CB OC playoffs - UPDATE!

image: cbocThe seeds for the ClanBase OC playoffs are now released. 24 clans are ready for the playoffs and 16 clans are playing qualifiers for the last 8 slots. 4000 euro is up for grabs in the tournament and by the looks of the seeding we will see exciting matches quite early. The seeds are based on what division the clans played in, how they performed in their group and admin input and are very different from the EMS seeds.

The complete playoff three will be published Saturday or Sunday and is a little delayed due to issues with the CB system not supporting 3 divisions going to playoffs. In the playoffs all matches will be fixed, so teams wont be able to schedule their own matches.

In the playoffs there will be played two matches each week for a while (most likely out the year) and there will be a short Christmas break. First match day is expected to be the 9th of December. Predictions will be in the next "Takens take".

You can find the complete seeding and a seeding explanation at ClanBase here: http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?nid=274671&lid=5313


Playoff tree: http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?nid=274738&lid=5313
gl stuka & premi
nice seed @ h2k LoL!
Well the seeds are based on divisions and we signed up long ago as CP before we had roster, was looking like we would have to play with two mercs so we placed our self in 2nd division :)

But think the way they have done the seeding is ok, because few clans are very stable at this point and its hard to find good results to compere clans with.
gl GaB
good luck SPEEDLINK !
nagut, auch SL
Lol, nice playing open cup!
too low seed for 4k and SL and h2k should be higher than komacrew aswell!
4k lost rounds in some of the earlier group matches, so i think it's kinda fair for us - although we have improved a lot since, that can't be taken into account really :p
fckin buddy deleter!
same for me, we are way too low
Mson posted this on irc: http://www.kompaniet.nu/~mson/opencup.htm

Unless CB pulls of something strange brackets should like this.
both are correct, but my bracket is the one cb use :)

the german one is mirrored, but its still same matches
single elimination or with lb ?

dont blame me for being too lazy to read it at this early time :(
I'd guess single elim, double is generally only used for EC, and not always there.
I don't think we can't meet delta in WB2 already, because we met them in the group stage..So I think there is still a slight error in this bracket. Though I wouldn't mind playing in this bracketside anyway.
yep, bracket is okay but adding a loserbracket would make it even better
idd, especially if say, h2k and dignitas met and one got lucky in an early play off stage
looking forward to h2k vs kompaniet. want etqw-tv so bad :/
h2k vs kompa in round 2. But too bad for h2k to put themselves in div2
lol I got nuked o/

but it was a nice pic of seeds
gl GaB
loser brackets make it even more competitive, even though you screw up you still have a 2nd chance and you have to win both maps in a potential final.

I like the upper/lower bracket system.
I'm not sure if CB has time for that. It will give us like 3 more matchweeks. or more.
or force us to play more often >)
sooooo good that we get to drop couple of yber fully sponsored multigayming organisations on our way to victory.
It's "tree" and you should include somewhere, preferably in the beginning of your "news", what kind of game it is about.
ubber right it says etqw
Was in the "esports" catogery first.
gl legion
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