Gaming Royalty - Royally Screwed

British multigaming organisation 4kings have today been thrown into turmoil as the roster has been split in two! The teams who were forged together from the old Coolermasters lineup at the end of CoD2 are now in disarray despite both sporting 4kings tags.

On both sides of the split are two long time friends in Ireland Crow and United Kingdom palmz - once both writers for Gotfrag, now on different sides of the Royal family. Palmz & Corp have taken the action to remove Crow, Wiz and junior from their lineup. Of the other 3, crow the only one with his 4k tag on - a move which has angered palmz as wiz and junior 'left gracefully'

With regards to the ongoing QCUP - it is palmz's roster who will continue, the reason being that they've added other players and want to continue. Those players who are crossing the 4kings picket line? None other than United Kingdom Morg, United Kingdom Ben & United Kingdom rico

Rumours on their final lineup see skipz & dales as potential long term recruitments. This story still has a long way to go!
4K management going to love this
Having internal turmoil among players is not really a big deal, but what puzzles me is the lack of action and grasp for control by 4K management.

By such an organization, I would expect better damage control
I imagine things like this can't be sorted immediately, but in such an organisation, i would actually expect players to speak to management as well as players before drastic moves like this..infact in part of any organisation that should happen really.
totally agree..
can' kylie minogue
And this is meant to be the UK's sole "professional" organization.
Oh dear...

MORG :DD<3<3<3
<3 u 2 plaZma
they are going for crysis instead imo
uber game for sure
if you are as skilled as 4k at crysis, the game is uber :)
Let's hope the lineup stays secure for CDC4!
Ohhh the drama..
*handing over the popcorn*
uk cod4 seriously needs to take a look at it's self. gl robert.
oh noes, I will read this to my e-kids as bedtimestory.
cod scene is so unprofessional, unlike css :<
think i might have to bide my time and wait for a spot in an .eu team. sick of the instability of the UK scene, always getting messed about. gl new 4K team though ;)
just a matter of time before they drop everyone and take me & my team
gl junior, n1 leaving so smoothly.
but wtf is happening here lol? 4k rowing, palmz/crow rofl?
gl with the new lineup, always good to see big names like 4k playing a game you play :D
This post made me lol
i say wat happend to the skilled and nice uk players.
Quotesrsly, its not the uk community tht sucks, its the whole cod community that sucks

known players stick with known players, no new players get a chance, thats why all these shit uk teams keep breaking up because its always the same players!! yawn... maybe its also the same in other games and so im not a complete retard to know that but #care - if your team is going to break up 239087289575290870897305972395 times and its full of A B C D and E then find some new gamers build another team rather than 3987314687216487 teams containing ABCandD from a previous team, its that simple!! i mean, how many different teams has palmz played for now, and how many times has that team died, maybe look further than someone being kicked from a "pro clan" and a team might do remotely well, its a sure thing when such players are involved, and no im not picking on palmz, i dont know him and i dont care, im just taking the unfortunate situations he has been put in, same is so with junior and more.. could go on and on, but im bored of being right all the time already, and the only reason i even care to write this post is because tek9 are being slow with announcing competition winners and i keep checking daily so i thought why not.

plz just recruit some new talent and there will be less problems, especially with ego e-pro's, it's that simple. dignitas got it right with ben i beleive in cod2 who was picked up randomly, i might be wrong.
Whilst you're both right and wrong, is there not an easy reason as to why this is happening, you have to prove yourself to get into good teams just as you do in sports?

So what i'm saying is, you gotta get on the CB UK Ladder with the --=[101st]=- airborne !!!!
haha, im not feeling 101st airborne tosspot..

im thinking something more along the lines of:

1st Marine Special Operations Batalion... although its not based on a real team nor have i decided on a tag yet... i feel that we would get further as a team using this name
__MSOB__ vs ::51st::
The Mohamed Care Bears > *
nice fuck up 4K, expected more from such a "big name"
UK gaming is full of gays.

.EU teams are more of a laugh anyway
haha i saw this coming :o but gl to those who left gracefully :) uk teams are unstable and there are more than one reason behind most brakeups :)

but gl 4k :) hope lineup gets sorted need more UK teams not uk e-pro's
too bad such things happen...
hopefully 4K can straighten things up shortly.
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