Crossfire QCUP Update #2

image: v4

In anticipation of the publishing of the brackets later this evening we would like to draw your attention to the following updates for the Crossfire QCUP Call of Duty 4 tournament. Please check Crossfire regularly for updates as the tournament progresses!

The amount of signups were overwhelming to say the least and after careful consideration we've decided to increase the team limit to none other than 64 teams!

We've changed the schedule to accommodate the new team limit and the number of matches that have to be played. Every participating team is required to play their matches in the given time frame, any failure to comply might result in a forfeit loss for your team.

However we do encourage all teams to play their Phase 1 matches as soon as possible, so if your opponent for your next match is known you are free to arrange and play your match right away!

Phase 1
Match 1: Wednesday 5th to Saturday 8th December
Match 2: Sunday 9th to Tuesday 11th December
Match 3: Wednesday 12th to Friday 14th December

Phase 2
Quarterfinals: Saturday 15th to Monday 17th December
Semifinals: Tuesday 18th to Thursday 20th December
Grand Final: Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd December

The map selection procedure has been changed to reflect the new schedule. As stated before the first two maps will be chosen by each team, however you can't choose the same map twice during one phase. For example if you choose mp_crossfire for your first match you won't be able to choose it again for your second and third match. The same situation applies to the quarterfinals, semifinals and grand final, so choose wisely, Indy!

The topping of the map cake is the completely impartial drawing of pre-assigned decider maps from the ever so random Crossfire hat:

Phase 1
Match 1: mp_backlot
Match 2: mp_vacant
Match 3: mp_citystreets

Phase 2
Quarterfinals: mp_strike
Semifinals: mp_crash
Grand Final: mp_crossfire

Config and mod
Please see the rules section of the CoD 4 article.
DAMN doesn't work for linux servers yet, unless people install the mod manually on their client. How is this supposed to work as I'm guessing not many teams have windows servers since the linux server has been released a week ago.

Should all the players install DAMN 0.2 on their client for this cup?
The mod is supposed to automatically download when you connect to a properly installed server. If you wish to be on the safe side you are of course welcome to install it on your PC.
Actually, that feature doesn't work yet for linux servers, it's been acknowledged by the linux developers. Anyway, you can indeed put the DAMN 0.2 mod in the standard modwarfare mod which should work (but is not the best way to go).
we have DAM running on our Linex server, no problems at all.
Well Pam is supposed to come tomorrow or atleast the beta so let's w8 for it!:)
Unfortunately with the tight schedule we're running it's impossible to schedule "if" and "perhaps". To avoid having to update servers each few days we decided on one format for the entire tourney.

If the community however feels 100% confident in upgrading to a new version of DAM/PAM/BLAM without any disruptions during the course of this tournament, we can't stay behind obviously. But that's a huge if. :)
Impressive signups for CoD4
Just wait and see until we publish the final numbers. :-p
n1, hf all
why vacant, it's terrible, stick to the good 5 maps.
i 2nd that.
vacant is good map though, its also often played in various other leagues. nice call to use dam, only linux servers could have lil troubles with it.

gl to all participants ^^
mp_citystreets? whats that map ?
ah, ok, thnx<3
isnt damn on 0.3 ?
damn 0.3 works good on linux servers
just install it into the mods/modwarfare folder.

Seeing the mod is now server sided the players need to remove the IWD file from their own mods/modwarfare folder to prevent IWD file conflicts.
DAMN 0.3 is not working with CDC.cfg.

So use DAMN 0.22.
how i can turn on DAMN ? is it command or something?
is there any publication for participating teams ?
or do we have to wait for the brackets to come up ?

maybe someone should write a "how to install mods on cod4 servers" tutorial, i see these questions asked daily, if i knew how i would do it myself, luckily my host did it all for me :p
Worst cup i have ever seen. Our Team (ET QCUP, Fasten Seatbelt) was at the Signups-list but then we were deleted with no comment. 7 players, correct guids. So this is a cup for only progaming clans yes? nice. Fair play ftw.
Did you bother any of the ET admins to answer your questions? I'm sure they were rather busy and weren't able to contact everybody personally. I'd recommend you join #crossfireqcup on QuakeNet and contact an admin there.
nice that the signups limit has been increased x)

gl with the cup admins
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