Crossfire announces CoD ruleset

Since announcing CDC4 we've been inundated with requests for what CoD4 ruleset we will be playing with. At painstaking length we've taken consultation from a number of leading figures and organisation who have history with Crossfire and CDC, such as Dignitas, Speedlink, TeK-9, 4kings and organisations like ESL, esports4all and Gotfrag ontop of taking yesterdays MCE vote into consideration and have compiled the following config for public release;

Download Server Config Here

The primary changes to the config are the removal of Deep Impact, removal of the red dot attachment and chosing a map pool which is backlot, crash, crossfire, strike, district.

Our goal in creating this was always to have the same config that other oragnisations will be using so not to create a split, and I'd like to thank Trigger and Crow who have been liaising with CB and ESL to make sure that we're not doing something different to them.

Crossfire will shortly be announcing an online cash prized tournament in which this config will debut alongside DAM mod, though DAM is quite possibly only temporary as the modding community is actively working on other projects.
nice tosspot
i hope u can make a config like this go global
with hosting one of the first cash prize tourmanents it could work out :)
I love you for removing Vacant every time I played that I died a little inside.
dont change this
basically this is a smack on the face of MCE, whose target was to make same rules for every competition but what can you do, its just weird imo rules are still ok
As far as I understand the MCE dont actually represent any league organisations, just a players organisation. We went and did leagues and players in the hope of there only being 1 config.
tosspot vs. cod oldsqlers olé
but u forgot to ask the "team" of !!!
CB represented
CAL represented
COQCUP represented
ESL represented

Admins from above are represented so, so strange of you saying no league admins are represented. You are right about there might not be the actual boss behind CAL/ESL/CB represented but their league admins are.
don't no witch maps i like the most yet ^-^
This is bad, backlot in vacant out. Cant understand that.
The removal of deep impact & red dot sight owns. Great config though.
How can you not get that? Seriously, vacant is shit, it's a fricking CS map. Backlot is a much better, both tactically and compositionally (from a mapmakers POV)
What cant u understand about backlot being in and vacant now ?

He might think vacant is a better map than backlot, as do I.
why not keep them both in, there both fine, and less boring to watch than just 1 of 2 :)
Really nice rule sets.

Only i would add extream condition.

bit weird to make announcements concerning rules at this point imo
"Crossfire will shortly be announcing an online cash prized tournament in which this config will debut alongside DAM mod"
and while waiting for that we can start fighting over whether we'll play crossfire/cb/mce
Deep Impact was removed in the MCE config as well.
MCE is better... than this one;(
Why do so many people want extreme conditioning? Can you not see that it ruins the game, if you can rush from your spawn to the bomb in like 3 seconds.
Adds more pace to the game. i prefer it
Doesn't add pace, it makes it lame. We already have sprint, that's made the game faster than CoD2 was. Extreme Conditioning makes the game alot more mindless, where as sprint adds a tactical element.
it's basically MCE minus red dot/sleight of hand/iron lungs, not major game changers since sleight of hand is in the same slot as stopping power (not many would pick SoH then), sniper is gonna get a fix and red dot well personally i don't think it changes the game much.
Wrong. There are also restrictions in the MCE-config (pbsv.cfg) like the FPS-cap at 125 FPS, cap:ed rate at 25 000 and so on. Stuff that got voted on. :)
but thats stuff of the Clanbase and ESL in Co-Operation with GameViolations anyway
liked red dot and deep inpact...;( and vacant should be in as it is a nice tactical map.
No pipeline? Thats a great map! :<

Removal of Deep Impact is really a waste, it made the game so much cooler....
agree again ffs. Maybe more of a pubmap though
totally agree with ur second point
Remove silencers aswell pls and add vacant
vacant is shit :>
Hopely CB or non other league doesnt follow this ruleset! Cod4 aint cod2, so dont try to change it to cod2. Lots of players will stop playing if they lose their crosshair.
If proteams cannot handle reddot thats their problem.
you would stop playing if u loose ur "crosshair", whats nothing else then a mega black thing to look through and remove/changes recoil in what way ever?

