Day of great news!

The work on ETQWpro has started!
.. and the team are in search for a good logo! Contact Spacecommander or sama in #ETQWpro if you can help.

Quote by First ETQWpro press releaseThe SDK-Beta has been released, but what is more important and anticipated for a long time now - a competition-mod, which enables a well balanced competitive play, is currently in development.

The upcoming competitive-mod will be named ETQWPro and the guy who decided to please the community with such an ordinary gift in Enemey Territory: Quake Wars is SpaceCommander

"for the community by the community" should be emphasized at this point. Right after the decision to develop ETQWPro, the webmaster of x-ray decided to implement this platform where communication between players and ETQWPro-developers about the ongoing process of ETQWPro can take place.

A lot of work has to get done in the upcoming weeks. In order to accelerate the whole development, SpaceCommander needs help in form of:

-additional developers and programmers
-players giving constructive-minded feedback

This small list will be adjusted regularly. Additionally, our ETQWPro-Team needs a graphic-artist who provides an inspiring logo for ETQWPro. Every kind of content will be taken into consideration. So get your graphic-programs started folks and be a part of this huge thing.

You can visit the ETQWpro website here:

Info was leaked on IRC yesterday that Splash Damage just performed their first (working) test of ETQW-tv. More news on both ETQWpro and ETQW-tv will be in next "Takens take"!
Whooo sounds uber nice.. Is there a Feature list released soon? Or is that still to be determined?

I hope that will make the game better, I might actually buy it then :)
Info was leaked on IRC yesterday that Splash Damage just performed their first (working) test of ETQW-tv. More news on both ETQWpro and ETQW-tv will be in next "Takens take"!

its a conspiracy!
"(@digibob) first test worked... yay
(Ifurita) what are you all working on?
(Lekdevil) digibob is baking a cake.
(@digibob) a cake known as ETQW:TV"
Out of interest, who is spacecommander?
Manager/Player (dunno :) from #schwarz.qw

afaik he comes from quake and was manager of team-ger.q3ctf
Are the team actually credible? Do they have any modding experience? Not that I'm cynical or anything, but it would be nice to know if it's in good hands.

Really hope they get a good team behind it :D
I should remove this since it's not really newspost :/
Cease your trolling! (look - it worked)
This is a big journal!!
im a big ego with big power
and it should all be deleted!
Hope they will take a look at other pro-mod releases, since most of them are pretty much finished and tested/working for a long time. (OSP, CPMA, ETPRO etc.)
Looking forward to see what they improve.
Can't wait.
Can't wait.
Can't wait.
Can't wait.
Can't wait. HaaaHHaaaHaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
Just to clarify some stuff:

SpaceCommander is not our (schwarz) manager, just another member and passioned etqw-player. Team schwarz consists of former Quake 3 and 4 players, players who played that game for 7-8 years now. Talking about SpaceCommander, he is quite experienced regarding competition mods. On the one hand, he himself played these kind of mods (i.e. OSP for Quake 3) and on the other hand he is quite interested in competition at all. He coached and advised the former german national CTF team that succeeded by winning the Nationscup for example.

I think it's quite nice to have a dev who is interested in gaming and developing. Speaking of developing, coding is his passion, i.e. that's why he educated himself that stuff. Up to this moment, he has 11 years of experience in coding. Quantitive values don't really count, I know. However, if he gets the support and the impression that he is doint something that is going to please a lot of players, then he will do well for sure. Right now, he is really motivated and hot, just be patient enough or even become a part of this project.

Still questions? Ask yourself on the IRC channel :>
sounds like u are SpaceCommander fake-nicking.
so the motivation might lack away with the interest in playing it like q4max and q4stats did? :(
SDK stable release next summer?
seriously stop posting quake wars news as esports
"competitive play" = remove all the randomness in gameplay
it would be a good start
I agree with this guy!
So we can delete ET:QW completly.
Lets all get our hopes up!?
Looking forward to... anyway - I'll play CoD 4 until the mod will be released.
faster movement and higher fire rate all the game needs.
Awesome, keep on the good work guys :-)
its only great news if it makes the game so its not shit :P
WW2 skins, Q3 engine and here it is! :)) ok no jokes, gl with this...
I question the validity of this mod. Who is this person to decide they're the one to produce it, or to call it "ETQWPro"?

I suppose they are (within their rights) as I doubt anyone else can lay claim to the name, but I wonder what direction this mod will take and what it's design goals are?

I doubt most ET:QW players want a full blown game changing mod anyway. I downloaded the SDK last night and within 5 minutes was playing on a local server with an Assault Rifle with no spread, no recoil, no knockback and double the damage. Just edit the appropriate .def file and you're good to go! Assuming maps can be scripted just as easily, and vehicles / deployables restricted, who needs a total conversion type mod?
The mod doesnt have to have lots of changes, modding the def files at first will be smart. Could you enlighten me what to do with these files after edditing them?
No idea at the moment, I suspect the SDK provides a means for these .def files to be compiled and they would then need to be distributed in some way.

But the point is this SDK presents 2 opportunities:-

1. Tweak a few settings, like restricting vehicles / deployables and you've arguably got a "pro mod" for ETQW, and therefore deserving the name "ETQWPro". I'm pretty sure at this stage that this is achievable by basically editing text files.

2. Alter source code and recompile binaries and you've got a proper mod, but does it then deserve to be considered "ETQWPro"?

ETPro was of course a source code recompilation of ETMain, but that's because ET didn't have ETQW's scripting capabilities, and the one thing ETPro never did (or at least was never used) was altering weapon mechanics.

On ET's release everyone argued that the MP40/Thomson had been nerfed, and demanded the rate of fire be changed. Bani resisted for a long, long time and when he finally did provide "b_wolfrof" no-one used it.

So, tweaks to the things that make ETQW bad for competition is one thing, re-working it into "some other" game or indeed "any" other game isn't a "pro mod" it's a total conversion, and shouldn't be called ETQWPro or marketed as such.

EDIT: I should just point out, I DON'T play ET:QW because I think it sucks as a comp game. I can speculate, like lots of other people, that if it didn't have vehicles / deployables, and had better guns, I'd like it a lot more, but then it wouldn't be ET:QW. I don't feel I have the right to say to people who play the game "although you play it and I don't I it should be changed to how I want it". My choice as someone who doesn't like the game is to not play it, not change it for those who do like it and do play it.
look at dota and orginal ladder wc3.
No thanks, do you have a point?
Good luck and all that but maybe pick a more original name for the mod?

Also I agree with the above poster. (Kendle)
gl, maybe this will be the 'big' change for ETQW :-)
or maybe people will go all "buhu I love my turrets so much, everything is perfect" :o)
cool! another step to kill ET

Ask Bani or other ETpro developers to support you, then I don't fear a mod which won't change anything to something usefull.

GL :)
know this since etqw lunched -_-
I'm going to launch with my girlfriend tonight.
I was hoping for rtwc2 news, i couldn't care less about this sorry :(
Was about time... Good luck, hopefully it's not too late.
bibuy turrets
bibuy vehicles
hi smaller maps
hi nice game
Give me a shout when an equivalent to Braundorf has been made!!
*gives evan a shout*

I wish you guys all the luck with this but I think (and hope) this mod will never see the light of day.

Why not? Because soon ET:QW will be patched for competition play by Splash Damage making this mod useless.

Be honest guys, who do you trust more? Some unknown Quake3 player or the team that brought you W:ET?
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