6on6 Fast Gaming Cup No.2 by #et.gather

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After a successful first cup the second one is about to start. To do so we need again 16 teams to compete against each other.

First of all I would like to announce the winner of the first Fast-Gaming-Cup:

1st: Europe ferocious
2nd: Europe epikuR
3rd: Europe Revoltados

Europe ferocious came surprsingly from the nowhere and took the gold medal by beating Europe epikuR in the final and Europe Revoltados in the half-finals though that team had beaten the favourite team of this cup Europe stronger than hate.

If you think you that you can take away Europe ferocious' throne you should sign-up for this cup. There aren't major changes in this cup from the other first one. I've just implemented an option in the sign-up form for the next (3rd!) Cup where you can choose which mode you would like to play then (3on3, 5on5 or keeping 6on6). In the last poll et_ice was kicked out by the majority of teams and instead sw_goldrush_te was voted in.

1st Round: braundorf_b4
Quarter Finals: sw_goldrush_te
Semi Finals: sw_oasis_b3
Match for 3rd place: radar
Final: 2 Maps chosen by finalists from mappool (Decider:radar)

Sign-Ups open today and close on 18th February or earlier when 16 teams have signed up.

2nd Cup: 12th - 18th February
3rd Cup: 27th February - 4th March

Cup Start:
2nd Cup: 19th February
3rd Cup: 5th March

Head-Admin: Turkey gekko
Media Admin: Canada wintermute
Organizer: Israel sHt
Match Admins:
- Israel sAgol
- Finland PetriP-TNT
- Israel blAk
- Israel CaspoN

Go on the website and sign your team up! I wish already every team good luck and alot of fun in this cup.

- Cup Channel: #et.gather.cup
- Site: www.et-gather.be
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