ET:QW SDK beta released!

Today SplashDamage is proud to release the beta version of the Software Developement Kit for their recently released title Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars. With this tool mappers and modders will find themselves in heaven being able to edit every aspect of the game.

As announced earlier the SDK contains the following:
- All the tools used to develop the game
- Game source code
- Example maps and reference maps
- Original game scripts and definition files, which can most likely be used to completely change the way the game is played
- A selection of models and example animations

Later this week SplashDamage will release a full development wiki which the company has been working on since they started developing the game. Here you will find everything you need to know to get yourself starting with the ET:QW SDK.

The full version of the SDK is still being worked upon and will include megatextures and game textures as well. Currently the game textures are already included in the game itself and can be loaded from there.

You can download the SDK from the following mirrors:
Official torrent

Happy modding / mapping!

SplashDamage have a special ET:QW modding and mapping board on the ET:QW Community Forums, if you find any bugs in the program or know some nice features to add you are welcome to post these.
Not NOW! We're all watching England - Croatia
Nice indeed! <3
you gotta be shitting me :D *download finished*
wow, the sources look so much more professional than etmain/q3 sources
better get an ET:QW TV tool like ettv up&running :(
yesterday evening on IRC:

Quote(@digibob) first test worked... yay
(Ifurita) what are you all working on?
(Lekdevil) digibob is baking a cake.
(@digibob) a cake known as ETQW:TV

digibob = part of the programming team @ splashdamage
nice news!
They released it abit too late.
ye like 2 months
Why is that?
a lot of players already left
do you think the sheeps wouldn't have left if the sdk was released a month ago? I doubt so.
2 months i think... if there was a good promod, no doubt alot of players would have stayed (would go for Infused as well)
Yes but even now the SDK is out we need to wait a few months before a decent promod is ready...
okay didnt know it takes that long, well then the SDK is like 4 months late :<
I have never seen a promod being released on retail, *removed comment about cod4*
Well either they should have made a game that was more suited for competition @ release, or release SDK so that people could start making a decent competitive game out of it immediately, so that the game was very strong already at the release of CoD4.
An SDK inside 2 months after release is to late? You know so little :(
There is the word 'or' in my previous post, which means there are multiple options. You read so little :(
so without the megatexture creation in the beat no new maps can be developed?
you can create maps without megatexture, using normal texture :)
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