Warsow QCUP - Round 2

image: v4

I do have to say that the first round of the QCup went surprisingly smooth, with only 2 out of 15 matches being defaulted. (For those people who don't know 1on1 tournaments this is quite a lot)

You have all been very communicative towards me in the last couple of days and I would like to continue this for the rest of the cup.

Congratulations to all you people that made it to round 2 of the Crossfire.nu QCup, for all you people that didn't make it; thank you, it wouldn't have been the same without you.

I have been so nice as create yet another artistic masterpiece, thats right a round 2 bracket and I do have to say that it's alot easier to create a bracket for 32 players then for 64. A more prettier version of the entire bracket (which includes round 1) will be posted early in the morning and that one will be the main bracket for the remainder of the cup. However, do not fear, I will be making more "creative" brackets as we move deeper into the cup.

So without further shennanigans;

image: bracketround2ps8.th

Once again, if you do feel wronged / mistreated about defaults then please contact me in the #crossfireqcup channel on QuakeNet.

As for the rest of you, lets start fragging in round 2!

Netherlands Matt "A_Spec" Hoving
paint skillz

i like your drawing skillz!
the upperpart of the right bracket if way harder then the lower one we got, vicek h1o psyborg lugia, the lower got xhep and jannis :E and also at other side upper is harder too, cause you got tbone bobel loki? havnt seen him play in a while mett sand and bruns :e alot more good players then scoob hyrveli & bongo :E maybe swap around some¿
np,i will win easy!
how fabulous
lolled at brackets:DDDDDDDDDDddd
dSLR abuse. Wanna trade your eos dSLR for my samsung d-compact? Your pictures will stay as good as they are!
Hmmmm....... your offer is tentilising, but I have to say no.
i'll even give you the memory card with the original warsowNL lan photos!
Sadly enough, I do use that camera for other things. Yes I know this is below it's decentcy, but he we all did things that we're not proud of.
True... stuff like buying samsung cameras...
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