Point-Blank become royalty!

The British multigaming organization Four Kings announced earlier the creation of their academy section with the addition of Pro Evolution Soccer player United Kingdom Gordon "Wallace" Hislop, and the French Team Fortress 2 team France Cursed Gaming. The current CoD4 team has also been moved to the academy. This evening, they were able to reveal another addition, in the form of the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars side formally known as United Kingdom Point-Blank.
Whilst Point-Blank haven't picked up any major acheivements thus far, they're currently undefeated in the Clanbase OpenCup, and have qualified for the ESL Major Series. It's expected that with their new support that they'll be attending both Multiplay i33 and Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 in early 2008.

We are all very pleased to be given the opportunity of representing 4K in ETQW. Our team aims to play at the highest level and place well in as many tournaments as the scene has to offer.
It is a great privilege to be representing a team with such a reputation and we look forward to doing well with their support.

We are really proud to be the first Team Fortress 2 clan to wear the colors of one of the biggest multi-gaming team ever, and we hope that it's going to help to promote the game in the European fps scene, that's a big opportunity to us and we will do our best to help our new team by winning the more titles we can. I would like to thanks Ben for the trust he gave to us.

I'm very happy to be joining 4Kings, I hope to achieve and score many goals and win every tournament I participate in. The reason why I chose 4Kings over other teams is their history and the reputation they have in gaming, In football terms I always thought they were the Manchester United of esports so it was a simple descision to make.

United Kingdom Rahul 'hentai' Nahar
Denmark Mike 'Dranzer' Busing
United Kingdom Joe 'Fenda' Fender
United Kingdom Mark 'Imentiu' Tyson
Norway Carsten 'rglaf' Ekholt
United Kingdom Peter 'nkm' Newcombe
United Kingdom Matthew 'Antipop' Lowe
United Kingdom Adam 'Hazz' Nicholls

France Alexandre 'Aior' Helies
France Romain 'Darkprayor' Bienne
France Jean Baptiste 'EpsyLon' Champlong
France Guillaume 'Gegon' Brunel
France Romain "Jex' Dralet
Spain Mickael 'Mick' Fernandez
France Alexandre 'Teoch' Shalit
France Aurélien 'Winny' Thevenet
France Thibault 'Zyx' Davan Weber

United Kingdom Gordon 'Wallace' Hislop

Finally, we've opened our academy and i honestly cannot think of four better games to be part of it. On one hand you have PES which is actually very popular but it hasn't seen overwhelming support from eSports teams, we hope it'll continue to grow with our involvement. TF2 on the other hand is only recently released and already has a pro circuit in the USA with CEVO putting up $5000 prize money for it. We're hoping something similar will happen in Europe and if it does, i feel we have the best players possible. I've played with or against every one of members of 4K.TF2 in TFC and i know their ability.

Cod4 will obviously become pretty big very quickly, as was proved with CoD2, ETQW is fairly new and has only really had one major tournament thus far, that being Quakecon.

The ultimate goal of the 4Kings academy is to further promote these titles and others, hopefully over time we'll see each of these games become very popular and we'd like to say we've been part of it's development.

not bad :)

Dranzer <3
hentai has removed you from his buddylist !
:(, QW is teh big bizznizz.
idd, CoD4 is less serious business.
What to say....
after the latest and last newsposts it seems it could be something from etqw, and that's good!
gratz & good luck :)
Nice removing me from your buddylist, hater!
Nice replying instantly!
reading stuff
gratz i love etqw so much !
gl in 4k! :)

really nice clan that will be a great addition to 4k.
not expected they would take tf2 and etqw
gl hentai and hazz
Nice :)

Just hope you won't have line up problems or whatever could lead to a split, that's a great opportunity !

<3 4k
You are my humble lord now!
gl hentai
Zomg ETQW is so dead now :<
Germany ovr.aFa said this game is dead
overload! the best organisation there has ever been! achieved more than fnatic & sk together!
never heared of it
Good luck people.
gl hentai :)
i knew this 2 weeks ago!
nice move hentai!
gl, esp hentai
hf hentai
gl dudes
gl noobs :)
eyeballers > *
Good luck. :o)
good luck
Wallace <3
gl fenda & rglaf!
So there is no 4k.wc3 anymore?
tod left, i doubt there is anyone atleast 1/4 as good as him still in (maybe one i don't remember the name but not sure)
i don't know much about wc3, only know that tod was the world's best player so far and that he left the organisation. i also heard that none was as good as him in 4K and in general
afaik (don't follow wc3 either:p) i heard grubby/creolophus were better
Grubby used to be better some years ago. :P
But yes, Creo was better than ToD.
okay okay im just cheering for tod coz he's french :P
He's a fucking pussy. :P
Always complaining about everything, like "Ahh, it's too hot in this room. I cant play like this.'
hey, he's french! :D
Grubby always hands Tod his ass
it's so well said that i have to agree ;o)
The other players were just _okay_ like Zeus, Fury
4k used to get their points in clanwars from the 1on1s of ToD, Grubby, Creo and the 2on2 of Grubby & Creo = 4 of 5 Points. =D
But since Creo went inactive and ToD left...They didnt even qualify for the WC3 Ladder finals.
teach me wc3!
I will! Anywhere, anytime, honey!
that's what i want to hear! only thing is that there seems to be a very few options possible :[ is it all about the monsters you make ?
Tactics, coordination, luck and scouting.
I know they say this tod was the best player but I know Sweden hLx beat him serveral of times 1v1.
well thats what i'hv read several time on community websites but well, they were all french websites so that could why ;o)
GL hentai and the rest of point blank
QuoteCod4 will obviously become pretty big very quickly, as was proved with CoD2, ETQW is fairly new and has only really had one major tournament thus far, that being Quakecon.

haha taking the fact ET:QW is 'new' as a excuse for its unpopularity but saying nothing about Cod4 even if it is much newer than ETQW :)))
why would 4Kings need to excuse themselves for ET:QW's "unpopularity"? (which is more popular than other AAA titles such as Unreal Tournament 3, Crysis and Medal of Honor: Airborne)
no point discussing with you at all :)
cu at i33
chinaflight upcoming11
Rahul 'hentai' Nahar :) funny name
why so funny :(
ra-hul na-har :)
still don't get it :( i'll take it as a compliment none the less!
hehe :D Did not mean anything evli ;> <3
i33 activison spraying money again?
haven't heard that they will be tbh :S
thanks for the love guys xx
good job
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