I dont think you would and if, then not really cos of a small dot... your not losing a crosshair, its still there. Your only loosing an addon for a weapon.
so your point is: noob teams can't aim without reddot?
My point is: Pro teams can't aim with reddot?
My point is: Dont change cod4 to cod2.
One good reason why reddot is removed? Because it will cause too much trouble to pro teams who have used to play without it.
those stuff are meant for pubs not comp
is it so? why?
what's "pubish" about reddot?
those stuff are attachments, in my opinion those are extra options for pub servers
so what if its attachment or not? answer the question.
it makes aiming easer
Why it seems to cause just opposite effect for pro teams.
cause they know better then randoms that just installed cod4 and think they know all better
yeah it must not have anything to do with the fact that they are used to iron sights and they suck with the red dot?
how can you suck with red dot if your pro with iron think decem think
generally cod2 players have bad aim compared to ET players if good aim = tracking & pixel flicking. think goliath, think.

also what does it help to be pro with iron sight if we are talking about red dot?
maybe you're just invidually very skilled with it if you can say this, if so, why do u want it to be removed? the game is 2easy for u or?
i don't see where your going with this
just trying the impossible, to tell you why it shouldnt be removed just because some cod2 pro's want it so.
you could compare it with et. remove a bit recoil from luger, it makes aiming easier*. add red dot, it makes aiming easier. so you need less skill for it to aim
but if it doesnt reduce recoil?
thats not the point:D
idd, so whats wrong with having red dot?
i'm sorry to say, but u got no point in this discussion.
more luck next time
and you are?
and again u got no point.
what does it mather who i am, the fact is just that u had no point in your stupid discussion
you installed cod4 and hopped in?
nope, i also played cod2 for wa while
OH YEAH BABY YEAH!! Theres two aiming methods and both of them is based same thing, track enemy with your crosshair. Theres two different kind of crosshairs: Iron Sight crosshair and example reddot crosshair. In both cases you track enemy with it and you need as much skill on both.
If you are used to iron sight its hard to get used to reddottish. I prefer microdots. If you are used to reddot its hard to get used to iron sight. So either way if you disable one of them it makes disavantage to another. Lets just keep both so game will be fair and much better!
Think what he's trying to say, is reddot is too noob friendly. I agree, but that's not the reason I want it gone. I like the fact then when you take a different gun, you have a different ironsight. It takes more skill to learn how to use a certain gun when you have a new ironsight to aim with. Like in CoD2, I found it easier to aim with the kar ironsight at first, but after awhile I got used to aiming with the Lee-Enfiled sight.. Little things like that, that take a bit of adapting too make it more fun, and more (very slightly) skilled.
just read what urtier said.
i woudln't like cb and esl removing red dot, but i can agree with ur agument.
just draw a fucking dot on your screen with red pen, stop whining
No Bloc or Downpour? :<
Corp mode ftw
very nice! cu@LAN :D
Why not DI on and hitblips (trough walls) off, add 25 HP and set regen to 10, played that last night and it was awesome.
vacant suck donkey balls so good move.

but other then that. if this was made to not create a split. why not work together with MCE instead of what u now did? since u now just made sure a split is exactly what happened ^_*

so all in all, horrible move by crossfire.
what split did we create, the MCE arent a league, we worked with the leagues and the players so we didnt cause a split.

All in all a stupid comment by you :P
that's the good part. that it isn't a league itself. that it doesn't carry the name of any league, cup, tournament or w/e. that makes it more neutral. (it's not like ESL will ever use a CB ruleset or viceversa as a bad example).

anyways, the MCE group did consist of both players and league admins afaik (50+ persons). no, i have no idea why they didn't turn to you since you will be hosting the biggest tournament yet in cod4 and that might have been a huge mistake. however, since u were developing your very own ruleset maybe you could've turned to them aswell.

now there will always (or well, for now atleast) be mce and cdc, 2 different rulesets. similiar to eachother but still not very alike. now how's that not allready a split? which one will the various leagues use?
Read the post, ESL, es4all and CB will be using the same one we're using, so theres no split.
cb and esl "allied" with both rulesets, thus fucking up everything and causing somewhat of a split. both cb and esl had votes in the mce-project, and now, 1 day later they seem (?) to turn their back on it. and it kinda looks sad when "the big guns" just puts their fat ass on a community project.

not saying i don't like crossfire (or the ruleset), 'cuz i do. and i'm not even close to being a part of mce myself. i just find it humiliating towards those who in a good manner, tried to set up some kinda EU/US-standard using input from many different sources (not just these ex-top cod2-teams) and countries. now, all their work seems to be lost. because who can stand up when the one with the fat ass sits down on them?
like these maps ;)
Why in the fucking hell would u remove red dot ? There is nothing overpowered about it .
That is by far the most retarded decision in cod4 ... so far
fully agree
I like the way this is going but i'm not too sure about removing deep impact. I think the current perk setup of extra ammo, extra bullet damage and extra wall damage is perfectly fine.

