DAM is here!

Call of Duty today got its first competition mod offering, no its not PAM its DAM! The D is all important as its not made by the same people, although its rather similar in its basic offering whilst the community waits for PAM's offering, which is rumoured to already be in the works.

Here are some of the important new features;

- Added Somes Rules for european ladders (cb, mr10, mr12, mr15, cure, cg-lan, esl)
- Added colour on Read-up & strat-time Text
- Added cevo, xfire, and pub mode rulesets with their respective overtime rulesets as well
- Holding onto a nade IN STRAT TIME to blow yourself up will kill you but not hurt your teammates
- Updated pbsv.cfg to hopefully fix the lag issues
- Added Ready Up Mode
- Strat time no longer occurs in ready up mode
- Additional spec support
- also team autoswitch when the roundlimit is reached, no more fast_restart

You can download the mod HERE

dam_mode cb (cb_ot)
dam_mode cure (cure_ot)
dam_mode mr10 (mr10_ot)
dam_mode mr12 (mr12_ot)
dam_mode mr15 (mr15_ot)
dam_mode cg-lan (cg-lan_ot)
dam_mode esl (esl_ot)
Thanks to Corp for the changelog and link!
good stuff
Nice to hear :)
woot! such a great news, looking forward for my legal version :P
d00d, you still dont has it?
no, im selling PHP code to buy it asap, a few more days i guess :'(
just overwrite the file in modwarfare folder ?
sneek, it's time for buttsecks!
Good stuff!

SneeK_, yes just overwrite any z_modwarfare.iwd file you have in mods/modwarfare folder.

also, try and use firefox to download it as i have heard that internet explorer causes issues.
is this for cod4 ? =S
still no pause command :<
who needs pause, just rr after the round ^^
tell me one thing - why colournicks are so restricted? Everybody loves colours in the world, am I right? :) W:ET, CoD 2 have these features with no problems... I have seen some matches and screens and its damm ugly and boring to see only whitenicks... pfff :)

Anyway I was impressed by "This is CoD 4!!!" madness so I am gonna to buy it aaaa ;)
Why CoD players simple write developers to do that? Dont understand ;)
waiting for PAM mode
been using it for a week now on our server, and ready-up and such really give it a cod feeling :D

PS: isn't it DAMN mod? http://forums.caleague.com/showthread.php?t=184701
nice :)
get red dot in all cfg's pls =/
or is there anyone who can tell me why they should ban it from there cfg ?

leaving perks like longer sprint etc available makes the game much more skilled, cause you can make tactical choises.
this prevents the game from getting boring cause ppl can't defend vs everyone on the same way.
What's tactical about a mindless rush? Normal sprint is tactical. Extreme Conditioning is just plain stupid.
cause u can be at a place before there nades are there
People will just learn to do early nades, extreme conditioning just makes everything to fast, and if you can rush as opfor on crash to A you can camp the lower door and get a 5 man kill easy stuff.
when they trow there nade earlier, they won't kill the ppl without extreme condition , so like i said, u can make tactical choises and the game will be more variated
No, that would work with normal sprint, not with extreme conditioning.
that makes no sense =/
I'll help you out, play vs. a good team with extreme conditioning. HF!
u don't have to play with extreme condition always,but you pick one rush with extreme condition and you will surprise them
I take extreme conditioning every round on defense, and they can't get past me(on crash atleast) its overpowered.
"nevari on 26/11/07, 21:15:22 PM | Reply

I'll help you out, play vs. a good team with extreme conditioning. HF!"

try to stay to one point pls ..
That's what I mean. Try playing vs. a good team (my team) on crash for example. If you try and rush A, I'll be there waiting camping a tiny door, it's too overpowered.
u can do that one rush , but the second you got naded
Tell that to the guys who get owned by it 10 rounds in a row.
will this be used in comp or?
Quote- Added colour on Read-up & strat-time Text

: DD
It's average like TosspoT.
i want more config commands ! spawnpoints,classscript,...
cg_drawgun 0/1 would be owange too..
maybe smth to make the graphic quality lower than u can do it now..
spawnpoints = would make sense, but its only 3-5 metres u could change ~, but wont come imo
classscripts = 100 % agree
drawgun = will never come cuz cod is about iron sight

i hope they will change stuff like g_fov so ppl can get more fps + a more clear view
about drawgun.. hmm maybe if u do this "iron sight" u have drawgun on
You aint ever gonna get drawgun enabled and spawnpoint selection would be plain dumb.
abotu drawgun.. y maybe.. but about spawnpt.. why not? its a part of lotto where u spawn (maybe u are far away from the way u should go)
apart from a class-script it all sounds like nonsense tbh, you don't seem to know what iron sight is which makes me wonder if you have played the game oO
with iron sight i think he means when u press the "Mouse2" and u aim not with the crosshair. ähm where is the prob?
and about spawnpoints: whats nonsense?
if u are at a and u spawn fucking far away u need much time to your positions. and the others can rush. thats just a part of luck then.. and not "skill".. like u are too late to throw the nade or smth.
why do you need spawn script if there is only 1 spawn point?
there is one spawn.. with 10 different places where u spawn and look.. like in ET: maybe u your position is at gr-axis at the tank.. so u spawn to the right way
there is nothing lotto about that, blame your teammates that stand still at start
there is much lotto? if u have to go to the right way and spawn at the very left side.. and the enemy spawn perfect.. so they will be faster , they will throw nades , kill u , rush threw it,...
thats no lotto? :X

@edit: running from the left spawnpoint to the right one is around 5-6 seconds.. normally i could be already at the bombplace. so i need another 5-6 seconds.. enemy is already there and i can´t defend.. i cna´t throw my nade.. or the enemy throw it because he is faster and i get killed
thats just cod, dont compare et with cod. you can make tax for that

edit: i know, but thats just not what cod is all about
competition shouldn´t be about lotto in any game (i dont mean if a players makes a lucky hs.. but stuff like the spawnpoints is smth which can be disabled.. and like yesterday i spawned 6 times on the wrong spawn.. of 10 rounds :x)
it would be better yes. we can discus it for ever, you know it just wont happen, make tax that the front guys do the nade trow,
the intention of iron sight is that you aim more accurate but you see almost nothing besides what you are aiming for
if drawgun would be 0, aiming would be much more easier don't you think? when you're in a firefight and people start proning, you can't see them anymore for a while, with drawgun 0 you would see your opponent go prone immediately

hope you understand, i think they mean this
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