EYEBALLERS presents CoD4

image: eye_small Swedish powerhouse Sweden EYEBALLERS have made another interesting move as they today presented the old Swedish CoD2 top-team Sweden sveaRoyale as their Call of Duty 4-squad. EYEBALLERS are known to most gamers, especially for their Quake- and Counter-Strike teams. Just recently they ninja'ed an ETQW-squad (read more..) and with this move the future looks really bright for EYE.

Sweden sveaRoyale, formely known as fukyuu and Germany Teamoxid, haven't proved anything in CoD4 yet, however - they were the #1 Swedish CoD2-team and in august they won the Wonderbase-LAN, just after being victorious in the prestigious CODQCUP. Now it's up to them to show the scene that they were able to take the step into the slightly different CoD4. Their lineup consist of players with lots of experience, such as Sweden zEm and Sweden mint, both former players of Europe Team Dignitas and legendary Sweden WHO Crew among others.

Robert "Shrek" Holmberg]
QuoteThis means alot to the guys, to be backed up by a organisation that is once again growing. With a brand like Eyeballers we open doors we could not do with Svea Royale. Togheter with the other teams playing for the organisation we are looking forward to be able to grow as a team and organisation.

We also firmly belive in Cod4 as a competetive game and the growth potential of the game is huge, we hope that our move to Eyeballers can get other big organisations to open their eyes and see the potential and talent that is present in the Call of duty community. Give other teams and players a better chance to compete and develop their skills on a higher level.

We would also like to give a shoutout to a special person, you know who you are!

EYEBALLERS CoD4 lineup:[/b]]
Sweden mint
Sweden odyxz
Sweden wnkr
Sweden zEm
Sweden zsilts

Sweden rivieRa (backup)
Sweden Shrek (Team Manager)

Best of luck EYE!

#EYE @ QuakeNet
CallOfDuty.se (Source, Swedish)
EYE.CoD4 Pressrelease
wasn't able to get ahold of someone from EYE for a statement. and as i'm heading to work now i'll sort that later this evening or tomorrow.

anyways. gl EYE :)
there. finally updated it with a statement.
we might just see them at the top if wnkr can handle the sprint 8D
my sweds > these sweds!
those swedes - lanable
your swedes - inet only
If a woman one day fondle your penis, then she might just be top notch, wink wink!
GL fake zem! (and mint)
haha zEm was the first player using it between zEm and zem so =) so he is the REAL zEm
ok, then i declare them both fake! :P
They weren't in the good WHO crew :<
mint and zem both played for WHOcrew. I wonder why else they would be wearing a sweater with WHO on it at CPC1
But that wasn't the good WHOCrew who ruled the roost in CoD1 which was his point :P
I found them pretty good back then coming third ;)
I believe that zEm did play in the older line up for a brief period.
Tosspot speaks the truth, I mean't they weren't part of the CoD1 super team, the 'real' WHO crew.

Of course I didn't even need to make that point so I'll be quiet now :<
Hows being ugly work out for you?
Shh, it's ok to be losing your hair at the age of 22.
gl Sweden odyxz ;* ;O))))
awesome news for cod4, got some huge organisations in cod4 now with dignitas, eyeballers, fnatic, fourkings etc...
fnatic? not rly...
fnatic tournament in new year, winner who isn't in mgc is fnatic.cod4. so YA RLY XOXOXOOX WB
and if winner is in mgc? o0
the next team below and so on... stupid system but hey :)
another devotii tournament?
it was sooo well organised and worked out tbh
didn't finish the first one :p
zEm your team very good ? ;dD
glhf wnkr and zsilts
fanboi team WHO :D <3<3<3<3
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