I've played a few games without deep impact and killing people through walls is a mammoth task. Just seems weird to effectively take out one of cod 4's better features.

Iron lungs not available either? Is this in preperation for the sniper fix in 1.3 or to discourage sniping full stop?
I liked the red dot. Aiming through iron sight makes the game even more random than it already is :-d
i don't like the red dot. Aiming through the red dot makes the game more easer than it should be |:*
What exactly is the problem with the red dot according to you? If everybody can use it the 'advantages' are completely nullified.

Apart from that it's a new game - how do you know if it's easier than it should be?
it removes some skill points
lol bitch~fight red dot or no red dot thats the damn question ;D
That's not valid argumentation, I think we already established that everybody has the same advantage. It's also very tiresome to have to regurgitate the same arguments for someone who doesn't seem to listen.

Surely a CoD 2 pro can rage someone with his superior skills with a red dot - then again all this whine suggests otherwise.
I think MCE is gonna be a better choice. But thats my opinion :)
"I liked the red dot. Aiming through iron sight makes the game even more random than it already is :-d"

quoted some wise man whom I agree with 100%
wp xf, cb and el
Bring deep impact back! :c

Seriously though, the game is great on public. To me, some things were obviously redundant and ripe for removal.

I honestly feel keeping the grenade launcher (limitation of one per team seems fair) would be the right thing to do. It gives tactical variety and in all of the scenario's which people have concluded would ruin the game regarding the perks can be nullified by the grenade launcher (which was quite under powered, I mean a grenade launcher which is direct hit? Sorry what?)

Last Stand and Martyrdom were the only ones I really hated and found truly annoying. So I'm not too bothered about the details. Grenades are overpowered in general and their splash ordinance needs reducing or their damage lowered either way.

Taking or removing features of a new game isn't the best way to achieve balance. Try limiting them first, it's not like we're in a rush or anything.
Stopped reading after:

"I honestly feel keeping the grenade launcher (limitation of one per team seems fair) would be the right thing to do."
I stopped at "I honestly feel keeping the grenade launcher"
Not everyone wants to pray and spray you know? It has long recharge time so basically if you miss you're dead. Pretty much the same as the shotgun in that respect, so I can't see why it's disliked.
You've not actually played the game have you?
You'll find it's Davy who actually said the game is spray and pray and yes I've played it, I've played it for hours every day since I've bought it.
I stopped after 'evan' - This is the guy who paid for hacks in CoD2 :(
Yeah right, atleast the hacks I got for ET were free pffft
Will you be casting all the games at CDC4?
Always imagine shoutcasting would be fun, but casting that many games must be so tiring after awhile. Just thinking about it makes me realise why you sound a bit hoarse by the end of it all. Anyway hope to meet you this time!
I don't know what's worse, the fact you've had people on the cf crew who've cheated, you still play with cheaters or the fact you purely have a go at me. Stinks of irony, but you were never one to follow what you preach, were you?
granade launcher is way to powerfull
I honestly feel keeping the grenade launcher (limitation of one per team seems fair) - evan

might just be the most retarded thing i have ever heard, sorry
deep impact is a must!
red dot and deep impact = good

I'd wish that you would have kept deep impact, but i guess I can live without it... deep impact just eliminates a huge amount of camp in the game... which I like <3... and imo pipeline in, its a great map!

don't use red dot that much, so I don't care about that, and can see why others will... but imo all weapon attachments should be thrown away, just use ironsights!
Bit weird to hear about this seeing we got all the leagues into MCE. we even have Crow and Trigger in the MCE group. Not even a mention about this. Feels like a stab in the back. Small changes like this will cause a split and i afraid it will happen soon.

MCE are here to stay for the remainder of COD4 and i hope Crossfire will host LANs aslong as the game is topping every other team based FPS shooter.

Now lets just sit around the table and come to a agreement Tosspot. I would like to know your thoughts.
would start with maybe send a pm or talk to him on irc rather than starting to talk in a newspost if you're serious :)
I dont think you understand, there is NO split - we talked to the other leagues in order NOT to create a split. So...wheres the split? Split with the MCE? Well the MCE are just 50 players, when several thousand will be playing in ESL and CB who we followed.
Yeah, but no matter what ruleset you'll use, thousands will play cb and esl, no matter what...
And from what we were told CB & ESL will go to this config.
And apparently MCE's been told their config was going to be used (what use is it otherwise for CB & ESL to cast their votes).

