy win will never be the correct way!

Again sorry for the whine but i really think this was one of the lamest behaviour (see the comments above) BUT with the very best result you can imagine.

wp all teams and gl next time grof!
And they lose versus aTb, if you know them you will understand the most funny part !!
Who are you and why do you flame? Read my new comment about the french guy's comment, obviously that french guy didn't understand why I came up to him and what it was about. I don't see any comments where we are arrogant in (ok in the newsposts it says we are favourites, but didn't you (at that point ofc :P ) agree with that?)

And the whine about the rules was ages ago, no use to bring em up again, or maybe you should PM baldrick for that.
hi, my name is Hannes and like i said above i usually dont whine and flame, and im sorry i did it here. But i guess you cannot deny that this wasnt the best move and performance you guys did.
That still doesn't give you any reason the flame at us or call us arrogant. I can't remember where we flamed your team when you performed bad...
maybe because we dont want to be in the spotlight with a LAN that is soo easy to win (yet you failed).

Think about that, its not about your bad performance, you get flame there enough in the articles and columns here on crossfire. Its just about how your team is recognized by the community (hi2Baldrick)

A part of the problem here is GROFs manager Baldrick who should step down from the playing lineup, as he is far from as talented as other players in the team. When the squad was formed back in the beta days Baldrick was listed as manager and for a reason.

With hentai as your BEST aimer in the lineup you would have performed like 100% better. No im not a hentai supporter, nor a baldrick hater, i just cant stand it how your team represents itself.
(+ i dont know why he didnt show up, if he hadnt have the chance, poor for you, if it was Baldrick who wanted the spot (like some are saying) its just lame)
You have no idea how things are in our team, so maybe you should just stop posting about us.

And all the flaming just shows what a shit community ETQW has.
agree on the team part, I will leave the other part uncommented!
Gay ruleset, ul grof
hahahahhaha im dying over here.

see you in cod4 grof.
weggeGROFlt !
gg cu in cod4 <3
NoFrag maybe talk some litte more offline .. 30year old gamers :D
Already quitting ?
after that, grof will have the attribute" i-net only" 4 evah i guess :D
Hi, xan from Nofrag.

To be honest, we are not that proud of winning like this. Well, we're happy of winning the laptops, because we really aren't in a full competitive mood, but we still prefer playing game with proper rules, that's why we also do ClanBase Open Cup.

You lost against ATB who planted the bomb 1 minute before the end. Well, that's the game and it was a deserved win for ATB from what we saw. You lost, they won, could've been the opposite easily if you've trained more the map and the rules i believe.

In my opinion, you underestimated completely your opponents, and didn't even take the time to watch them playing where we watched all games of the strongest teams, noting their classes, strat...

Anyway, it's only a small tournament, we all played for fun there. Don't start thinking we wanted the laptops at all costs. The event was also an opportunity for us to meet IRL and grab some fun. That's why your words when we won hurt us a bit. We though you were (you are probably in fact) a good team, able to admit proudly the defeat. Asking us if we don't feel like shit was some bad words.

Hopefully, everybody can start forgiving those and go ahead.

Thank you
Congratulations for finishing 3rd. Sincerely.
Take care


PS : Only one member of our team is 30 years old, others are more 22-25.
PS² : We would have spoken with you easily but you felt like wanting to stay alone. In fact, you didn't spoke with a lot of people iirc.
PS3 : If one day you feel like playing against us with proper rules, you're welcome. We will probably get smashed, but we don't care. That's why wy try playing all of the strongest teams (kompa, pelit...), we get some fun by being beaten. Some kind of masochism i believe.
How much teams participated?
18 for the finale (but 3 didn't show up and 3 were with less than 5 members)
looks like the etqw community is even more retarded than et's
Baldrig wasn't admin?? :(
Did the frenchys have radar Ballprick?!? What happend?!?

Amazing, priceless, exaggerated, excessive, extreme, finished, first-class, gilt-edge, greatest, highest, inflated, magnificent, matchless, mostest, number one, optimum, outstanding, peerless, solid gold, standout, superb, supreme, surpassing, the end, top dog, transcendent, unexcelled, unparalleled, unrivaled, unsurpassed, winner, world class.

If there is more superlatives that can describe GROFL's performance, pm meh <3<3<3
Oh well, it was fun anyways :D
Hi RuFi0 xD
yea, 5on5 with no rules on Valley, bet it was fun.
Maybe you don't know, but I don't go to LAN's/tournaments just for playing the game.
nice attitude =))))
I hope that wasn't sarcastic, because although i've only been to LAN once, it was about a lot more than playing..
Well it sounded like you wouldnt take the gaming part so serious on LAN therefore it could be sarcastic! As Im not 100% sure what he meant by that I dont if it was sarcastic or not :P Everything depends about everything!
I have no idea what any of that is meant to mean :(
I dont know how to explain it better! Try to read it from perspective of idiot finn!
We spoke for a long time with Scara-B and atb at the event and after, as well as some players who I don't know the names of. None of us have any hard feeling towards atb for beating us as they deserved to win, and I think that they realise that from our conversations after the final. They played well, we didn't, there wasn't anything wrong with the way they played. Of course we are disappointed that we didn't win, but in the same way, the way we lost was in no way unfair. Not like the final where you won by getting XP from throwing away grenades so that you could re-fill on ammo from your crates.

(It was RuFiO who spoke to you after the final, I was standing with him but didn't say anything and he wasn't talking for me) You did however say that you agreed that the way you played in the final was lame but it didn't seem like you wanted to talk about that at all.

"In my opinion, you underestimated completely your opponents, and didn't even take the time to watch them playing where we watched all games of the strongest teams, noting their classes, strat..."
We don't stand behind people watching them playing to steal their strategies, we didn't come just to play, we had a good time in Paris anyway. Other than the box which the monitor came in was really painful to carry around on the metro and to the hotel :(

Quite a lot of the French people came up to me at the event and said that they were pleased that I put a news on Crossfire. I wouldn't have posted a news if we weren't going, because I did it as much because of the help which the admins (Vincent & Patricia) gave me with arranging our trip rather than self-promotion, and like they said to me at the event, they hope that Fnac will agree to run more events in future. A little bit of publicity for them helps that.

@NoFrag Congratulations on your victory.
I'm sorry, i didn't really saw you speaking with other people. Saying that the way we won is unfair is wrong. Something unfair, is something you do that the adversary can't, it wasn't the case here.

I agree that what we did was lame, terrible and pretty much stupid, but we played with the rules. If the rules are stupids, then it's not our fault. Moreover, ATB did nearly the same, they saw they would never succeed in deploying the MCP so switched to RL to destroy all our turrets and get xp. They didn't used crates, but was it so different ?

I went to the admins at the end and tried to explain them why the tourney was failed since the beginning because of the rules. I hope they understood and will try to apply this next time.

By the way, if you want some pictures, there are some at www.edolone.net or a friend of us wrote an article on his blog there.

NoFrag is also sorry that you're retiring from the ET:QW scene. Take care in your next path.


PS : We don't steal strats :-) We just grab some intel on them by watching players.
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