ETQW 1.4 Patch!

Splash Damage has just announced that the next patch for Enemy Territory: QUAKE WARS is right around the corner. And the list of features and improvements should please everyone and maybe even catch some critics by surprise. The update is numbered 1.4 as 1.3 turned out to be a small update for the Korean version of ETQW. If 1.4 turns out to be released on time and with no major flaws it will be one of the biggest and best patches I can remember for any game I have played.

Santa Damage: "Do you want ETQW-tv or important fixes and improvement for Christmas?”
ETQW kid: "both lolz"
Santa Damage: "hokay!"

With Splash Damage also talking about competition support, (more information on this later) ETQWpro having its first beta build in testing and the first custom map made purely for 6on6 almost ready for testing (Infantry only) it looks like ETQW will get tons of support from both developer and the community. Read on for a list of major features, fixes and improvements in the upcoming update.

New HUD options
"We've also added more flexibility to the HUD, with advanced and simplified HUD modes that reduce or increase HUD complexity based on your preferences."

Added Pause function
"Admins can now pause the game too, making the administration of tournament matches a little easier."

"The new ETQW:TV feature allows hundreds of players to become spectators of tournament matches without impacting the competing player's experience. ETQW:TV has support for Repeater Servers, and Relay Servers (so unlimited additional spectators can view the game). You can configure security at multiple levels (including providing passworded private slots), and adjust the network ports that Repeater Servers use. You can also set a broadcast delay (to stop a spectators from passing on team tactics to competing players), and set repeaters to automatically download content for the servers they connect to (such as custom maps)."

Hit box fix
"Head-shots are much more accurately detected (and require appropriate skill) as a result of a proper head-shot box, while the modifier for location damage is much better tuned headshots will feel less random now."

Weapon balance fix
"In the weapons department, effects for the Sniper Rifle and Railgun are easier to spot (trails are more obvious), and tweaks to the Shotgun, Assault Rifle, and Lacerator, lead to more balanced combat. We've also made small adjustments to the Icarus, Stroybombs, Rocket Launcher lock-on, and Anti-Personnel Turret lock-ons."

MCP fullhold fix
"We've put a lot of thought into solving full-holds on MCP maps too... The MCP no longer takes damage while it's being repaired to its moveable state (making repairs by Engineers slightly less lemming-like), while the MCP driver will no longer die when it does take damage (he can't however use the gun in this state). The MCP will also now auto-deploy once it's in the green zone, removing the frustration that new drivers are not sure what to do."

Bug fixes
"There are dozens of small Bug Fixes in this update, including fixes for poor texture settings, corrupted chat history and saved passwords, servers having incorrect anti-lag settings, offline friends occasionally appearing to be on servers, mouse buttons being swapped when RAW input is used, updated 5.1 and 7.1 sound support, resolved game crashes, solutions for a few game exploits, and smoothed out jittery Bots and Vehicles. A full list will be provided in the 'What's New' with the build."

Other stuff:
-More detailed ending screen
-Bar for decaying objectives
-Auto download of maps and mods
-Network fixes
-Training mode
-Lots more (did only add things I think is relevant for competition)

if i want to use etqwtv i need to have legal game too?
no, they still don't understand that a free TV client would pick up lots of competitive players. (if the game once reaches about 50% of the level of excellence they promised before the beta and ppl would actually care enought to watch a game)

FreeTV client would prolly be the only way to convince ppl the game is actually worth playing.
I think you have to realise the quite how impossible it would be to create a free viewing system for people who dont own the game :P
Not impossible in technical terms, more like they are afraid the free TV client would be used to allow ppl to obtain the game illegaly, just having to patch it to play. Anyone can download the game as a torrent and play on cracked servers, its not rocketscience just like releasing a free TV client isnt.

They should rerelease the demo with ETTV. (and yes i know it wont happen)
it seems, you have no clue
With an argument like that, you got to be right.
free client = piracy inevitable, everything the industry is against... ppl can illegaly download torrent and unlukcily get fined thousands... but there not going to specifically give them that option otherwise... if you havnt got game, watch stream

but i do agree that hardly anyone will be able to watch as they dont own the game
There will always be piracy, no matter how good of a protection you make. Tbh, cracked servers usually have lots of noobs on them and are plagued with cheaters. If you like the game you will eventually buy the real thing.

I know a free TV client is innovative, and although its been promised by a lot of gamedevs, it rarely hits the shelves. Taking risks was never fun, but the game industry could use a few risk takers unless they want to keep on selling the same shit with different gfx over and over again.
"free client = piracy inevitable"

It wouldn't be difficult to develop a special client that's entirely unusable for anything other than watching ETQW-TV, but it would most likely cost them more than they think it's worth in terms of additional sales.
Don't get your hopes down, ET:QW TV viewers do not need to log in, the only thing they need is the game materials.

Q: Are players required to log in to connect to an ET:QW TV server?
A: Nope

Q: Does that mean players can actually watch ET:QW TV without having a playable version of the game?
A: They need to have all the media a regular client would have, in other words, they should have bought the game

Questions by me, answers by SD's senior game designing Edward "bongoboy" Stern
Guess it will depend on the authorization mechanism in the ETQW-tv servers, but any person with a good enough computer to run ETQW and the interest to watch ETQW matches should buy it :) Its not expensive with todays dollar on steam and its a good game for competition and will become a lot better with the upcoming support from mappers, modders and Splash Damge.
really nice.

if they only could balance the game so it could be fun on public aswell :<
There have also been problems with players warping (and other server issues, such as the feeling of lag) caused by a memory leak that we've tracked down and fixed. ETQW should now be a smoother experience for everyone.

It actually looks like a great, major update. can't wait.
can't wait! ETQWTV ftw!
sounds great
Need new pc first :)
I'll wait some months. A lot of new processors coming 1st Q 2008
hoping to have etqwtv for OC final :D
yeha, sounds really great
At last some good news, that 6 on 6 map sounds tasty too
if only they added these features in the first place and never launched any beta version that fucks up the players' opinion about the game, this would've been a very popular game
hope they learned from their mistakes and give us a nice wolfenstein sequel in the future
Awesomely awesome, THATS a patch!
yay. Maybe ETQW shouldnt be put to sleep just yet :)
Looking forward to this patch!
great news :)
now give us the promod and QW will be THE game! :P
sound verry sexy. hope that it will run on my crapy pc better now xD.
i hope etqw will bringt some oldschool et players to play et:qw and some bfplayers too.
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