Fishy situation!
the MCE weren't just "50 players" (as you know), let's say 40 of those were clanplayers and representing their team - that would mean 40x5 = 200 players who got "represented" by the clanmate (or well, smth like that). it also consisted of league admins. among those CB & ESL (largest ladder and cups), CAL (north americas largest league, cup), codQcup (the biggest online cup after the eurocup) who all said they would back/use the MCE-ruleset. now, for some reason CB and ESL out of the blue say (?) they will go with the CDC-ruleset? now how does that not look like a split to you?
North American votes are redundant, as for CB & ESL, I can only go on what I'm told. If I were told they were going to go MCE, I would have gone MCE, but I was told otherwise and that they'd go with this.
after 1 half (scorelimit 12) our server changes map every time :(
how to fix this plz?
MCE config is better
where is pipeline? :<
better than restarting cuz poeple go on the wrong team :)
deeep impact pleaaase!
red dot was find deep impact either... taking grenade launcher, 3x he grenade and all that spam stuff is cool.. if u take red dot and deep impact i think u re changing the game too much...

et aim >>> cod aim no doubts about that

the CB ladder config in use atm is cool (remove some bugs only)
That is why i suggested that we should have a chat Tosspot. Apperently trigger and crow didn't get their 100% own ideas in the final ruleset of MCE so they told you that CB and ESL had your back.

It would be wise to have a chat together to come to a mutual agreement so that we don't split up the community.
Kleineman i dont know what makes u think this and goes this way, but ESL is using this config and never agreed to your CFG. Thats a fact and all the time ur saying that they agreed to ur Config was a lie just to make ur ruleset not useless.

Ur idea was great, the work u put in there aswell, but that doesnt mean that ur config HAS to be used by everyone and even if u try so hard as u do right now, they wont do it...

As for ur publicity stuff: Nearly 50 % of the names u got there on the tek9 news about who voted didnt even make a single post on the forum for the rules, didnt even vote aswell. The US guys u named there didnt vote as well, maybe 1 to be fair. And at the end ur saying CB takes ur config in as u have someone in the internal channel with CB Nick on but thats not even a person responsable for the CB ladders.

So whatever u try or go for, stop doing it with lies. As this is simple what ur doing right now.

i hope cdc config will be used
extreme conditioning is fun now, but it will suck when every1 sorts proper tactics out :) turn it off for long run
Bring back deep impact! Don't remove red dot plz.
I don't understand why you removed so many tactical eliminets from CoD4.

I have to say that i also thought some perks/weapons etc where overpowerd. But playing it for a few weeks, i would say only a few optiond are overpowerd.

I think we should only remove stuff when it looks overpowerd in many matches. Do not remove it before your let the community play like it.

Maps are good, i tested them all and these are the best maps for sure. But maybe we should also add pipeline, but that depends on how overpowerd the sniper rifle will be after the patch.
The two things people seem to be splitting over are red dot sight and deep impact

Deep impact I think you should remove it, if you want that perk enabled you should remove hitblips & health regen, as unlike in cs when u get wallbanged your movement slows down, in cod4 u can run away, so people arent going to waste ammo :P

As for the red sight it adds good variation to the game, if people want to see them few pixels extra when iron sighting by using the red dot then let them, but it adds variety to peoples style of play if they chose the silencer attachment for example, players should have the freedom to choose a silencer if they dont want to show up on enemys radar when shooting or laser dot to see them few extra pixels when zoomed in, it adds variety that was something that CS/ET/UT doesn't have, which is the main reason you are finding games against people u don't recognize from cod2

its safe to say everyone that posts on this site wants cod4 to be competitive and hopefully overthrow counter strike as the best fps game in the future, but by removing variety completely you will find that you have gone two steps forward one step back in the long run therefore not benefiting anyone

uhh in a nutshell; I dont see the logic behind removing the laser sight, it doesnt improve your aim, it doesnt remove the recoil etc what it does do is add variety, which is what you need if u want cod4 to be the next big competitive game
spot on lejund.
Omg shit config...
best cfg so far :) except the red dot sight should be on imo ;O
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