ESL TV with ET:QW *Update*

Germany FlyingDJ will be live on air tonight, for ESL TV.

He will cast the semifinal of the 2nd ESL ET:QW Cup Series, where Germany ocrana versus Germany KomaCrew. The Match will be live at 22:00 CET and both teams will do their best to get the a spot in the final. The maps will be Island and Volcano.

Germany ocrana 1 - 3 Germany KomaCrew
Date: 21.11.2007 - 22:00 CET
ESL TV Coverage

After a doublefullhold on Volcano ocrana set a time of around 18mins on Island which they couldnt defend, so they lost that map and the game with 3-1.
KomaCrew will now face the former royality team Germany w4sp in the final.
first & nice
Should be good, Komacrew can be very good on their day
np 4 faux
izi bash for fauX <3
gl FlyingDJ
gl flixx,faux <33333
dont think so
gl cronic
"should" be easy bash
first of all. stop cod4 and come back to etqw :P
glhf both teamz
gl both teams
GL to Ocrana, Great team.
gl faux <3
ESL TV is on the same channel GIGA was before?
you need to pay to watch? that sucks
u pay to watch if u want good quality :/
ah kk, let me check a bit further then, it directly gave me a link to some crappy payment thingy
would've been really nice.. but then it's all german. c'mon :<

oh well. gl anyways.
You are missing the Octoshape Plugin ....omfg sounds like a bloody virus. Guess ill watch ET instead :P
playing volcano first fucked it up... so boring to watch and double fullhold anyway. island could have been much more fun ... :>

when will they ever get it and remove volcano from all leagues, its the worst competition map ever made in any game
hopefully mappers who are using the SDK now can edit volcano stuff a bit and improve it from competitive play
dont want to play it anymore... got enough. I'd rather play valley again
volcano is the most fun map in etqw :>
sure it is. objective 1 is kinda tricky but it ain't more difficult then last obj. on maps such as area22/salvage or 1st on refinery/sewer/ark.
first obj is much harder then last imo
volcano is my favorite competition map ;<
hope that is sarcasm..
Tbh I like volcano.
It would be the only good map to implement the rule where who gets furthest on the objectives win.
I like a map where the attackers are hitting a brick wall, and everything you do fail 90% of the time. So when you get an objective it sure wasnt luck, but 10minutes of hard work :>

But ofcourse.. I wouldnt have more maps like that, where the general rule is 2x20 every single time. :<
well, there are some things that come to my mind that can be done about volcano:
the controls need to be hacked faster, so you don't have to rush in with 4 infiltrators.
same with the last objective

when the controls are hacked there should be a new static spawn for the strogg inside the compound.
lol :?
najo seit ich weg bin und dann noch sledge raus kommt wohl nix mehr
unfortunately island was not shown :>
but nice komacrew
I was really happy when I opened that stream the first time. really nice quality (showing flyingdj typing though) but then the ingame stream started and my reaction was like "what the fuck?!".
isn't it possible to view that game with a decent quality? I hope ETQWTV will be released soon..
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